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FSX Traffic


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Did you use the forum search option? There's been a lot of similar threads recently.

Here's a list of a few ones:







Be warned (as it is said in the other threads) that ther is no "ultimate" best AI solution - it'll very much depend on your computer and your expectations!

Another thought: I'd suggest to get Ultimate Traffic from Flight1 at first, because of their 30-day-money-back policy, then World of AI, as it's free (but quite some work if you want to install every single package there is) and MyTraffic 5.4 or Traffic X as a last option, as they do not offer refunds (at least not in the way Flight1 does).

Edited by FloG
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I'm not aware of Justflight refunds.


But the most telling threads here are the ones where simmers ask, after extensive comparison of different traffic addons and still undecided, what the final criterion could be that would tip the scales in favour of one of these alternatives mentioned!


It's a tough choice but the good thing about it is that none of the alternatives mentioned is bad.

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Also you don't always have to go with one of the payware addons for AI. There is WOAI which is very good and commonly used. Honestly it depends on your taste and what you want. You could even go as far is to create your own AI with the many models, and flight plans available to you on the web. It is very rewarding to see your traffic in sim and it opens up more options to you especially if you enjoy some of the smaller less known carriers. You might want current up to date traffic or maybe you want to see united and continental before the merge. That's a nice thing about flight sim you don't like a merge or simply you just liked an airline that went out of business...It doesn't have to be out of business in your sim. Likely wise you can have the most current up to date traffic following real flightplans. The choice is yours you can buy a software as there are many great one's available or you could take to the learning curve and make your own. Possibly even do both!

Hunter Rogers

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