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Guest Adrian

Changing screens with gauges

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Guest Adrian

Hello my fellow AVSIMMERS,I have been recently trying to make my in-flight data gauge change screens say every 10 seconds using the same bitmap image, with little success so far. For example "Screen 1" should be displayed for 10 seconds (with 3 Element - 3 GaugeText), "Screen 2" displayed for 10 seconds (with 3 Element - 3 GaugeText) and so on... I tried using a local variable (L:ChangeScreenTimer, seconds) and the same variable with type number. Furthermore I even experimented with (E:ABSOLUTE TIME, seconds), both of my methods have not been successful so far. Also I believe my <Update> section of code (given below) might have a bug when it comes to looping the screen number back to the start.Is it even possible to do this or can I "trick" the ACE tool to come up with this effect?Could somebody help me please?ThanksAdrian

   		 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>		 		 <SimBase.Document				 Type="AceXML"				 version="1,0"				 id="InFlightData">			 <Descr>AceXML Document</Descr>			 <Filename>InFlightData.xml</Filename>			 <SimGauge.Gauge id="Gauge" ArtDirectory="C:\Documents and Settings\ADRIAN\My Documents\New Gauges\InFlightEntertainment">				 <FloatPosition>0.000,0.000</FloatPosition>				 <Update_When_Hidden>True</Update_When_Hidden>				 <Image id="InFlightDataScreen.bmp" Name="InFlightDataScreen.bmp">					 <Transparent>True</Transparent>				 </Image>				 <Macro id="Call GPS Routines" Name="c">					 <MacroValue>C:fs9gps</MacroValue>				 </Macro>				 <Macro id="TotalDistanceRem Routine" Name="TotalDistRem">					 <MacroValue>(A:GPS IS ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN,bool) if{ (A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP Count,number) 1 - (>@c:FlightPlanWaypointIndex) (@c:FlightPlanWaypointRemainingTotalDistance,kilometers) }</MacroValue>				 </Macro>				 <Macro id="EstArrivalTime Routine" Name="EstArrivalTime">					 <MacroValue>(A:GPS IS ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN,bool) if{ (A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP Count,number) 1 - (>@c:FlightPlanWaypointIndex) (@c:FlightPlanWaypointETA,minutes) }</MacroValue>				 </Macro>				 <Macro id="TimeSinceDepart Routine" Name="TimeSinceDepart">					 <MacroValue>(A:GPS IS ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN,bool) if{ (A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP Count,number) 1 - (>@c:FlightPlanWaypointIndex) (@c:FlightPlanWaypointATE,minutes) }</MacroValue>				 </Macro>				 <Element id="Display Ground speed">					 <FloatPosition>50.000,60.000</FloatPosition>					 <Visibility>(L:ScreenNumber, number) 0 ==</Visibility>					 <GaugeText id="Ground speed">						 <Bold>True</Bold>						 <Bright>True</Bright>						 <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>						 <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>						 <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>						 <GaugeString>Ground speed			 %((A:GROUND VELOCITY, kph))%!3d! km/h</GaugeString>						 <Length>25</Length>						 <LineSpacing>40.000</LineSpacing>						 <Luminous>True</Luminous>						 <Size>299,40</Size>						 <Transparent>True</Transparent>						 <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>					 </GaugeText>				 </Element>				 <Element id="Display Altitude">					 <FloatPosition>50.000,140.000</FloatPosition>					 <Visibility>(L:ScreenNumber, number) 0 ==</Visibility>					 <GaugeText id="Altitude">						 <Bold>True</Bold>						 <Bright>True</Bright>						 <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>						 <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>						 <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>						 <GaugeString>Altitude						%((A:PLANE ALTITUDE, meters))%!5d! m</GaugeString>						 <Length>27</Length>						 <LineSpacing>40.000</LineSpacing>						 <Luminous>True</Luminous>						 <Size>299,40</Size>						 <Transparent>True</Transparent>						 <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>					 </GaugeText>				 </Element>				 <Element id="Display Outside air temperature">					 <FloatPosition>50.000,220.000</FloatPosition>					 <Visibility>(L:ScreenNumber, number) 0 ==</Visibility>					 <GaugeText id="Outside air temperature">						 <Bold>True</Bold>						 <Bright>True</Bright>						 <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>						 <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>						 <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>						 <GaugeString>Outside air\ntemperature					%((A:AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, celsius))%!3d! \{dplo= } C</GaugeString>						 <Length>31</Length>						 <LineSpacing>35.000</LineSpacing>						 <Luminous>True</Luminous>						 <Multiline>True</Multiline>						 <Size>299,80</Size>						 <Transparent>True</Transparent>						 <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>					 </GaugeText>				 </Element>				 <Element id="Display Distance to destination">					 <FloatPosition>50.000,60.000</FloatPosition>					 <Visibility>(L:ScreenNumber, number) 1 ==</Visibility>					 <GaugeText id="Distance to destination">						 <Bold>True</Bold>						 <Bright>True</Bright>						 <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>						 <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>						 <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>						 <GaugeString>Distance to\ndestination				  %(@TotalDistRem)%!5d! km</GaugeString>						 <Length>31</Length>						 <LineSpacing>35.000</LineSpacing>						 <Luminous>True</Luminous>						 <Multiline>True</Multiline>						 <Size>299,80</Size>						 <Transparent>True</Transparent>						 <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>					 </GaugeText>				 </Element>				 <Element id="Display Estimated arrival time">					 <FloatPosition>50.000,140.000</FloatPosition>					 <Visibility>(L:ScreenNumber, number) 1 ==</Visibility>					 <GaugeText id="Estimated arrival time">						 <Bold>True</Bold>						 <Bright>True</Bright>						 <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>						 <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>						 <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>						 <GaugeString>Estimated\narrival time					%(@EstArrivalTime)%!5d! min</GaugeString>						 <Length>27</Length>						 <LineSpacing>40.000</LineSpacing>						 <Luminous>True</Luminous>						 <Multiline>True</Multiline>						 <Size>299,80</Size>						 <Transparent>True</Transparent>						 <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>					 </GaugeText>				 </Element>				 <Element id="Display Time since departure">					 <FloatPosition>50.000,235.000</FloatPosition>					 <Visibility>(L:ScreenNumber, number) 1 ==</Visibility>					 <GaugeText id="Time since departure">						 <Bold>True</Bold>						 <Bright>True</Bright>						 <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>						 <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>						 <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>						 <GaugeString>Time since\ndeparture					%(@TimeSinceDepart)%!5d! min</GaugeString>						 <Length>27</Length>						 <LineSpacing>40.000</LineSpacing>						 <Luminous>True</Luminous>						 <Multiline>True</Multiline>						 <Size>299,80</Size>						 <Transparent>True</Transparent>						 <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>					 </GaugeText>				 </Element>				 <Update id="Update">					 <script>(L:Initialisation , number) 0 == if{ 0 (>L:ScreenNumber , number) 1 (>L:ChangeScreenTimer , number) 1 (>L:Initialisation , number) } els{ (L:ChangeScreenTimer , number) 10 div (>L:ScreenNumber , number) } (L:ChangeScreenTimer) ++ </Script>				 </Update>			 </SimGauge.Gauge>		 </SimBase.Document>

