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In Defense of ATI Radeon Cards.............

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Guest PaulL01

>I always like it when a guy like you comes back for more.>>I'll explain this so that your limited brain can understand. >If you continue to have difficulty understanding, have someone>of greater intellect explain it to you (that would be almost>anybody).>>You are working off photo images that have been created and>manipulated (both in camera and lab) per the preception of the>photographer. That's the way life is in the photo biz. Yet>you know nothing about what you're looking at. You pride>yourself in being the all-knowing expert, yet you are ignorant>of half the equation... the science and art of photography.>>There's a reason why it's called "photo-realistic" scenery. >Because it's only realistic to the photo. Not to real life. >Which means that perception is left to the individual... just>like a flight sim on our computers. Yet, you wasted no time>coming into this thread telling folks why one video card is>inferior for our use, while most of the folks who own that>card are quite happy with the image quality. Figure it out,>Expert, when someone is happy with what they've purchased you>can only hope to make a fool of yourself by telling them it's>inferior.You do not have a clue sonny.>Since you seem to have an answer for everything, explain why>one would even want to AA clouds? Seems to me that ATI may>have been thinking ahead on this one. But, hey, you know more>than anybody... so I'll defer to you. We'll take your>maturing one question at a time, so don't go away.Ok, thanks.The topic was Chris's new cloud textures, some folks with ATI cards did not notice the performance gains that GF cards were having, I replied, "it is because ATI cards do not AA alpha textures"Chris replied "Thanks"; others replied that I was incorrect. I replied "BS!"Some replied that NV cards do not AA alpha textures either; I replied "BS!" and then showed proof.On the topic of AAing clouds, never have I said that was a good thing, or that the NV cards are better for it, Never.What I have said was that ATI cards do not AA alpha textures.That includes Tree textures, radio towers, many other 3d objects, some panel parts as well as aircraft parts as well as the clouds.What does this mean? It means that under the highest image quality settings that all of these objects will not get the benefit of being filtered in AA and as a result they will exhibit the tendency to shimmer or "boil" artifacts of pixels vying for the same space on the screen and being displayed at random.Having access to all of the retail video cards I have observed the best of ATI's line as well as the best of Nvidia

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Guest SoarPics

No, Paul, it is you who are clueless. The purpose of Mike's original post here was to affirm to folks that he is happy with his current choice of video cards. Others, including myself, expressed the same opinions. It's just that simple.But when you believed that someone had posted info in error, you were quick to enter the fray like a bull in a china closet... terms like "Moronic Mike", and referring to me as "Dick" don't lend credence to your knowledge.The bottom line is that folks should use the card that gives them the most enjoyment with the sim. Technical features aside, all that really matters is what each of us sees on our monitor. And that has much more to do with perception than engineering data... because each of us is different.The next time you give thought to offending people, perhaps you should remind yourself that bad manners will be remembered after the fact of one's great knowledge and expertise is forgotten.Friendship... that's your choice. I'm blessed with many wonderful friends, and none of them call me names during a debate... or an arguement for that matter. It all comes down to respect.

Guest PaulL01

>No, Paul, it is you who are clueless. The purpose of Mike's>original post here was to affirm to folks that he is happy>with his current choice of video cards. Then He should have kept my name out of it, if that were the case. Others, including>myself, expressed the same opinions. It's just that simple.>>But when you believed that someone had posted info in error,>you were quick to enter the fray like a bull in a china>closet... terms like "Moronic Mike", and referring to me as>"Dick" don't lend credence to your knowledge.Well Greg you called me a liar so I guess I could have called you turnip head or shrimp but I chose Dick, kind of like "don

Guest SoarPics

Sheesh, Paul, all this simply goes over your head. But you are very good at manipulating what folks say and write to support your claims. But, then, you have to be good at something.You are incapable of accepting what others observe about their chosen video cards. All that really matters to you is what YOUR eyes see. Your fortunate to be able to to see both cards working side by side... but it still comes down to your opinion as to which is better. And opinions are like backsides... everybody has one and most are odorous. We're each entitled to our opinions and perspective. After all, it's our own money we're spending.Finally, you seem rather paraniod about folks calling you a liar. Where in this thread have I called you a liar... or any one else done so. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they see you as a liar. Grow up. Folks are different. You won't always be right (though you clearly think you are, and anyone who disagrees is a liar).I'm done with this... you're simply too opinionated, too abrasive, too immature to partake in any kind of useful discussion on this or any other matter. Go stick your head in a box of bits... chances are a computer won't get your dander up by calling you a liar.

