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cfg file don't save max load texture


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Hi all

happens to me this strange problem. It seems that the cfg file does not save the settings max load textures. After several hours of flight happens what you see in the screenshot and to put things back to normal I have to reinstall the textures of AS2012. Reinstalling the textures AS2012 tells me that the cfg file is set to baseline levels.

It 's very annoying having to reinstall the textures every week but I do not know how to fix it (assuming that the two things are connected)

Thanks for the help


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There are several parameters in the fsx.cfg that will revert back to default settings if you make changes to FSX settings from within FSX. You can't do anything about it other than using a launch program like FSX Go.

Simmerhead - Making the virtual skies unsafe since 1987! 

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Also, the setting in the FSX.CFG file has nothing to do with AS2012 textures - you do NOT need to reload them. They haven't changed - it's the cfg setting that changed. As simmerhead said, there are several settings in the cfg file that will change IF you access the file from FSX AFTER making your change.

So, change your texture setting and fly but if you access the FSX.CFG file from within FSX. it will revert . The LOD Radius also reverts.




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Also, the setting in the FSX.CFG file has nothing to do with AS2012 textures - you do NOT need to reload them. They haven't changed - it's the cfg setting that changed. As simmerhead said, there are several settings in the cfg file that will change IF you access the file from FSX AFTER making your change.

So, change your texture setting and fly but if you access the FSX.CFG file from within FSX. it will revert . The LOD Radius also reverts.



so if I understand correctly, if i do not touch any slider or setting in FSX I should not have this issue again, right? I checked my cfg file and i noticed that it has no changed; MLT remains at 1024. I will do some tests, thanks for help 

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