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And what about RXP GNS 530 ?

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Good day dear community.


I read the "help page" on flysimware website that the GTN and RXP weather radar is already integrated. But, how can we, users of the RXP GNS 530 can put it on the virtual cockpit instead of the gns "default" that comes with the Product?

Kind Regards


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Not. One time Flysimware intended to make it compatible with the RXP unit. It isn't materialized (yet).


In the meantime use a 2D popup of the RXP unit with the good old LinkGPS=on parameter.


[rxpgns.ini] LinkGps= Automatically link GNS WAAS flight plan to Flight Simulator GPS flight plan and to third party EFIS gauges. Options are "off", "on" (uses XML GPS API), "legacy" (uses older gps_export.dll API).  



That way the RXP unit also drives the Flysimware GNS unit. Or do as I did. Buy the Emuteq hardware GNS unit ;):


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