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Hello forum. As i am sure many of you all use CH Products Pro Pedals i need you guys advice on how to get the autobrakes working when using the Rudder Pedals. For some reason when i arm it, for any aircraft it does not work and need to know if anyone who went through this can help me fix this problem as i would like to use the autobraking system on the upcoming NGX. Thank you all, BTW i would like to put a signature of my name as that is the rules but do not know how to put a signature or whatever it is called when you do not have to type it all the time. Victor CastilloAlso what does Follow this topic funtion do in the Post options?


I never touch the manual brakes on the rudder pedals when i armed the autobrakes and that does not help. it seems to me that this only happens to me, sad unlucky me.


Hm, maybe you have some problem with calibration? Do you use FSUIPC? You could try removing brake axes from FSX controls and setting and calibrating them via FSUIPC (if you didn;t do it already). That's only thing that comes to my mind. BTW, fallow topic is function that will send you notification to your email, every time someone responds in the fallowed thread. Very useful when you're waiting for help/answer, but use with a little caution as it may spam your email ;)


Thank you all. I have to find a way to set the null zone because i have changed that too and no difference in the actual null zones.


Thanks for the tip. It never occured to me to set the deadzones in FSX and not in the Windows control panel! I also had similar problems.

Fabrizio Sassi

Thanks for the tip. It never occured to me to set the deadzones in FSX and not in the Windows control panel! I also had similar problems.
let us know if you fixed it...... :)

I have the same issue and have had it for a long time, regardless of null zone set in FSX. I've completely bypassed FSX axis assignment lately for FSUIPC's axis assignments, and my issue has transformed into something worse. Since I've been using the "Send directly to FSUIPC calibration" option, upon full depression of my brake pedals, the brakes are intermittent. In other words, sometimes I may get full brakes when I'm pressing fully on the brakes, and sometimes I may get nothing. I'm getting rid of these CH pedals for the Saitek Cessna ones in the next few months because I'm at wit's end with it.dry.png


Zachary Waddell -- Caravan Driver --

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