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No second monitor

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Not yet, Roy..It's coming...


But does your laptop have a graphics port, as most do nowadays? If so, you can stick a second monitor into it and Windows will use that as its second monitor..voila!


Sorry, Roy, I just re-read your post..you want to use your laptop AS a second monitor NOT use your laptop to run FLIGHT...Although, if it's good enough, you could always uase FLIGHT on that with two monitors..

It's a small step from the sublime to the ridiculous...Napoleon Bonaparte

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I use sectional charts of alaska on my second computer. I think it is more challenging and fun to identify your position without a moving map :-)


It sure is, but without a second computer or a second screen, it's not very practical. GMap works fine for me as a moving map, but the window is too small (imho) to navigate only using sectional charts. I would need at least the size of a 22" monitor (well, maybe a big laptop would do) to see enough detail and still see enough of the surrounding to figure out where I am. I think... My next fly I will use GMap but disconnected from Flight to find out if I can navigate with that alone. Or I might alt-tab to Plan-G (similar map like GMap) or Skyvector (real sectionals).


Then again... nowadays it's pretty normal and not 'cheating' to carry a little GPS device with you during a flight... I am not simulating flights from the thirties or anything. :wink:

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There is a program called Maxivista that seems to do this. It uses your laptop as an extension of your main display. It looks like there is a free trail version so you can try it. If you have a macbook there is also a simple program to make this work, Air Display (there is also an iOS and I think an Android version of this). It also has a free trial version, and I can confirm that it works with GMap while running Flight in pseudo-fullscreen mode. You just have to be connected to the same network, wireless or ethernet.

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