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So, I know how excited everyone is for the PMDG 777 coming out. But to be honest, I am as excited for the FS2Crew for the 777 as the 777 itself! I just absolutely love what the FS2Crew guys did with the NGX and I know they will not disappoint with the B777 either. This is one exciting flippin project! Thinking of this is making me more and more anxious about the T7..it's a good thing I have the NGX to calm me down! :lol:

  • Commercial Member

So, I know how excited everyone is for the PMDG 777 coming out. But to be honest, I am as excited for the FS2Crew for the 777 as the 777 itself! I just absolutely love what the FS2Crew guys did with the NGX and I know they will not disappoint with the B777 either. This is one exciting flippin project! Thinking of this is making me more and more anxious about the T7..it's a good thing I have the NGX to calm me down! :lol:




We are working hard to prepare what we can for the release,


I can assure you, that the 777 project is the biggest yet, we have several different voice packages ready to go.


I am organising the sounds, and I am going to work very hard in improving the quality of the voice samples,



Alex Ridge

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Hey Brian and Alex,


Will the first release of FS2Crew for the T7 include failure procedures/checklists? Or do you plan to implement any of these scenario's once it's already out?

  • Commercial Member

Hi Nathan,


We wouldn't be doing failures in the initial release.


As for failures in the future for the 777, that depends on how well people take to our soon to be released Emergency NGX! addon.


If Emergency NGX! is popular and people like it, we'll probably do one for the 777, too.


Hello Brian and Alex,


I wanna thank you for the replies! I'm pretty sure you have made a lot of people very very happy. On the other note, I am enjoying my NGX more and more as the days go on. And I love that you have mentioned a new update with the Emergency NGX...super super excited!!! I would totally ask when the release date for that will be or even an estimate but there are a tons of people here that have issues with that. So let's keep that as a surprise, shall we?


I do have one question tho, as for the voice actors that you are looking for; are those gonna be the people that reply to our checklists? Ex: FO!? Or just the flight attendant? Thank you very much!


Best regards, Jason

  • Commercial Member

Hi Jason,


Emergency NGX! is almost done. We're just waiting on all the new FO voice sets to come in. We're adding a lot of new FO's from different countries (Italy, Germany, France, Australia, Caribbean, United States female for all the lonely guys out there :P ...)



Hoping for late this month for a release, but don't home me to that.


Voice actors will be for all sorts of different roles FS2Crew models: FOs, Cabin Crew, Start Crew, Ground Engineers, Ramp Agents, etc.




awesome, finally some aussie voices!! I miss my 'Ian' voice from the LevelD 767...seems kinda weird doing a Virgin Aust flight out of Brisbane with an american accent! :)

  • Commercial Member

awesome, finally some aussie voices!! I miss my 'Ian' voice from the LevelD 767...seems kinda weird doing a Virgin Aust flight out of Brisbane with an american accent! :)


Well, FS2Crew NGX in its current form also ships with a UK accent... I know the "Pom" accent isn't totally AU... but it's closer to yours than the US one B)


Yeah that's why I use the UK voice (I'm Australian) but really it doesn't bother me and sometimes I switch around. Will be nice to have a AU voice pack. I really look forward to FS2Crew with the 777 assuming there will be a button version. :Praying:


i want a nz voice pack :P but any way i will put my hand up if you want voice actors is there any requirements.

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