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Repaint requests, anyone?

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Hello all, just a quick query, thought I'd post in here as it seemed like a handy place to start.


Whilst I think the liveries are great for this aircraft, I wonder if anyone might be up to making a new one, as photoshop and me don't get along.


It's very simple, in my opinion, and would be greatly appreciated.


More images can be found by simply googling "G-SPUR." 


If it helps, Eaglesoft did this repaint with a different registration as part of their Citation II product and I can provide the texture files if necessary.


Yes I am aware the aircraft is a different model, the main difference being the wings, but improvise and just carry the black line all the way to the end.



Edited by firehawk44
Photo removed; Copyrighted Image. See Image Posting Rules
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I would love a repaint of NetJets Europe Citation II and some other european operator repaint :)


The list is long, but NetJets Europe and North Flying C550 would I love to get :)


Since ALL of the paints in the pack are fictional, not one real plane..

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Would any of you talented painters like to try this livery? its for a company based in the Caribbean (SVG AIR logo on the engine)


J8-JTS - Photos can be found at airport-data.com and airplane-pictures.net. If you wish, I can email you the photos also.




Marlon Carter - AVSIM Reviewer

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Guest JustanotherPilot

While on the topic, anyone up to making a photoshop template that would show the whole of the aircraft fuse to allow the repaint, then segmented to fit into the respective parts that make up the model. I take my hat off to Carenado repainters, given the complex texture layout they have to work with.


steve s

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unfortunately it isn't as easy as making a template of the entire plane, then segmenting it. The textures on the Carenado planes are all warped and stretched, and not all in the same direction. If you take the separate sections and just align them together, they don't even really look like the plane at all, they are all warped.  In addition, because of the warping, you can not make a straight line on your template, and expect it to come out straight on the aircraft. To make a straight line on the aircraft, you need to make a line that is warped and wavy, but opposite to the way the textures are warped, so that when they get applied to the plane, they come out looking straight. For example, look at the image below which is part of a texture that I was working on. You can see that the "straight" lines ( they do look straight when applied to the airframe) are not really straight at all.



Kerry W. Gipe
Savannah Georgia, USA
US FAA A&P / Commercial Pilot Multi Engine Land IFR

Your talent is a gift from God. How you use your talent is your gift back to God.

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Guest JustanotherPilot


unfortunately it isn't as easy as making a template of the entire plane, then segmenting it. The textures on the Carenado planes are all warped and stretched, and not all in the same direction. If you take the separate sections and just align them together, they don't even really look like the plane at all, they are all warped.  In addition, because of the warping, you can not make a straight line on your template, and expect it to come out straight on the aircraft. To make a straight line on the aircraft, you need to make a line that is warped and wavy, but opposite to the way the textures are warped, so that when they get applied to the plane, they come out looking straight. For example, look at the image below which is part of a texture that I was working on. You can see that the "straight" lines ( they do look straight when applied to the airframe) are not really straight at all.





Thanks Mate for your reply. I'm glad you mentioned the curved segments, I thought it was just me that was doing something wrong, in any case I've decided I don't have the time or inclination to spend trying to do something that should be easy.


In this digital age, software and hardware manufactures must adhere to certain conventions so that there is uniformity across the board. I have never been able to understand why this does not extend to flightsim textures and how they are displayed. PMDG, Aerososoft, QwSim are all different, some a joy to work with others a nightmare (Carenado, Aerosoft come to mind).


I will have to wait in the hope that someone with more skill than I, can paint a vast selection of Carenado C550's listed on the Australian register.

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