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Guest Adrian

Another Rotating Bitmaps Question

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Guest Adrian

Hello everybody,I recently got back into gauge development and was wondering if somebody could help me with a plane icon on the default fs9gps map element which does not rotate it. I have customised my map with Trackup=0 (North facing up). My issues are: 1. I cannot get my plane icon to be at the departure airport by default. Do I have to some fancy calculation like how many nm in a pixel or is it more simpler? 2. When I attempted to place a <rotation> and/or <nonlinearity> tag it seem my plane is moving but the plane bitmap is in the wrong position or am I using my rotation tags incorrectly? 3. When I scale my airplane icon in the <Element> attribute does my <axis> position automatically get calculated?Any simple tips for future reference of how to use bitmaps in rotations and/or general information in what to look out for because I have tried to emulate some of the features in the gps500.xml?Here is the code for my issues:

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>      <SimBase.Document		   Type="AceXML"		   version="1,0"		   id="InFlightData">	   <Descr>AceXML Document</Descr>	   <Filename>InFlightData.xml</Filename>	   <SimGauge.Gauge id="Gauge" ArtDirectory="C:\Documents and Settings\Adrian Zagarowski\My Documents\New Gauges">		   <FloatPosition>0.000,0.000</FloatPosition>		   <Update_When_Hidden>True</Update_When_Hidden>		   <Image id="InFlightDataScreen.bmp" Name="InFlightDataScreen.bmp">			   <Transparent>True</Transparent>		   </Image>		   <Macro id="Call GPS Routines" Name="c">			   <MacroValue>C:fs9gps</MacroValue>		   </Macro>		   <Macro id="Call GPS_2D_Map Routines" Name="g">			   <MacroValue>C:fs9gps:1</MacroValue>		   </Macro>		   <Update id="Distance_To_Destination_Calculations">			   <script>(A:GPS IS ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN, bool) if{ (A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP Count, number) 1 - (>@c:FlightPlanWaypointIndex) (@c:FlightPlanWaypointRemainingTotalDistance, kilometers) (>L:DistToDest, kilometers) } </Script>		   </Update>		   <Update id="Estimated_Remaining_Flight_Time_ Calculations">			   <script>(A:GPS IS ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN, bool) if{ (A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP Count, number) 1 - (>@c:FlightPlanWaypointIndex) (@c:FlightPlanWaypointEstimatedTimeRemaining, hours) (>L:FlyingTimeLeftHours, hours) (@c:FlightPlanWaypointEstimatedTimeRemaining, minutes) flr 60 % (>L:FlyingTimeLeftMinutes, minutes) } </Script>		   </Update>		   <Update id="Time_At_Destination_Calculations">			   <script>(A:GPS IS ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN, bool) if{ (A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP Count, number) 1 - (>@c:FlightPlanWaypointIndex) (@c:FlightPlanDestinationLongitude) (>L:DestLongitude, degrees) (@c:FlightPlanWaypointTimeZoneDeviation, hours) (>L:TimeDiffHours, hours) (@c:FlightPlanWaypointTimeZoneDeviation, minutes) flr 60 % (>L:TimeDiffMinutes, minutes) (L:DestLongitude, degrees) 0 == if{ (E:ZULU TIME, hours) (>L:DestTimeHours, hours) (E:ZULU TIME, minutes) flr 60 % (>L:DestTimeMinutes, minutes) } els{ (L:DestLongitude, degrees) 0 > if{ (E:ZULU TIME, hours) (L:TimeDiffHours, hours) + 24 >= if{ (E:ZULU TIME, hours) (L:TimeDiffHours, hours) + 24 - (>L:DestTimeHours, hours) } els{ (E:ZULU TIME, hours) (L:TimeDiffHours, hours) + (>L:DestTimeHours, hours) } (E:ZULU TIME, minutes) flr 60 % (L:TimeDiffMinutes, minutes) + (>L:DestTimeMinutes, minutes) } els{ (E:ZULU TIME, hours) (L:TimeDiffHours, hours) >= if{ (E:ZULU TIME, hours) (L:TimeDiffHours, hours) - (>L:DestTimeHours, hours) } els{ (E:ZULU TIME, hours) 24 + (L:TimeDiffHours, hours) - (>L:DestTimeHours, hours) } (E:ZULU TIME, minutes) flr 60 % (L:TimeDiffMinutes, minutes) - (>L:DestTimeMinutes, minutes) } } </Script>		   </Update>		   <Update id="UpdateScreens">			   <script>(L:Init, number) 0 == if{ (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) (>L:Timer, seconds) 1 (>L:Init, number) 1 (>L:ScreenNumber, number) } (L:Init, number) 1 == if{ (L:Timer, seconds) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) - abs 10 > if{ (L:ScreenNumber, number) 4 == if{ 1 (>L:ScreenNumber, number) 0 (>L:Init, number) } els{ (L:ScreenNumber, number) 1 + (>L:ScreenNumber, number) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) (>L:Timer, seconds) } } } </Script>		   </Update>		   <Element id="Screen1">			   <FloatPosition>0.000,0.000</FloatPosition>			   <Visibility>(L:ScreenNumber, number) 1 == (L:ScreenNumber, number) 4 == ||</Visibility>			   <Element id="Display Distance to destination">				   <FloatPosition>50.000,60.000</FloatPosition>				   <GaugeText id="Distance to destination">					   <Bold>True</Bold>					   <Bright>True</Bright>					   <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>					   <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>					   <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>					   <GaugeString>Distance to\ndestination				  %((L:DistToDest, kilometers))%!-5d! km</GaugeString>					   <Length>31</Length>					   <LineSpacing>35.000</LineSpacing>					   <Luminous>True</Luminous>					   <Multiline>True</Multiline>					   <Size>299,80</Size>					   <Transparent>True</Transparent>					   <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>				   </GaugeText>			   </Element>			   <Element id="Display Estimated arrival time">				   <FloatPosition>50.000,150.000</FloatPosition>				   <GaugeText id="Estimated arrival time">					   <Bold>True</Bold>					   <Bright>True</Bright>					   <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>					   <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>					   <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>					   <GaugeString>Estimated\narrival time					  %((L:FlyingTimeLeftHours, hours))%!02d! : %((L:FlyingTimeLeftMinutes, minutes))%!02d!