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Aerocache Maps

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Hello all. Are you stummped trying to find the Aerocaches? Would you like to see a map and get directions to where they are? I have created a site called Aerocache.com that has maps and flight path information. It is free to use and you don't have to register. Constructive criticism is appreciated. check it out at Aerocache.com

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Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the idea of the Aerocache both a educational experiance & opportunity to do explore? I thought this was a pretty cool new idea the they incorporated into this game.They give you a hint on what to research, give a picture of the Aerocache, and the tracking beacon thingy in the top right corner. If you provide a map and route to the exact location, what's the point and where is the challenge? Or maybe thats it, just to collect the points, which are good for??? I have collected 53 Aerochaches and never felt a need for a map. To each their own I guess...

Love Airplanes and American Muscle Cars

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You could put the bearing/radial and distance from a navaid on there in the notes too. Here's one I've already done:Waialae Falls. 11.2DME on the 324 Radial from South Kauai (SOK) VOR. Freq 115.4. Fly below 6000ft MSL for the indicator to show up as you fly over. Actually getting the aerocache is up to you, as it's hidden deep in a valley.If you lean more towards the sim side of things, this is a great way to practice VOR navigation. If you had a number of these, you could do a NAVEX around the place.

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I have the same problem. It will say 3.4 nm away or whatever so I will fly a bit and out of knowwhere it will say 16.5 or something. So I find that thing useless.
Just switch to the map ("M") and back - then it shows the actual distance in that moment.
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I think I pay more attention to the rings around the centre than that distance number. As you get closer the outside ring fills in, then closer again the ring inside that fills in, and then the ring inside that. Once the centre is filled in you are very close. At that point I try and remember what the sample/hint pic looked like, and look for that spot.

Love Airplanes and American Muscle Cars

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Here's another:Waipoo Falls. 14DME on the 317 radial from SOK VOR. There's an Observatory on the hilltop nearby, where you can land the Maule and run down to get the Cache. Just leave a trail of breadcrumbs or something to find a way back your plane.

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With few caches I have problem to detect me (most of them are on the ground or on the mountain side). For instance Lava foundation (and there are few more). I'm sure that I flew through it (low, almost at ground) but it didn't confirm success. Don't know if it should be that way.

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A couple of the aerocaches you have to be so close that you have to go on foot. Lava Foundation is easy, Where It All Started you have to walk up and almost touch it.Hook

Larry Hookins


Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;

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A couple of the aerocaches you have to be so close that you have to go on foot. Lava Foundation is easy, Where It All Started you have to walk up and almost touch it.Hook
I know, I've done that. What i meant was that on some you can't land near. And it's hard to get conformation.
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