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PMDG 777 Activation on Windows 8.1


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Hello, I'm trying to activate the 777 on FSX SP2 Windows 8.1. But I got this message after entering the serial: "Unable to connect to activation server" and few seconds later it shows "invalid serial number". How can I fix this?


Any help would be appreciated.





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Don't think its supported in windows  8 as of yet could be wrong though




OS: Windows 7 64-bit (older OSes such as Windows XP, 32-bit OSes, and Windows 8 may work, but we cannot guarantee compatibility or support)

I7-800k,Corsair h1101 cooler ,Asus Strix Gaming Intel Z370 S11 motherboard, Corsair 32gb ramDD4,    2  ssd 500gb 970 drive, gtx 1080ti Card,  RM850 power supply


Peter kelberg

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Here's the reply we send out for this from support:



This error means that something between your computer and our server is actually blocking the activation window's connection attempt. The activation window attempts to connect to license.precisionmanuals.com on port 8888.

There are a few possible sources of this that you can look for:

1. A software or router firewall is blocking the connection on your computer or network.  In the case of the software firewall, you need to allow the PMDG activation utility through (it should appear in your list of blocked applications if this is the cause).  In the case of the hardware router, you'll need to find the section in it labeled "port forwarding" or something similar - all routers are different and I can't give exact instructions - check its manual.  You want to forward port 8888 to your computer's local IP on the router's network - this is usually something like or etc depending on how your router is set to assign IP addresses.

Here is a video that shows you how to find your computer's LAN IP:

2. Your Internet Service Provider is blocking port 8888 at the origination point for your connection inside their servers.  This is very common if you're using a connection that's on a university or corporate network. If this is the case, you can probably call their IT support department (assuming installing an entertainment/game product is even something you're allowed to do on the network) and ask them to open that port for you so that you can install.  Just tell them you need to be able to make connections to "license.precisionmanuals.com on port 8888" to activate a software install - they'll know what that means.

3. There may be a problem in the wider internet such as a failed backbone router that's preventing you from reaching our servers.  If you can't reach the PMDG main website or store as well, there's a good chance this is the issue.  There's really nothing that can be done about this unfortunately - it's completely out of either side's hands - you'll just have to wait for the problem to be fixed.

Here are a few possible workarounds we've seen other users use successfully:

a. If your computer is a laptop, take it to a place that has a different internet connection/network - we've had people go to coffee shops and other places with free WiFi that outside of a campus or corporate network and get it to successfully activate that way.

b. If you have a smartphone or tablet such as an iPhone or iPad or an Android device, there's usually a way to "tether" your computer to the device's cellular internet connection.  We've had users report success by doing this - the device will be on a separate ISP's network and shouldn't have the same blocked issue the one the computer's normally attached to has.

Once you get it activated, you shouldn't need to make the connection again unless you change the system's hardware in a major way (motherboard, CPU, GPU etc).

Ryan Maziarz

For fastest support, please submit a ticket at http://support.precisionmanuals.com

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Thanks for the reply.


@Pete: My second computer is on Windows 8 and the 777 works perfectly.

@Tabs: I've tried using my iPhone, still not working. I think there's something blocking on the Windows 8 System. Because I tried GSX activation and it didn't work as well. I'm asking this to the Microsoft Forum and I hope I can fly this bird again  ^_^

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so your trying  to activate the t7 on 2  pcs at the same time?

I7-800k,Corsair h1101 cooler ,Asus Strix Gaming Intel Z370 S11 motherboard, Corsair 32gb ramDD4,    2  ssd 500gb 970 drive, gtx 1080ti Card,  RM850 power supply


Peter kelberg

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Pete: My second computer is on Windows 8 and the 777 works perfectly.

This got me confused   so whats the problem since this quote  states  its working perfectly

I7-800k,Corsair h1101 cooler ,Asus Strix Gaming Intel Z370 S11 motherboard, Corsair 32gb ramDD4,    2  ssd 500gb 970 drive, gtx 1080ti Card,  RM850 power supply


Peter kelberg

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I have 2 PC. The one I can't install with is the 1st one with Windows 8.1. While my second PC using Windows 8 don't have this problem.

LOL BTW Case Closed Guys, After 3x restarting router & my pc, it works  :lol:

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