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Adrian, 1st to start, I'm not totally comfortable with the FSX XML format, nor do I like it compared to FS9 format. But anyway it works just the same. :( I did notice you only have 2 elements ( so far? ) to be switched... you only have <Element><Visible> values of 0 & 1. Following is a tip for "grouping / nesting" when multiple <Elements> are controlled equally. For coding wise and such... (FS9 style )

<Element Name = "VISIBLE SECTION WHEN ZERO" ><Visible>0</Visible>              <Element Name = "My 1st part visible when zero">                   some stuff in here             </Element>              <Element Name = "My 2nd part visible when zero">                   some stuff in here             </Element> </Element><Element Name = "VISIBLE SECTION WHEN ONE" ><Visible>1</Visible>              <Element Name = "My 1st part visible when one">                   some stuff in here             </Element>              <Element Name = "My 2nd part visible when one">                   some stuff in here             </Element> </Element>

Now for the switching part in "psuedo 9 /10 " XML code. Renamed vars for clarity. CAUTION!!! on some of my old code timing structures donot work no more as FS9 absolute time seems like it's DECREASING!! ( still working, testing, verifying this when I have time, so donot quote me on this ) This code "should" handle it both ways.

<Update id="Update"><script><!-- Initialize all vars on 1st read & set INI to 1, set timer, 1st screen is already set @ 0 -->(L:INI , number) 0 == if{ 1 (>L:INI , number) 10 (P:Absolute Time, Seconds) + (>L:Timer, Seconds) }<!-- Do stuff once intialized -->(L:INI , number) 1 == if{ <!-- Trigger stuff once timer is up -->(L:Timer, Seconds) (P:Absolute Time, Seconds) - abs 10 > if{ <!-- Reset trigger timing -->10 (P:Absolute Time, Seconds) + (>L:Timer, Seconds) <!-- Increment visible values ( USING 3 visibles here ( 0-2 ) -->(L:Screen, number) 2 == if{ 0  (>L:Screen, number) } els{(L:Screen, number) ++ (>L:Screen, number) }}}</Script></Update>

There is probably a more efficient way to do this & it has not been tested fully, basic code/struture has. Anyway...Hope this helps, Roman

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Guest Adrian

Thanks Roman for the very helpful solution, much appreciated.I tried another approach to my problem and put <select> and <case> statements for each <GaugeText> item I want to display. Will try your method and mine and I will see how it goes.CheersAdrian

