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Quite impressed by the clear and fast support on this forum. We have a serious team here for sure.I`m trying to open topics of my interest with synthetic questions that can be easily answered and with "Topic Title" that help others to easily find it.So here is another one:I usually start FSX with the default flight. Then I choose a flight from the menu which was saved before, but I do it while I'm in still in the default flight. If I have to create a flight I also do this from this default flight. Also, I never use reload function: I close FSX and open it again if needed.Per the manual, I always start ASA before FSX and then starts FSX. I prefere doing this directly (ie, not using the shortcut provided by ASA) to be sure Vista 64 security flaws will not interfere with the startup process.When the default flight is loading I can see that ASA shows in FSX some information from its own initializing process. But soon I load my flight of interest that can send me to any part of the world. So here comes the question:May I consider that ASA is still influencing the weather in this latest flight ?

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Guest JSkorna

Hi,The steps you are using are just fine! Just keep in mind that once you set up your flight and go to your departure airport it is important to allow ASA-FS up to 5 minutes to process and show the proper weather conditions.Thanks,

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This is just a simple report.I would like to thank you for answering all my topics. As simple as those questions might seem to be, they still helped me a lot to understand what is going on. Now I can clearly see the weather changing as ASA takes over FSX engine.Nonetheless I should still report that only by running FSX before loading ASA could I experiment all changes applied. This is not bad at all in my particular case, considering the way I use to start FSX (see above). I suspect that this may be a problem related to Vista.So, if I start ASA before FSX I compute changes in wind, pressure, visibility, temperature and dew point BUT NOT in cloud coverage and rain. Also starting FSX before ASA speeds the process of loading weather into FSX (ie less than the expected 5 minutes).I've seen other posts in this subject at hifisim forum that came to the same conclusion.I did most of my tests around Brasilia airport SBBR using ASA "WxConfig" option and its "ApplyWeather" button.

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