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Lately I have a problem entering flighplans into the FMC 

Got the message invalid entry when trying to load a PFPX generated flightplan into the T7 FMC 

At the first try a error message flashes for less than a second showing the destination airport is not in the selected .rte file - import aborted

Tried to load a route generated by Vroute - same result 

Checked the route files and the destination airports are shown in the files 

.rte files are in the correct fsx directories

as examples ehameggl / ehameddf / ehamomdb ehamfaor - not accepted 

strange is that omdbeham - faoreham are accepted by the fmc - seems that it is not the destination airport but eham is the problem 

(the same happens in the 737NGX fmc

Someone any idea ?




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You have to edit any rte files that departs from EHAM. Open the rte with notepad. Near the top there will be two values associated with EHAM saying -11. Just edit so that the - isn't there. I just make it 11, but I guess any number higher than 0 will do.




Rob Simmons


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I've had the same problem with EHAM but only with the 777. I have flown the 747, MD-11 and NGX extensively from EHAM with no problem. It's odd that the OP has the same problem with NGX but I don't. At least there's a workaround. Oh and just for the record I am using FSBuild for my flight planning.

Tom Landry



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Cool, that solved my issue as well. For the record I use FSBuild too. I did try Simbrief to see, but that didn't work either. My NGX worked just fine witht he same flight plan without having to modify anything so it was a bit confusing to me why the T7 wouldn't work, but I found this thread and can fix it for now.

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