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Aerocache 'cheat'


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Guest Rickenbacker

Yeah, my absolute favorites are actually the waterfalls. Diving down from above, just above the water with trees almost touching the wingtips on each side, then pulling up at the bottom to scream along the valley floor. That's awesome! But we need more aerocaches that require tricky landings!

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Some aerocaches are meant to be collected on foot.
Are they? I have done every one in the air so far. Sometimes it means getting a little close to the ground, but I haven't crashed getting one.The only one that gave me trouble was Barking Sands - I had to land, and taxi up to the hangar - at which point I caught a wing and got stuck with no reverse pitch, and without the ability to push your plane back.It would be nice if your avatar could push a plane - most GA aircraft are at least movable by one person with the brakes off.
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Other trick not allowed in real life is the "Speedbrake" on the Icon or RV-6A,When in need. Open the Canopy. That will slow you fast.
And this is something that wasn't modelled in FSX or before. You could open any door, anytime and nothing would happen - even with crashes set to 'on'.
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