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777 and Shockwave Lights


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Well there's your problem...


I wouldn't call the LA area representative of...anywhere but the LA area...


Unless there's fog, or a heavy amount of in-air particulate, you're not going to see the lights like the Shockwave stuff. Revolutionary, sure. Cool, to a certain degree. Realistic in most circumstances? Hardly.

The problem is, we are not in the LA area at KSNA. John Wayne enjoys an off shore breeze at around 2-2:30pm that cleans the air quite well. I too watch the 737's fly right over my house landing at John Wayne. The lighting diffusion we enjoy is the ocean air. Most places in the world have denser humid air at dusk till dawn, has to do with cool air condensing water molecules. Unless of course you live on the desert, but even KPHX you can see this phenomenon.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk.

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Really?  You want to add always-in-fog-lights over the similar, yet more refined version you already have?


Sometimes I wonder if people actually pay attention, or if they add stuff just because it must be better because it's not what came with the plane...


*cough* Fan *cough* Boy

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I don't understand why when someone comes in asking if they can add something to a "revolutionary" aircraft people start flipping out about it! Everyone has their preference and if they want to do something that you don't - just don't do it then!


Unfortunately, we live in a world where some people believe that they "know all" or they portray themselves that way (willingly or not) and if anyone has different thoughts or opinions on a matter...


I'll just stop here before I ruffle someone's feathers... I'm sure most of you get the point.

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Unfortunately, we live in a world where some people believe that they "know all" or they portray themselves that way (willingly or not) and if anyone has different thoughts or opinions on a matter...


I'll just stop here before I ruffle someone's feathers... I'm sure most of you get the point.


Rob Simmons


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Add these lines into aircraft.cfg file of T7


These are landing and taxi lights.


light.11 = 5, 17.8 ,  -11.4,  1.0, Fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow, // Shockwave landing light // Wing Left
light.12 = 5, 17.9 ,  -11.4,  1.0, Fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow, // Shockwave landing light // Wing Left
light.13 = 5, 17.8 ,  11.4,  1.0, Fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow, // Shockwave landing light // Wing Left
light.14 = 5, 17.9 ,  11.4,  1.0, Fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow, // Shockwave landing light // Wing Left
light.15 = 6, 71.2,0.0, -5.0, Fx_shockwave_landing_light_double, // Shockwave taxi light // front wheel
You can remove 2nd and 4th lines for less wing lights intensity.
I already posted them into another post in this forum
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  • 4 weeks later...


Add these lines into aircraft.cfg file of T7


These are landing and taxi lights.


light.11 = 5, 17.8 ,  -11.4,  1.0, Fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow, // Shockwave landing light // Wing Left
light.12 = 5, 17.9 ,  -11.4,  1.0, Fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow, // Shockwave landing light // Wing Left
light.13 = 5, 17.8 ,  11.4,  1.0, Fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow, // Shockwave landing light // Wing Left
light.14 = 5, 17.9 ,  11.4,  1.0, Fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow, // Shockwave landing light // Wing Left
light.15 = 6, 71.2,0.0, -5.0, Fx_shockwave_landing_light_double, // Shockwave taxi light // front wheel
You can remove 2nd and 4th lines for less wing lights intensity.
I already posted them into another post in this forum



Thanks for that.. I came looking for that too.. I like the exaggerated lighting of Shockwave.. Sue me! HA HA!


Beta tester for SIMStarter 

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*cough* Fan *cough* Boy


haha...just saw this.  You must've missed my signature from back in 2008.  I guess I should let that make a reappearance.


First, I couldn't care less what people call me (clearly, as I've been called a number of things here, and even more by PM).


Second, I own a good number of A2A products and love them.  I just don't like the lights.


As a pilot and an aviation photographer, I can back up my claims that they're overdone.  That's a lot more than what anybody else is doing.  So far, their only defense aside from "I just prefer it" is "you're a fan *cough* boy."  Man, I guess I was totally wrong.  Sorry for being critical guys!  I guess my fan-boy-ism renders my facts null and void!




This kinda stuff reminds me of modders and their Acura Integras:

"Yo, I just put a CF hood and a wing on my ryde.  It's tiiiiiiiight, yo."


Yeah, never mind the fact that you want the weight on your drive wheels so you don't chirp your starts, and understeer on throttle application...but CF is cool looking and everyone wants it, so clearly it's better, right?


And the wing?  Despite being an eyesore only adds drag.  Even if it added usable downforce, with the CF hood, you're only making your handling worse on a FF car.


...but you're right!  TIIIIIIIIIGHT YO!!!


"Man, you justa hater!"


Yep...that's supposed to make me feel bad, right?

Kyle Rodgers

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What I would love to see is a fix for that awful aura or halo around the landing and taxi lights on all of the AI traffic. Yes there are modified Halo .bmp files and FSX light fix tweaks, but I've yet to find one that actually fixes this ugly anomaly.



Rick Hobbs



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This kinda stuff reminds me of modders and their Acura Integras:
"Yo, I just put a CF hood and a wing on my ryde.  It's tiiiiiiiight, yo."
Yeah, never mind the fact that you want the weight on your drive wheels so you don't chirp your starts, and understeer on throttle application...but CF is cool looking and everyone wants it, so clearly it's better, right?
And the wing?  Despite being an eyesore only adds drag.  Even if it added usable downforce, with the CF hood, you're only making your handling worse on a FF car.
...but you're right!  TIIIIIIIIIGHT YO!!!


Hm, then I take it I should refrain from posting pics of my slammed T7 with neon green lights under the fuselage and "Powered by General Electric" stickers on the sides.... But, It's tiiiight, yo! 


I think everyone is aware you have strong opinions, which is not a bad thing necessarily. You also have a sense of humor though, and its good to remember that criticism is best taken with a laugh or two.


As for proof, I cite no less than the most reputed and oft quoted source in all of aviation... the movie Airplane. I rest my case. 



(from the takeoff scene)


Here's a few more, some 777's and some 737's...





I personally think shockwave lights are overdone as well, and they are splotchy. But I also think the PMDG stock lights are a bit too minimal, and I can understand people who want to experience something closer to the visuals seen above.

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Who cares if its not realistic. Its a game and if someone wants to put christmas lights on their plane, it shouldnt be a problem. People should be able to enjoy the hobby without others scrutinizing their decision to do something that may or may not be "realistic". Different strokes for different folks

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