Guest PaulL01

>Sheesh, Paul, all this simply goes over your head. But you>are very good at manipulating what folks say and write to>support your claims. But, then, you have to be good at>something.Ok Greg, Right! Wink wink!>You are incapable of accepting what others observe about their>chosen video cards. All that really matters to you is what>YOUR eyes see. Right, yeah that must have been what I was pointing out, just what my eye sees is all that matters. wink!Your fortunate to be able to to see both cards>working side by side... but it still comes down to your>opinion as to which is better. And opinions are like>backsides... everybody has one and most are odorous. We're>each entitled to our opinions and perspective. After all,>it's our own money we're spending.And who is twisting things?>Finally, you seem rather paraniod about folks calling you a>liar. Where in this thread have I called you a liar... or any>one else done so. Maybe you should try and remember what you typed or go back and re-read where you questioned my Aerial photography and study, among other things.JimmG is another good example, calls me Liar, I suppport my claims with proof and just goes on to another topic and calls me a liar, kind of like your questioning me on aerial photography, no reply just goes on. >Just because someone disagrees with you>doesn't mean they see you as a liar. See above.>Grow up. Folks are>different. You won't always be right (though you clearly>think you are, and anyone who disagrees is a liar).Yes Greg you are right I can get out of hand, but yer still a Dick, at least tonight. :)>I'm done with this... you're simply too opinionated, too>abrasive, too immature to partake in any kind of useful>discussion on this or any other matter. Go stick your head in>a box of bits... chances are a computer won't get your dander>up by calling you a liar.Funny, I sharred what a peace of hardware actually does based on knowledge from its manufacturer as well as backed up by game developers and technical reviews of the hardware, but it is just my oppinion? :) And you thought that I didn't get it. :-rollHere is some publicly published info for U on the Radeon/Alph/AA issue that my help you have some of yer own knowledge that will enable you to feel like a jerk when you share it with others because they feel thet you are simply being opinionated instead of factual, hope you like to read:http://www.beyond3d.com/reviews/ati/radeon9700pro/index.php?page=page4.inchttp://www.hardocp.com/article.html?art=MzQ0LDM=Hey, here is another old link on basic human research from the U of Mich:http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~ackerm/courses/...ecture.1-2.htmlNighty nite sweety!YAaaaaawwwwnnnnNN! ........Burp! .....Oooohh! scuse me!


Hi Paul, I remember learning about scenery design with you...at that time you were fun to share with and learn with. Mr Rochester, right?What happened? Seems that your posts since fs9 came out are either fighting with folks on the board or trying to provoke MS into some kind of discourse. You've been around a long time. You know that MS will never respond to direct attack. And you're mature enough to know that if you go looking for a fight, you'll always find one, right? You know its a pleasure to smell the flowers, have fun, enjoy a cup of coffee, and just let folks think what they want even if you know differently. Is being right worth so much fighting?Sincerely,Bob Bernstein


"You know its a pleasure to smell the flowers, have fun, enjoy a cup of coffee, and just let folks think what they want even if you know differently. Is being right worth so much fighting?"Thanks Bob....beginning to wish I never started this thread. :(Regards,Mike


OK....here's the reality of alot of folks "listening in" to this thread.I'm still running a GeForce 2 400MX 64Meg video card with FS2002.If any one of you would like to donate your "old" GeForce 4 (not the nasty MX line) or Radeon 9xxx card, I would gladly accept it.Glenn D. [email protected]


Excuse me- I need to leave this thread. The ego's are as thick as a cloud in fs9


I also had the GF 4400ti 128mb card and after burning up 2 of them I gave up. Although they had a lifetime warranty with them, I was tired of replacing the card every 6 months. I bought an ATI 9500 pro 128MB card and have never been happier with the performance. I found it to be a better performer than the 4400ti. I have found in gaming people are always going to be partial to one card or another. I was partial to Nvidia, but now I have found a new love. Although, I respect the Nvidia card sets, but in my opinion they just don't stand up to the ATI cards. If the card works for you then great. If you find your card seems to be lacking, maybe try a different one. If you are to partial then you may be missing out on something better.

Guest PaulL01

>Hi Paul, I remember learning about scenery design with>you...at that time you were fun to share with and learn with. >Mr Rochester, right?Hey yer Close! I was Mr.B70 Though you get points as I was just starting out decifering Malards SanFran Photorealistic scenery to do Rochester scenery.>What happened? Seems that your posts since fs9 came out are>either fighting with folks on the board or trying to provoke>MS into some kind of discourse. You've been around a long>time. You know that MS will never respond to direct attack. Good question, I don't know the answer Doc but I'll look inward.>And you're mature enough to know that if you go looking for a>fight, you'll always find one, right? Yes! Must Fight! Must fight!..... No? ....ok...., mussnot fight! Must not fight! Must not Fight! MUST NOT FIGHT! MUST NOT FREAKIN FIGHT! MUST NOT FREGIN FIGHT! Errr umm sorry, sorry...Must not fight. Must Not Fight! Must Not....Heyyyyy, this is startin to fell goooood!Must not fight! Hey! Must not fight! Hoh! Must not fight! hey! Must...>You know its a pleasure to smell the flowers, have fun, enjoy>a cup of coffee, and just let folks think what they want even>if you know differently. Is being right worth so much>fighting?>>Sincerely,>>Bob BernsteinOk! Thanks Bob! :)Must Not Fight! hey! Must not Fight Hoh! Must Not Fight! Hey Hey...yaaaahhhhHHHHhhhhh mMust not Fighttt! Yeah......

Guest Max Cowgill

LMAO, yer funee Paul ;)

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