</GaugeString>					   <Length>27</Length>					   <LineSpacing>40.000</LineSpacing>					   <Luminous>True</Luminous>					   <Multiline>True</Multiline>					   <Size>299,80</Size>					   <Transparent>True</Transparent>					   <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>				   </GaugeText>			   </Element>			   <Element id="Display Time at destination">				   <FloatPosition>50.000,245.000</FloatPosition>				   <GaugeText id="Time at destination">					   <Bold>True</Bold>					   <Bright>True</Bright>					   <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>					   <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>					   <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>					   <GaugeString>Time at\ndestination					  %((L:DestTimeHours, hours))%!02d! : %((L:DestTimeMinutes, minutes))%!02d!</GaugeString>					   <Length>27</Length>					   <LineSpacing>40.000</LineSpacing>					   <Luminous>True</Luminous>					   <Multiline>True</Multiline>					   <Size>299,80</Size>					   <Transparent>True</Transparent>					   <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>				   </GaugeText>			   </Element>		   </Element>		   <Element id="Screen2">			   <FloatPosition>0.000,0.000</FloatPosition>			   <Visibility>(L:ScreenNumber, number) 2 ==</Visibility>			   <Element id="Display Ground speed">				   <FloatPosition>50.000,60.000</FloatPosition>				   <GaugeText id="Ground speed">					   <Bold>True</Bold>					   <Bright>True</Bright>					   <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>					   <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>					   <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>					   <GaugeString>Ground speed			 %((A:GROUND VELOCITY, kph))%!-3d! km/h</GaugeString>					   <Length>25</Length>					   <LineSpacing>40.000</LineSpacing>					   <Luminous>True</Luminous>					   <Size>299,40</Size>					   <Transparent>True</Transparent>					   <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>				   </GaugeText>			   </Element>			   <Element id="Display Altitude">				   <FloatPosition>50.000,140.000</FloatPosition>				   <GaugeText id="Altitude">					   <Bold>True</Bold>					   <Bright>True</Bright>					   <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>					   <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>					   <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>					   <GaugeString>Altitude						 %((A:PLANE ALTITUDE, meters))%!-5d! m</GaugeString>					   <Length>27</Length>					   <LineSpacing>40.000</LineSpacing>					   <Luminous>True</Luminous>					   <Size>299,40</Size>					   <Transparent>True</Transparent>					   <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>				   </GaugeText>			   </Element>			   <Element id="Display Outside air temperature">				   <FloatPosition>50.000,220.000</FloatPosition>				   <GaugeText id="Outside air temperature">					   <Bold>True</Bold>					   <Bright>True</Bright>					   <Fixed>True</Fixed>					   <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>					   <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>					   <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>					   <GaugeString>Outside air\ntemperature					 %((A:AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, celsius))%!-3d! \{dplo= } C</GaugeString>					   <Length>31</Length>					   <LineSpacing>35.000</LineSpacing>					   <Luminous>True</Luminous>					   <Multiline>True</Multiline>					   <Size>299,80</Size>					   <Transparent>True</Transparent>					   <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>				   </GaugeText>			   </Element>		   </Element>		   <Element id="Screen3">			   <FloatPosition>30.000,30.000</FloatPosition>			   <Visibility>(L:ScreenNumber, number) 3 ==</Visibility>			   <CustomDraw id="CustomDraw" Name="fs9gps:1:map">				   <Size>340,320</Size>				   <Bright>True</Bright>				   <CustomDrawParam id="UpdateAlways" Name="UpdateAlways">					   <Value>1</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="Heading" Name="Heading">					   <Value>(A:GPS GROUND TRUE TRACK, Radians)</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="TrackUp" Name="TrackUp">					   <Value>0</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="Bright" Name="Bright">					   <Value>1</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="Zoom" Name="Zoom">					   <Value>926000</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="Latitude" Name="Latitude">					   <Value>(A:GPS POSITION LAT, Radians)</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="Longitude" Name="Longitude">					   <Value>(A:GPS POSITION LON, Radians)</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="LayerTerrain" Name="LayerTerrain">					   <Value>1</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="DetailLayerTerrain" Name="DetailLayerTerrain">					   <Value>3</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="TerrainShadow" Name="TerrainShadow">					   <Value>1</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="LayerBorders" Name="LayerBorders">					   <Value>1</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="DetailLayerBorders" Name="DetailLayerBorders">					   <Value>1</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="LayerFlightPlan" Name="LayerFlightPlan">					   <Value>1</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="FlightPlanLineWidth" Name="FlightPlanLineWidth">					   <Value>2.5</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="ActiveColorLayerFlightPlan" Name="ActiveColorLayerFlightPlan">					   <Value>0x7010B0</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="ColorLayerFlightPlan" Name="ColorLayerFlightPlan">					   <Value>0xF0F0F0</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>			   </CustomDraw>		   </Element>		   <Element id="Screen3_AircraftIcon">			   <FloatPosition>156.000,139.000</FloatPosition>			   <Visibility>(L:ScreenNumber, number) 3 ==</Visibility>			   <SizeScale>0.250</SizeScale>			   <MaskImage id="airplane_icon_mod.bmp" Name="airplane_icon_mod.bmp">				   <Axis>212.000,224.000</Axis>				   <Transparent>True</Transparent>			   </MaskImage>			   <Rotation id="Rotation">				   <PointsTo>NORTH</PointsTo>				   <Expression id="Expression">					   <Minimum>-60.000</Minimum>					   <Maximum>60.000</Maximum>					   <script>(A:GPS GROUND TRUE TRACK, Degrees)</Script>				   </Expression>			   </Rotation>		   </Element>	   </SimGauge.Gauge>   </SimBase.Document>

