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Prepar3d v2.4 low fps in vc, new gpu?

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First of all, hello everyone! I've been following this forum for a long time now, and it solved most of myproblems so far. But now I'm really in need of some advice.
Since recently I switched from FSX to Preapr3d v2.4. But (and yes here it is again) I have a serious fps issue. I know there's a trazillion topics about this, I think i've read most of them, but I could not find a real answer to this issue.
No matter what I do, the fps is always stuck somewhere between 10 and 15 fps. With all settings maxed out it doesnt make a whole lot of difference, maybe 2 fps or something. The only that helps is switching to external view that gains me about 10 fps. I love flying the PMDG 737, but thats undoable, with an average of 6-12 fps. Simple clouds on or off, shadows on or off, I tried everything but nothing helps.

here's my system specs: Windows 7 ult. 64bit sp1, Intel Core i5-4670 CPU @ 3.40GHz #.40Ghz, 4GB ram (will expand that soon) Nvidia gtx660 on a 3 screen setup.

Anyone any idea? And I was thinking about upgarding my GPU, so maybe any suggestions on that?

Cheers, and have a nice weekend!

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I went from a gtx660 to a gtx760, for a variety of reasons, and more than doubled the fps I get. I really think your cpu running at 3.4GHZ (interpreting #.40) is good enough for the most part and the upgrade of your graphics card will yield the most in performance increase.

So, with that in mind, go for the beswt graphic card you can realistically afford...

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I think we need some more information about your monitors. What resolutions are they? Also are you using NVIDIA Surround and if so what bezel corrected resolution do you use? Obviously the resolution size as it gets larger has a huge impact on your frames per second.


For example I was "attempting" to use Surround with a bezel corrected resolution of 8100x1440 with three 2560x1440 monitors hooked up to a GTX 680. As you explained my FPS was very poor, throw in any weather and you could forget about it. I'm thinking with your 660 your in the same boat... err plane. So I upgraded to a 980 and behold, my FPS skyrocketed.

Is it done yet? When will it be released? Will it be freeware or payware? How much will it cost? Any updates on the progress? Will it work for Xbox? Can I be a beta tester? How's the performance in VR?

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I think your GPU is what's slowing you down. I would be surprised if anyone is having any luck with a smooth running P3D with a 660 on a single monitor. I suppose it is possible but not with very much eye candy as people say. So with that said your trying to do three monitors it really can't keep up with the field of view and resolutions your trying trying to give it.


If you can afford it, like I said I got a 980 Overclocked and am very happy with it. If not the 970 is a great affordable option as well.

Is it done yet? When will it be released? Will it be freeware or payware? How much will it cost? Any updates on the progress? Will it work for Xbox? Can I be a beta tester? How's the performance in VR?

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I think you will be very happy with the boost in performance with that card. EVGA makes a good product as well. 

Is it done yet? When will it be released? Will it be freeware or payware? How much will it cost? Any updates on the progress? Will it work for Xbox? Can I be a beta tester? How's the performance in VR?

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Well, installed the 970 today, started prepar3d v2.4 and guess what?

No difference at all. :(

I gain some (5-ish) fps when I switch off Rex4/asn , but overall in every plane I try i get between 15-20 fps. No matter what settings I use.
*Feels a bit disappointed.

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hey there,


Hi, I have been following this thread as I'm interested in getting in to multi screen for P3D and was targeting a 970 myself. I therefore share your disappointment :(. I was thinking on the lower settings at the very least that 30fps should be achievable.


Wonder what the bottleneck is? What happens if you try the 970 on justo one screen ie. At 1080p to see whether it's the resolution that kills it? Are you flying in urban or bush areas, does that make a difference?

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Two bottlenecks I found so far, are add-on planes and autogen scenery. If i load up the bushmaster (default plane) and set autogen scnery to low it hangs around 22 fps. It's doable, but not nearly what  I hoped for.
I tried a single screen on 1920x 1080, but that also gains me only 2fps.

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Hmmm, that's intersersting as I would expect changing to 1080p to have a much bigger effect on framerates. Something else might be up.


For reference I get 30-40fps bush flying with a radeon 7950 OC (i53750k @ 4.4) with Autogen at dense. That's with FTX scenery.


You could try and see if you're GPU is at 100% - I don't know how to do this with nvidia (use radeonpro for AMD) - maybe GPUZ or an MSI too or nvispector?


Other things to check would be that you don't have any 3rd party apps limiting framerate or applying any crazy antialiasing like DSR. Also check P3D is set to unlimited frame rate (obvious I know but clutching at straws!).

Should say that's 30-40fps at 1080p

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