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Guest Adrian

Hello everybody,I am still confused as to why my gauge is not changing screens via a timer.As you explained Roman that I should use nested <Element> structures with the appropriate <Visiibility> condition and the use of an <Update> script to control the timing of screens using (P:Absolute time, seconds). Furthermore you mentioned that "trigger stuff once timer is up", do I have to write code that points to my <Element>, <GaugeText> tags or just a comment that explained the proceeding statement of code.When I tried out your solution it still stays on "Screen 0" and does not proceed to the next screen let alone loop.The (P:Absolute time, seconds) variable stays at 0 or a negative number when used :( . I then proceeded to use (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) as it did show when testing the time incrementing.Here below is the XML code for the project. Any bugs?I experimented with some code with the <Update> script using (E:LOCAL TIME) given below in infix notation.XML code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><SimBase.Document        Type="AceXML"        version="1,0"        id="InFlightData">    <Descr>AceXML Document</Descr>    <Filename>InFlightData.xml</Filename>    <SimGauge.Gauge id="Gauge" ArtDirectory="C:\Documents and Settings\ADRIAN\My Documents\New Gauges\InFlightEntertainment">        <FloatPosition>0.000,0.000</FloatPosition>        <Update_When_Hidden>True</Update_When_Hidden>        <Image id="InFlightDataScreen.bmp" Name="InFlightDataScreen.bmp">            <Transparent>True</Transparent>        </Image>        <Macro id="Call GPS Routines" Name="c">            <MacroValue>C:fs9gps</MacroValue>        </Macro>        <Macro id="TotalDistanceRem Routine" Name="TotalDistRem">            <MacroValue>(A:GPS IS ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN,bool) if{ (A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP Count,number) 1 - (>@c:FlightPlanWaypointIndex) (@c:FlightPlanWaypointRemainingTotalDistance,kilometers) }</MacroValue>        </Macro>        <Macro id="EstArrivalTime Routine" Name="EstArrivalTime">            <MacroValue>(A:GPS IS ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN,bool) if{ (A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP Count,number) 1 - (>@c:FlightPlanWaypointIndex) (@c:FlightPlanWaypointETA,minutes) }</MacroValue>        </Macro>        <Macro id="TimeSinceDepart Routine" Name="TimeSinceDepart">            <MacroValue>(A:GPS IS ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN,bool) if{ (A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP Count,number) 1 - (>@c:FlightPlanWaypointIndex) (@c:FlightPlanWaypointATE,minutes) }</MacroValue>        </Macro>        <Update id="Update">            <script>(L:Init, number) 0 == if{ 0 (>L:ScreenNumber, number) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) (>L:Timer, seconds) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) 10 + (>L:Next, seconds) 1 (>L:Init, number) } els{ (L:Next, seconds) (L:Timer, seconds) (L:Next, seconds) == (L:ScreenNumber, number) 2 == && if{ 0 -- (>L:ScreenNumber, number) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) 10 + (>L:Next, seconds) } els{ (L:Timer, seconds) (L:Next, seconds) == if{ (L:ScreenNumber, seconds) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) 10 + ++ (>L:Next, seconds) } } } </Script>        </Update>        <Element id="Screen0">            <FloatPosition>0.000,0.000</FloatPosition>            <Visibility>(L:ScreenNumber, number) 0 ==</Visibility>            <Element id="Display Ground speed">                <FloatPosition>50.000,60.000</FloatPosition>                <GaugeText id="Ground speed">                    <Bold>True</Bold>                    <Bright>True</Bright>                    <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>                    <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>                    <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>                    <GaugeString>Ground speed             %((A:GROUND VELOCITY, kph))%!3d! km/h</GaugeString>                    <Length>25</Length>                    <LineSpacing>40.000</LineSpacing>                    <Luminous>True</Luminous>                    <Size>299,40</Size>                    <Transparent>True</Transparent>                    <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>                </GaugeText>            </Element>            <Element id="Display Altitude">                <FloatPosition>50.000,140.000</FloatPosition>                <GaugeText id="Altitude">                    <Bold>True</Bold>                    <Bright>True</Bright>                    <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>                    <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>                    <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>                    <GaugeString>Altitude                        %((A:PLANE ALTITUDE, meters))%!5d! m</GaugeString>                    <Length>27</Length>                    <LineSpacing>40.000</LineSpacing>                    <Luminous>True</Luminous>                    <Size>299,40</Size>                    <Transparent>True</Transparent>                    <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>                </GaugeText>            </Element>            <Element id="Display Outside air temperature">                <FloatPosition>50.000,220.000</FloatPosition>                <GaugeText id="Outside air temperature">                    <Bold>True</Bold>                    <Bright>True</Bright>                    <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>                    <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>                    <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>                    <GaugeString>Outside air\ntemperature                    %((A:AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, celsius))%!3d! \{dplo= }C</GaugeString>                    <Length>31</Length>                    <LineSpacing>35.000</LineSpacing>                    <Luminous>True</Luminous>                    <Multiline>True</Multiline>                    <Size>299,80</Size>                    <Transparent>True</Transparent>                    <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>                </GaugeText>            </Element>        </Element>        <Element id="Screen1">            <FloatPosition>0.000,0.000</FloatPosition>            <Visibility>(L:ScreenNumber, number) 1 ==</Visibility>            <Element id="Display Distance to destination">                <FloatPosition>50.000,60.000</FloatPosition>                <GaugeText id="Distance to destination">                    <Bold>True</Bold>                    <Bright>True</Bright>                    <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>                    <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>                    <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>                    <GaugeString>Distance to\ndestination                  %(@TotalDistRem)%!5d! km</GaugeString>                    <Length>31</Length>                    <LineSpacing>35.000</LineSpacing>                    <Luminous>True</Luminous>                    <Multiline>True</Multiline>                    <Size>299,80</Size>                    <Transparent>True</Transparent>                    <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>                </GaugeText>            </Element>            <Element id="Display Estimated arrival time">                <FloatPosition>50.000,140.000</FloatPosition>                <GaugeText id="Estimated arrival time">                    <Bold>True</Bold>                    <Bright>True</Bright>                    <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>                    <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>                    <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>                    <GaugeString>Estimated\narrival time                    %(@EstArrivalTime)%!5d! min</GaugeString>                    <Length>27</Length>                    <LineSpacing>40.000</LineSpacing>                    <Luminous>True</Luminous>                    <Multiline>True</Multiline>                    <Size>299,80</Size>                    <Transparent>True</Transparent>                    <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>                </GaugeText>            </Element>            <Element id="Display Time since departure">                <FloatPosition>50.000,235.000</FloatPosition>                <GaugeText id="Time since departure">                    <Bold>True</Bold>                    <Bright>True</Bright>                    <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>                    <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>                    <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>                    <GaugeString>Time since\ndeparture                    %(@TimeSinceDepart)%!5d! min</GaugeString>                    <Length>27</Length>                    <LineSpacing>40.000</LineSpacing>                    <Luminous>True</Luminous>                    <Multiline>True</Multiline>                    <Size>299,80</Size>                    <Transparent>True</Transparent>                    <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>                </GaugeText>            </Element>        </Element>    </SimGauge.Gauge></SimBase.Document>

and the infix code:

if ((L:Init, number) == 0) {    (L:ScreenNumber, number) = 0;    (L:Timer, seconds) = (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds);    (L:Next, seconds) = (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) + 10;    (L:Init, number) = 1;} else {    (L:Next, seconds)--;    if (((L:Timer, seconds) == (L:Next, seconds)) && ((L:ScreenNumber, number) == 2)) {        (L:ScreenNumber, number) = 0;        (L:Next, seconds) = (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) + 10;    } else {        if ((L:Timer, seconds) == (L:Next, seconds)) {            (L:ScreenNumber, seconds)++;            (L:Next, seconds) = (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) + 10;        }    }}