I have attached an screenshot of my moving mapAlso one more question does anyone know any where to get good freeware airplane icons?CheersAdrian

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Hello everybody,I recently got back into gauge development and was wondering if somebody could help me with a plane icon on the default fs9gps map element which does not rotate it. I have customised my map with Trackup=0 (North facing up). My issues are: 1. I cannot get my plane icon to be at the departure airport by default. Do I have to some fancy calculation like how many nm in a pixel or is it more simpler? 2. When I attempted to place a <rotation> and/or <nonlinearity> tag it seem my plane is moving but the plane bitmap is in the wrong position or am I using my rotation tags incorrectly? 3. When I scale my airplane icon in the <Element> attribute does my <axis> position automatically get calculated?Any simple tips for future reference of how to use bitmaps in rotations and/or general information in what to look out for because I have tried to emulate some of the features in the gps500.xml?Here is the code for my issues:
   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>      <SimBase.Document		   Type="AceXML"		   version="1,0"		   id="InFlightData">	   <Descr>AceXML Document</Descr>	   <Filename>InFlightData.xml</Filename>	   <SimGauge.Gauge id="Gauge" ArtDirectory="C:\Documents and Settings\Adrian Zagarowski\My Documents\New Gauges">		   <FloatPosition>0.000,0.000</FloatPosition>		   <Update_When_Hidden>True</Update_When_Hidden>		   <Image id="InFlightDataScreen.bmp" Name="InFlightDataScreen.bmp">			   <Transparent>True</Transparent>		   </Image>		   <Macro id="Call GPS Routines" Name="c">			   <MacroValue>C:fs9gps</MacroValue>		   </Macro>		   <Macro id="Call GPS_2D_Map Routines" Name="g">			   <MacroValue>C:fs9gps:1</MacroValue>		   </Macro>		   <Update id="Distance_To_Destination_Calculations">			   <script>(A:GPS IS ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN, bool) if{ (A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP Count, number) 1 - (>@c:FlightPlanWaypointIndex) (@c:FlightPlanWaypointRemainingTotalDistance, kilometers) (>L:DistToDest, kilometers) } </Script>		   </Update>		   <Update id="Estimated_Remaining_Flight_Time_ Calculations">			   <script>(A:GPS IS ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN, bool) if{ (A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP Count, number) 1 - (>@c:FlightPlanWaypointIndex) (@c:FlightPlanWaypointEstimatedTimeRemaining, hours) (>L:FlyingTimeLeftHours, hours) (@c:FlightPlanWaypointEstimatedTimeRemaining, minutes) flr 60 % (>L:FlyingTimeLeftMinutes, minutes) } </Script>		   </Update>		   <Update id="Time_At_Destination_Calculations">			   <script>(A:GPS IS ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN, bool) if{ (A:GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP Count, number) 1 - (>@c:FlightPlanWaypointIndex) (@c:FlightPlanDestinationLongitude) (>L:DestLongitude, degrees) (@c:FlightPlanWaypointTimeZoneDeviation, hours) (>L:TimeDiffHours, hours) (@c:FlightPlanWaypointTimeZoneDeviation, minutes) flr 60 % (>L:TimeDiffMinutes, minutes) (L:DestLongitude, degrees) 0 == if{ (E:ZULU TIME, hours) (>L:DestTimeHours, hours) (E:ZULU TIME, minutes) flr 60 % (>L:DestTimeMinutes, minutes) } els{ (L:DestLongitude, degrees) 0 > if{ (E:ZULU TIME, hours) (L:TimeDiffHours, hours) + 24 >= if{ (E:ZULU TIME, hours) (L:TimeDiffHours, hours) + 24 - (>L:DestTimeHours, hours) } els{ (E:ZULU TIME, hours) (L:TimeDiffHours, hours) + (>L:DestTimeHours, hours) } (E:ZULU TIME, minutes) flr 60 % (L:TimeDiffMinutes, minutes) + (>L:DestTimeMinutes, minutes) } els{ (E:ZULU TIME, hours) (L:TimeDiffHours, hours) >= if{ (E:ZULU TIME, hours) (L:TimeDiffHours, hours) - (>L:DestTimeHours, hours) } els{ (E:ZULU TIME, hours) 24 + (L:TimeDiffHours, hours) - (>L:DestTimeHours, hours) } (E:ZULU TIME, minutes) flr 60 % (L:TimeDiffMinutes, minutes) - (>L:DestTimeMinutes, minutes) } } </Script>		   </Update>		   <Update id="UpdateScreens">			   <script>(L:Init, number) 0 == if{ (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) (>L:Timer, seconds) 1 (>L:Init, number) 1 (>L:ScreenNumber, number) } (L:Init, number) 1 == if{ (L:Timer, seconds) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) - abs 10 > if{ (L:ScreenNumber, number) 4 == if{ 1 (>L:ScreenNumber, number) 0 (>L:Init, number) } els{ (L:ScreenNumber, number) 1 + (>L:ScreenNumber, number) (E:LOCAL TIME, seconds) (>L:Timer, seconds) } } } </Script>		   </Update>		   <Element id="Screen1">			   <FloatPosition>0.000,0.000</FloatPosition>			   <Visibility>(L:ScreenNumber, number) 1 == (L:ScreenNumber, number) 4 == ||</Visibility>			   <Element id="Display Distance to destination">				   <FloatPosition>50.000,60.000</FloatPosition>				   <GaugeText id="Distance to destination">					   <Bold>True</Bold>					   <Bright>True</Bright>					   <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>					   <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>					   <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>					   <GaugeString>Distance to\ndestination				  %((L:DistToDest, kilometers))%!-5d! km</GaugeString>					   <Length>31</Length>					   <LineSpacing>35.000</LineSpacing>					   <Luminous>True</Luminous>					   <Multiline>True</Multiline>					   <Size>299,80</Size>					   <Transparent>True</Transparent>					   <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>				   </GaugeText>			   </Element>			   <Element id="Display Estimated arrival time">				   <FloatPosition>50.000,150.000</FloatPosition>				   <GaugeText id="Estimated arrival time">					   <Bold>True</Bold>					   <Bright>True</Bright>					   <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>					   <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>					   <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>					   <GaugeString>Estimated\narrival time					  %((L:FlyingTimeLeftHours, hours))%!02d! : %((L:FlyingTimeLeftMinutes, minutes))%!02d!</GaugeString>					   <Length>27</Length>					   <LineSpacing>40.000</LineSpacing>					   <Luminous>True</Luminous>					   <Multiline>True</Multiline>					   <Size>299,80</Size>					   <Transparent>True</Transparent>					   <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>				   </GaugeText>			   </Element>			   <Element id="Display Time at destination">				   <FloatPosition>50.000,245.000</FloatPosition>				   <GaugeText id="Time at destination">					   <Bold>True</Bold>					   <Bright>True</Bright>					   <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>					   <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>					   <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>					   <GaugeString>Time at\ndestination					  %((L:DestTimeHours, hours))%!02d! : %((L:DestTimeMinutes, minutes))%!02d!</GaugeString>					   <Length>27</Length>					   <LineSpacing>40.000</LineSpacing>					   <Luminous>True</Luminous>					   <Multiline>True</Multiline>					   <Size>299,80</Size>					   <Transparent>True</Transparent>					   <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>				   </GaugeText>			   </Element>		   </Element>		   <Element id="Screen2">			   <FloatPosition>0.000,0.000</FloatPosition>			   <Visibility>(L:ScreenNumber, number) 2 ==</Visibility>			   <Element id="Display Ground speed">				   <FloatPosition>50.000,60.000</FloatPosition>				   <GaugeText id="Ground speed">					   <Bold>True</Bold>					   <Bright>True</Bright>					   <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>					   <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>					   <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>					   <GaugeString>Ground speed			 %((A:GROUND VELOCITY, kph))%!-3d! km/h</GaugeString>					   <Length>25</Length>					   <LineSpacing>40.000</LineSpacing>					   <Luminous>True</Luminous>					   <Size>299,40</Size>					   <Transparent>True</Transparent>					   <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>				   </GaugeText>			   </Element>			   <Element id="Display Altitude">				   <FloatPosition>50.000,140.000</FloatPosition>				   <GaugeText id="Altitude">					   <Bold>True</Bold>					   <Bright>True</Bright>					   <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>					   <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>					   <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>					   <GaugeString>Altitude						 %((A:PLANE ALTITUDE, meters))%!