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Alaska - All Airports Journey

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Tonight after 17 more airports, i finally got the entire SE area cleared! I have to say that i´m really enjoying this journey. In some places the scenery details are really incredible. The dev team really did an amazing job!


Below is the area that i have explored until now. This area is very crowded, with over 100 airports and some beautiful places (i personally liked "7AK2", "3Z9", "MYK" and specially the flight from "PAYA" to "PACV" along the shore).

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Hello Folks,


Just a quick update. With my las landing at Chenega Bay (C05), i have now landed at 192 Alaskan airports and seaports. That means that i´ve cleared almost all East coast (top to bottom) and a good part of the middle area.


I will organize the airport list to post here. There are just too many to type them in right now!


Even though Alaska has a overwhelming amount of airfields, most of them are concentrated in 4 or 5 main clusters! It really takes a lot of patience to cover those "clusters" because it requires a lot of real short distance flights, you takeoff and the nest minute you are already preparing to land. Yesterday i planned some long flights just to get away of those ups and downs!


Tomorrow i´ll post some screenshots...


Keep on flying!

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Hello folks!


There goes the list of airports "cleared" since the beginning (still needs double checking):











Here goes some pictures from the last few days:

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A really good job! Congrats! I have also landed on 233 different Airports and Strips but I didn't do it so consequently, but randomly... Let's see, how much different places there are at least! Always happy landings!!


Gesendet von meinem X10i mit Tapatalk 2

Cheers, Stephan


i7 4790K @4,6Ghz (102x45), ASUS Maximus VII Hero, 16GB Corsair Venegance 1866, Corsair WC H100i, Gigabyte GTX 780 OC, 3x SSD (Win7, FSX, P3D), Dell UHD 27'", Saitek Homecockpit

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Nice shots! But on your video it seems that you have very low fps. Or is it just the result of recording? If not, try to lower your weather settings, that's what kills my fps.


Yes Styler360, it is actually because of the recording, although i always have to keep my shadow details to "medium" to keep a steady 30-35 fps flying close to the ground, and it gradually improve to 60fps as i climb. All other settings are at maximum, but i don´t know why the shadow option beats my fps to the floor, does it happen to you guys too?


I have also landed on 233 different Airports and Strips but I didn't do it so consequently, but randomly


Wow Mr_Duessel! That is quite impressive! Do you guys know how many airports, seaports and strips are in Alaska? I heard it is around 700, but i didn´t really count them...it is really hard to go through all of them because some airstrips only appears if you zoom all the way in. For the "journey" i´m using a chart, but i found that some airports are not in the game, like Skelton-PAZK and Gunsite Mountain-A88 both west of "Tazlina Lake", quite close to each other.




Keep on flying!

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For the "journey" i´m using a chart, but i found that some airports are not in the game, like Skelton-PAZK and Gunsite Mountain-A88 both west of "Tazlina Lake", quite close to each other.


I noticed those two also, and they are on my list of things to be removed from the Plan-G database I'm modifying for Flight.


If you are not using Plan-G, it's a great tool for flight-planning. If you start using it, please get the updated version of the database in this thread and go there to post any more things you find where Flight does not agree with Plan-G. My goal is to eventually have a Plan-G database that perfectly matches what's in Flight, but I'll need a lot of help from other people to find all the things that need to be fixed.

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I noticed those two also, and they are on my list of things to be removed from the Plan-G database I'm modifying for Flight.


If you are not using Plan-G, it's a great tool for flight-planning. If you start using it, please get the updated version of the database in this thread and go there to post any more things you find where Flight does not agree with Plan-G. My goal is to eventually have a Plan-G database that perfectly matches what's in Flight, but I'll need a lot of help from other people to find all the things that need to be fixed.


Thanks a lot for the tip RoboRay! Yes i´m using Plan-G, but i did not know about the updates matching MS Flight's map! If i find anything more i´ll be glad to post in that thread!

Oh, by the way, i noticed that a lot of the airports with the same name have different IDs on Plan-G, is it an error or they are supposed to be different for some "technical" nomenclature reasons that i don´t know?

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Thanks a lot for the tip RoboRay! Yes i´m using Plan-G, but i did not know about the updates matching MS Flight's map! If i find anything more i´ll be glad to post in that thread!

Oh, by the way, i noticed that a lot of the airports with the same name have different IDs on Plan-G, is it an error or they are supposed to be different for some "technical" nomenclature reasons that i don´t know?


There are two sets of identification codes assigned to the airports... international and FAA. Sometimes Plan G uses the FAA code, sometimes it uses the international one. So, the different codes you see for the same airport may both be correct, but by being different it complicates things.


Also, a lot of codes have been changed in the last few years, so Plan G may have an old code that is no longer valid.


I'm trying to fix all of these as I find them, changing the code in Plan G to match the code used in Flight. Even when both codes are technically correct, it becomes a lot easier to plan flights if both products are using consistent codes.


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Hi folks,


The trip is still in progress! There goes a quick update.


Since last time i posted i have visited 29 more airfields: PYL, PAVD, PASP, PASV, PASL, 2AK5, 7KA, 1Z9, 5AK, 28AK, 0AK6, 2AK, Z14, K55, HNE, AK64, PAJZ, PANW, A63, PATG.


Today i´ll finally begin to tackle the Anchorage huge "cluster", there will be so many takeoffs and landings in those 1 minute flights that i guess i'll need at least 3 new sets of tires, and a sick bag! :lol:




Keep on flying!

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Hello Folks!


Well, yesterday i planned to begin to tackle Anchorage, what i consider one of the most exhausting regions to "clear", just because there are too many airfields and seaports very close to each other. And so i started...the first problem was that i was "parked" at "Togiak" (PATG), 400 NM from "Stephan Lake Lodge" (AK61), from where i planned to begin the "clearing"...well...after a 2:20 hrs flight over a huge chain of mountains with not much new to see, i finally got to "Stephan Lake Lodge" where i had to land very carefully because the runway was simply too short.

Due to the length of most of the runways, as well as the obstacles blocking the runway's optimum glide slope, i had to change the airplane to the Super Cub, for a while.

So yesterday i was able to clear 19 more airfields: AK61, 49AK, 02AK, AK34, AK72, 78AK, 3AK7, 3AK1, AK08, PAUO, AK90, AK69, AK57, 2X2, AK67, AK68, AK59, 48AK and the abandoned "Jonesville Mine" (PAJV).


For the first long stretch i chose the "clear weather" setting, simulating those beautiful "blue and white" dry winter days that i enjoyed so much when i lived in Massillon-OH, as well as Washington D.C.














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Hi folks!


Just a brief update:


Today i have been able to clear 73 "Anchorage" airfields...about 60 more to go in my Anchorage flight plan (main cluster)! I´ll list them later...too much for today! :blink:


Things i´ve learned: don´t try to fly these "cluster" using the RV-6...i had to use the Cub because there are tons of really short runways with huge trees around it; if you are flying in the winter is easier because most lakes are frozen, so you don´t need to switch airplanes...the cub gets the job done; it is really hard to keep taking off and landing 30 seconds later, don´t loose sight of the next runway, or else you have to spin a little to find the airfield again...it really can make you dizzy...after the first 10 takeoffs i decided to change from winter to summer because besides having to fly the up/search/down pattern, the runways are quite harder to find during winter...so...with that many problems already, there was no point making this part of the trip harder! After that, i rreeeaalllyyy beg the DEV team to make a Carbon Cub - Ultra Anchorage Deluxe, that includes a sick bag (sent by mail) :bad: !


Keep on flying!

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