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Airbus A-300 Series in FLightsim.com! Any feedback yet?

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Guest Vulcho

Hey Ali.Had a spin. Great plane. A few things: The right wing slat texture flickers. The texture in the cabin behind the passenger door (Shift+E=1) facing the cockpit also flickers. When the door is opened, you can see through as if both forward doors are open, but only one opens.Great job sir. Nice plane indeed.


Thank you for the comments. I'm currently working on an update which would fix all niggling issues and improve the overall design. This update won't be released anytime sooner as I'm currently preparing for my exams next month. I'll be releasing a patch which will remove the inbuilt scenery from the aircraft in a couple of days though. Just keep sending in your feedback and observations and I'll implement them on my second update. I apologise for the incovenience. I've released a fix for the right wing and PAX door night textures. Just click away to my site to download them.www.flightsimpakistan.com/air/300.htm Best Regards,Ali


What other software, if needed, and/or where do you have to be to get the interior shots, i.e. flight deck door opening, projector screen, cabin areas, etc. I believe the commands were/are Shift+T, Shift+F, Ctrl+Shift+C, and Ctrl+Shift+V.Also, everybody likes "eye-candy" and I like all the reality around the plane as it sits on the tarmac, but was curious about one thing.I turn my landing lights on when I'm given clearance to taxi unto the active runway for take-off.The only problem is when the landing lights are OFF, the tow tractor is hooked up and I have to drag him to the runway during taxi mode. Am I correct in this or what?To Ali...great looking aircraft being it's your first shot. I'm sure you will work out any of the bugs still existing. Good Luck on your test.


I'm currently working on a major update which'll fix all issues. Just keep your observations coming in and will implement them on my next release. If you wish to remove the inbuilt scenery, you can download the NO-INBUILT SCENERY PATCH from my website. www.flightsimpakistan.com . I appreciate your patience and understanding.

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