-5d! m</GaugeString>					   <Length>27</Length>					   <LineSpacing>40.000</LineSpacing>					   <Luminous>True</Luminous>					   <Size>299,40</Size>					   <Transparent>True</Transparent>					   <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>				   </GaugeText>			   </Element>			   <Element id="Display Outside air temperature">				   <FloatPosition>50.000,220.000</FloatPosition>				   <GaugeText id="Outside air temperature">					   <Bold>True</Bold>					   <Bright>True</Bright>					   <Fixed>True</Fixed>					   <FontColor>0x00FFFF</FontColor>					   <FontFace>Helvetica</FontFace>					   <FontHeight>20</FontHeight>					   <GaugeString>Outside air\ntemperature					 %((A:AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, celsius))%!-3d! \{dplo= } C</GaugeString>					   <Length>31</Length>					   <LineSpacing>35.000</LineSpacing>					   <Luminous>True</Luminous>					   <Multiline>True</Multiline>					   <Size>299,80</Size>					   <Transparent>True</Transparent>					   <VerticalAlign>CENTER</VerticalAlign>				   </GaugeText>			   </Element>		   </Element>		   <Element id="Screen3">			   <FloatPosition>30.000,30.000</FloatPosition>			   <Visibility>(L:ScreenNumber, number) 3 ==</Visibility>			   <CustomDraw id="CustomDraw" Name="fs9gps:1:map">				   <Size>340,320</Size>				   <Bright>True</Bright>				   <CustomDrawParam id="UpdateAlways" Name="UpdateAlways">					   <Value>1</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="Heading" Name="Heading">					   <Value>(A:GPS GROUND TRUE TRACK, Radians)</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="TrackUp" Name="TrackUp">					   <Value>0</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="Bright" Name="Bright">					   <Value>1</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="Zoom" Name="Zoom">					   <Value>926000</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="Latitude" Name="Latitude">					   <Value>(A:GPS POSITION LAT, Radians)</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="Longitude" Name="Longitude">					   <Value>(A:GPS POSITION LON, Radians)</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="LayerTerrain" Name="LayerTerrain">					   <Value>1</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="DetailLayerTerrain" Name="DetailLayerTerrain">					   <Value>3</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="TerrainShadow" Name="TerrainShadow">					   <Value>1</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="LayerBorders" Name="LayerBorders">					   <Value>1</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="DetailLayerBorders" Name="DetailLayerBorders">					   <Value>1</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="LayerFlightPlan" Name="LayerFlightPlan">					   <Value>1</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="FlightPlanLineWidth" Name="FlightPlanLineWidth">					   <Value>2.5</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="ActiveColorLayerFlightPlan" Name="ActiveColorLayerFlightPlan">					   <Value>0x7010B0</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>				   <CustomDrawParam id="ColorLayerFlightPlan" Name="ColorLayerFlightPlan">					   <Value>0xF0F0F0</Value>				   </CustomDrawParam>			   </CustomDraw>		   </Element>		   <Element id="Screen3_AircraftIcon">			   <FloatPosition>156.000,139.000</FloatPosition>			   <Visibility>(L:ScreenNumber, number) 3 ==</Visibility>			   <SizeScale>0.250</SizeScale>			   <MaskImage id="airplane_icon_mod.bmp" Name="airplane_icon_mod.bmp">				   <Axis>212.000,224.000</Axis>				   <Transparent>True</Transparent>			   </MaskImage>			   <Rotation id="Rotation">				   <PointsTo>NORTH</PointsTo>				   <Expression id="Expression">					   <Minimum>-60.000</Minimum>					   <Maximum>60.000</Maximum>					   <script>(A:GPS GROUND TRUE TRACK, Degrees)</Script>				   </Expression>			   </Rotation>		   </Element>	   </SimGauge.Gauge>   </SimBase.Document>

