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Boeing 777X Will it be Modeled also?


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Boeing recently announced 2 New models of the 777. I certainly would love to have the 777X modeled and I hope PMDG can work with Boeing to make these 2 new models for us to enjoy. Comment below if you would like to see the 777X modeled.777X_Boeing.jpg

Nick Hesler

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Boeing would need to make it first. Such a beautiful aircraft though - let's hope Boeing don't ruin it. I still don't see much need for a new 777 that fast. You can't fix what's not broken!

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let's hope Boeing don't ruin it.


Looking at the 772, 77E, 77L, 77F, 773, and 77W, I don't think Boeing could really screw it up...


I certainly would love to have the 777X modeled


The 777X may not be in service until the late 2010s. Let's let them develop the inservice models for now.

Kenny Lee
"Keep climbing"

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Boeing would need to make it first. Such a beautiful aircraft though - let's hope Boeing don't ruin it. I still don't see much need for a new 777 that fast. You can't fix what's not broken!

no doubt A350 pressure it has a pretty comprehensive product line

Flying Tigers Group



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I read somewhere that Boeing has some folding wing concept proposed for the new 777x family to fold the outer part of the wing upwards to be able to better accommodate the aircraft at space-constrained airports. I'm not sure if it's true or not but interesting. Since it's just the outer wings it's suppose to be a system as simple as a landing gear door and it will use the fourth iteration of the composite wings introduced for the 787 program.

Hunter Rogers

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Guest SMITI07

There would be nowhere near enough data yet for PMDG to model this.   Maybe expect it in the PMDG 777v2 in 8-10 years :P

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The design hasn't even been finalized. So, that means no external model expansion, and god only knows about the systems/flight deck. What do you expect PMDG to model from a paper airplane?

~William Genovese~

  Boeing777_Banner_Pilot.jpg         KAB200_sig3.jpg

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I read somewhere that Boeing has some folding wing concept proposed for the new 777x family to fold the outer part of the wing upwards to be able to better accommodate the aircraft at space-constrained airports. I'm not sure if it's true or not but interesting. Since it's just the outer wings it's suppose to be a system as simple as a landing gear door and it will use the fourth iteration of the composite wings introduced for the 787 program.


This has been proposed for the original 777 as well, but no takers.

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Hrogers / Fabo,


Boeing proposed it orginally as per an American Airlines request.  Several of AA's hubs had tight gates (LAX,ORD, JFK, etc) but airports caught up and ultimately no one took Boeing up on the offer.  Boeing even did a full sized mockup and I believe it was FAA certified, not 100% sure on that.  However it was never placed on a full aircraft as all of the certifcation aircrafts went to airlines; unlike the 787 where the first four have been mothballed or placed into long term storage.




I would love PMDG to do a 777X but Boeing themselves does not have a 100% designed aircraft.  I would even love all of the 737 MAX, 787 -8/-9/-10's but Boeing does not have them fully designed (except 787-8).  PMDG does more than just model how it looks, one of the things that makes PMDG special is that it behaves or "feels" like the real aircraft.  I believe if you search Rob posts he has mentioned there are two beta teams, one that is made up of real world pilots and maintainers who help tweak the "feel" model.  The other is advanced flight sim users who find FS bugs like a stray polygon.  I think it is one of the reasons there products take a while, they are tweaked and tweaked to the point it is as real a 7x7 as possible using FSX.  So as I mentioned, I would love all of those "paper airplanes", I want to know what a real 777 reacts like in a heavy crosswind and not what some programmer thinks it should do.  Our only hope is they release a "semi-pro" like they did on the 748-8 and LCF.  But probably unlikely. :(

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