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After updating to version 2.3 (button control) my FO has become very headstrong indeed.

Every time we go through the Preflight Checklist I tell him the engine start levers are in the 'cut off' position (which they are). But every time he responds with 'Are you positive?'. There is nothging I can do to make him change his mind (e.g. flicking the levers to idle and back, before we get to this item in the checklist).

Before updating he did this occasionally, but after updating he does it every single time. He's getting to be a real bore ..... :angry:


Also after updating I seem to have lost the 'flaps 10' command from the landing flow. The flow jumps from 'flaps 5' to 'gear down' every time and I have to scroll back a step manually to be able to issue the command.


Any ideas about solving these issues???



Otherwise I'm very pleased with FS2Crew. It makes flying so much more interesting and lively!






Paul Mennema

  • Commercial Member

Hi Paul,


Start Levers:  Make sure you're not getting the SDK warning message.



Flaps 10 logic was changed, as described in the change log:


For Button Control Only:

  • NEW OPTION - Skip Flaps 10. By default, FS2Crew will now skip the Flaps 10 call on approach. However if you want Flaps 10 again, go to this folder (you will need to enable 'show hidden folders' first):

Users\**** Your user Name **** \AppData\Roaming\FS2Crew2010\Versions\PMDG737NGX\SavedData

Open this file with Notepad: FS2CrewData.ini





Then Save.


Hi Bryan,


Thanks for your speedy reply.


However, I don't get, nor have I ever had, the SDK warning message (nor any other warning message).

Anything else I could do?


I missed the flaps 10 mention in the change log. Sorry! :rolleyes:




Paul Mennema


Hi Bryan,


The Flaps10 'problem' is solved, thanks.


Some more info on the start levers issue:

  • the FO accepts the reply 'cut off' when the levers are actually at 'idle detent'
  • the FO's response is 'reversed' in the Pre Flight Checklist only!
    His response is correct when the same challenge is made in the Shut Down Checklist (there 'cut off' IS 'cut off').
  • There is no error message at any time (nor has there been when installing FS2Crew)
  • The entry

    is present in the 737NGX_Options.ini file.

I'd be very gratefull for any ideas to resolve this.





Paul Mennema

  • Commercial Member

Hi Paul,


For Engine Start Levers cut-off, are you referring to the Button Control or Voice Control version.


Button control works fine, I just tested it for the "Engine Start Levers - Cutoff" item in the Pre Flight Checklist.


I also tested it in the Voice Control version and 'cutoff' worked as well properly.



Try using a PMDG panel state file when you load the NGX.  Maybe your panel state file has issues.


Also, if using external hardware that is associated with the fuel levers, they can sometimes send signals that  override what you see in the NGX.


Hi Bryan,


I use the button control version.


I have always used the default 'Cold and Dark' panel supplied by PMDG, but I'll try a different one.

Your remark about hardware is interesting. I use the Saitek yoke and pedals, so that could possibly be an issue.


Thanks for the tips. I'll start testing and let you know if I find anything.






Found it!


Had I read this solution on a forum, I would never have believed it!


The problem turned out to be in the default flight I loaded into FSX. As recommended the default flight was the Aircreation Trike at Friday Harbour.

However, as I have been trying to create flights as realistic as possible for years, the engine of the trike was off ('cold and dark'). After some hard thinking I seemed to remember, oh so vaguely, that all MS supplied flights were with engines running.


So, I took my trusted Trike to Friday Harbour, started its little engine and saved this as a new default flight.


When starting FSX with this new default flight, the FO hasn't moaned about start levers not being at 'cut off'!


It's amazing that engines running or not running on a Trike on an airfield on an island off the west coast of the US would influence the respons to a checklist challenge of a First Officer on a B737-800 far, far away!


Thanks for your suggestions, Bryan. One of them was the right trigger that jogged my brain into the right track!



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