I have attached an screenshot of my moving mapAlso one more question does anyone know any where to get good freeware airplane icons?CheersAdrian


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Paul, why did you re-quote the entire message and yet add nothing at all in your reply? :(

Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

     Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator

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Because I pressed the wrong key :( North up can be done. I can't get your code to work do you want to post the working gauge. If not I can see the departure alignment is a background map position/zoom problem. You can shift and rotate the aircraft icon using the track values.


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Guest Adrian
Because I pressed the wrong key :( North up can be done. I can't get your code to work do you want to post the working gauge. If not I can see the departure alignment is a background map position/zoom problem. You can shift and rotate the aircraft icon using the track values.
Hi Paul,Thanks for the tips and I think I will have to go back to basics to really understand rotating bitmaps, perhaps 1 black background and 1 smaller white square and then play around with rotation values using shift etc. I should just apply the KISS principle whenever things get hard.CheersAdrian

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Here are a few things to keep in mind.1. The a/c icon does not move, the map moves to keep the current position centered.2. You can rotate the a/c icon while the map remains oriented NORTH, or you can rotate the map and leave the a/c icon pointed NORTH.3. When it is needed to do both a shift and a rotate on any element, remember the order is always shift THEN rotate.

Fr. Bill    

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Guest bobby27ph

Hi Andy,D'you have any FS2004 version of this inflight data gauge you developed (inflightentertainment.zip)? Or anything you can recommend?

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