Is the XML code a top down language? If not, does that mean I can place my tags in any order?Does the <Update> tag run at the same time as <Element>, @Macro etc. or before?Adrian

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Is the XML code a top down language? If not, does that mean I can place my tags in any order?Does the <Update> tag run at the same time as <Element>, @Macro etc. or before?
This is how i do it, in general it is top --> bottom.-For general coding style it's best to have Macros the very top but just below the background image (if there). Easier to find / track. -Have the update section next. You want to update all the data before you display/control something. The order you do the coding in update is very important in complex gauges.-Element sections next, display(s), switches etc...-Area/Mouse section at the end.In the update section code I did find a few bugs, including one of my own. ( Sorry :( ) I noticed these,- (L:ScreenNumber, number) (L:ScreenNumber, seconds) might work, probably not though, better just to keep value type the same.- It's not a good idea to have a timer to equal time to trigger something. 3.1234 seconds is not the same as 3.1235. Better to find the difference and trigger when larger than a value. ( That's where I bugged it :( )- Donot know what this is or what you were trying.......... && if{ 0 -- (>L:ScreenNumber, number) ..... or (L:ScreenNumber, seconds) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) 10 + ++ (>L:Next, seconds)Anyway keep plugging at it, it'll come to you. :( When things donot work after many tries sometimes I get further away from the intended code. Best just start from scratch again. B) Attached is a text file with both FS9 (tested fully) and FSX (not tested) code for the update section. Should be able to just copy and paste into your gauge. I kept the variable names the same as yours. Hope it helps.UPDATE - the forum wont upload it so it's here in the codebox..Watch spaces when copiing....
<!-- FS9 --><Update>(L:Init, number) 0 == if{ (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) (>L:Timer, seconds) 1 (>L:Init, number) } (L:Init, number) 1 == if{ (L:Timer, Seconds) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) - abs 10 > if{ (L:ScreenNumber, number) 2 == if{ 0 (>L:ScreenNumber, number) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) (>L:Timer, seconds) } els{ (L:ScreenNumber, number) ++ (>L:ScreenNumber, number) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) (>L:Timer, seconds) } } }</Update>        <!-- FSX --><Update id="Update"><script>(L:Init, number) 0 == if{ (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) (>L:Timer, seconds) 1 (>L:Init, number) } (L:Init, number) 1 == if{ (L:Timer, Seconds) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) - abs 10 > if{ (L:ScreenNumber, number) 2 == if{ 0 (>L:ScreenNumber, number) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) (>L:Timer, seconds) } els{ (L:ScreenNumber, number) ++ (>L:ScreenNumber, number) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) (>L:Timer, seconds) } } }</Script></Update>        


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Guest Adrian

Thanks again Roman for the tips and the words of encouragement :( . I probably a real pest to everybody with these posts. It's lucky that I have'nt gone nuts over this part of the project. I am hoping when I get this changing of screens going ok, then I can proceed into using a 2D map of the world to map the flight plan, which I think it would be cool. :( . When this project is hopefully done i will release it to download.Does anybody do any beta testing on gauges? I might scare people off because it took me ages to get to this stage :( .Adrian

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Guest Adrian

That was the functionality I needed to change screens thats a million. Now I can generalise the code to any number of screens.Now no more blisters on my brain :)Adrian

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Guest Adrian

RomanIs this what you meant about the timing resetting back to 10 seconds, after (L:Init, number) == 1 always?10 (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) + (>L:Timer, seconds)Adrian

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Adrian, No I had posted my test code where i reduced the timing to 3 seconds before a switch..... (L:Timer, Seconds) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) - abs 3 > ....I edited the post to put it back to 10.... (L:Timer, Seconds) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) - abs 10 > .... Hope I didn't confuse you.Roman

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