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[Title Changed by Mod] Requesting Help on Shipping Info

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Hello fellow PMDG customers!


    I come here with a problem. I ordered the 737 FCTM (Flight Crew Training Manual) a while back from PMDG (on the 1st). I also payed for one-day shipping, estimated delivery was the second of July. However, here we are on the six, with nothing shipped, and an order "processed". I both emailed them and opened a support ticket on the 2nd, when the item was not shipped, simply requesting some info on shipping, of if there was going to be a delay, could I get free shipping? Well, still no answer four days later, and still nothing shipped. I sent them another email today, and even tried calling them, which showed nothing.



So, PMDG, if you are reading this, please, politely ship my item soon. Otherwise, I want a refund. Turns out it would be cheaper for me to download the FCTM and just print off myself (a whopping $7 full cover, bound, just without the logo on the front). However, since PMDG is awesome, I am happy to support. Please, don't make me regret trying to buy things from you.


Matthew Ballew

BTCB Database Technician

Bixby, OK

  • Commercial Member



I will do my best to ensure that you don't regret being our customer- but I'd ask that you please do your best to make sure I don't regret having you as our customer either. 


In fact, I would ask that you please have some respect for the fact that we convinced the entire United States of America to throw a holiday last week.  This included lobbying the printer, USPS, FedEx, a few of our own office staff, the Federal Government of the United States of America, five US territories (actually 16 but 11 of them aren't inhabited so that was just a paperwork exercise) and 50 states to all PLEASE lay out a holiday in time that we could inconvenience you personally.


And we succeeded!


Seriously- for that kind of pull- you MUST be impressed at least a little bit, no? 


Even a teeny bit?


Just... maybe...  that much?  -->||<-- 


Okay- well- perhaps you will be more impressed by my research into your order.  :ph34r:


I found that the information you provided above wasn't entirely accurate.  You see, you did indeed ATTEMPT order the FCTM on 02JUL15.  You attempted three times, in fact- using a paypal account that is not in your name- and for reasons (possibly related to that) your purchase was rejected by paypal all three times.


You then returned on 04JUL15- and successfully placed the order at 11:11AM CDT using a credit card, and this order was transmitted to the publisher for handling today, when our offices opened for normal business.


Our publisher is very good about turning orders around pretty quickly, (after all- they are a prime supplier to Boeing- so they are used to handling demanding clients!) and they ARE in the office this week as well so I am confident the order is being handled with the care and diligence that you deserve.


At any rate- I am sorry we weren't in the office on the holiday to be able to help you.  We didn't plan ahead for all the road closures around the Washington DC area- and as such we decided to stay home.


All kidding aside:  Your order has gone to print- you will see it soon enough.  I believe the publisher updates your order status directly in our shopping cart- but if they are busy they tend to get back to updating the shipping data after a few days and your order is normally in your hands by that time.


Enjoy the FCTM.  It makes for interesting reading.

Robert S. Randazzo coolcap.gif


You can find us at:  http://forum.pmdg.com




Turns out it would be cheaper for me to download the FCTM and just print off myself (a whopping $7 full cover, bound, just without the logo on the front).
You can't print it off yourself - the PDF file is locked for printing as a condition from Boeing (I believe) as it is copyright material.
  • Commercial Member



It is pretty well known that I don't suffer fools very well- so my humor here was a way of redirecting my frustration with the dishonesty and the abusive manner in which he treated our technical support team prior to arriving here.


I am tempted to post his support tickets here so that you all can see how dishonest, abusive and self centered this fellow is in his dealings with other people.


I was thoroughly disgusted to read how he treated the folks from whom he requested help.


I just do not understand why it was necessary to lie, threaten and abuse the good will of someone else instead of simply asking for help.

Robert S. Randazzo coolcap.gif


You can find us at:  http://forum.pmdg.com




I am tempted to post his support tickets here so that you all can see how dishonest, abusive and self centered this fellow is in his dealings with other people.


Robert, don't leave us hanging. Give up the goods!

Kenny Lee
"Keep climbing"


No, please don't. Let the drama queen find a different stage... I've seen a few other posts from this fella that are inflammatory to be polite. Don't encourage this behavior.  As a Sooner, I find this a little embarrassing.

Dan Downs KCRP




It is pretty well known that I don't suffer fools very well- so my humor here was a way of redirecting my frustration with the dishonesty and the abusive manner in which he treated our technical support team prior to arriving here.


I am tempted to post his support tickets here so that you all can see how dishonest, abusive and self centered this fellow is in his dealings with other people.


I was thoroughly disgusted to read how he treated the folks from whom he requested help.


I just do not understand why it was necessary to lie, threaten and abuse the good will of someone else instead of simply asking for help.



A sad reality of the world of retail today. So many people hold anyone they buy products from with some form of maligned contempt and treat the poor staff on the other end like dirt, thinking it will get them a "better deal" or better service, somehow. I witnessed this in a fairly upmarket Auckland restaurant this weekend, some idiot screaming and carrying on at the poor maitre'd for something outside of their control. I was mortified and actually checked to see if she was ok. Next minute the chef sends me out a free birthday dessert. (I don't generally eat dessert, but it was a lovely thought!)


We have the same happen at my company, customers who break things and try to lie and insist it was like that when they bought it, or that its all our fault, or that they are entitled to free stuff for some crazy reason. I once had enough and told a customer that no, we could not help her with her product that she bought from our competitor to which she demanded that I be fired (no amount of telling her I was the company owner seemed to help)...


Ahhh, the state of humanity...  :ph34r:


Robert, can you send him a SEVERELY redacted copy of the manual as payback?


Ha ha awesome. Just enough to get airborne and your on your own from there! :lol:


Now THAT should take top oscar honors for best customer service response...ever.


It never fails that you get complaints like this from customers who are blissfully unaware of major holidays that occur.  Yeesh, the nerve of some people.



Engage, research, inform and make your posts count! -Jim Morvay

Origin EON-17SLX - Under the hood: Intel Core i7 7700K at 4.2GHz (Base) 4.6GHz (overclock), nVidia GeForce GTX-1080 Pascal w/8gb vram, 32gb (2x16) Crucial 2400mhz RAM, 3840 x 2160 17.3" IPS w/G-SYNC, Samsung 950 EVO 256GB PCIe m.2 SSD (Primary), Samsung 850 EVO 500gb M.2 (Sim Drive), MS Windows 10 Professional 64-Bit


What I find most surprising is I can understand if he wasn't from the US. I had no idea you had a holiday over there that weekend, but he is from the US....also a clue was in what he wrote



estimated delivery was the second of July


estimated.... :)


Specially when the purchase has been done on the 4th! ... Return to the futur!

Romain Roux



Avec l'avion, nous avons inventé la ligne droite.

St Exupéry, Terre des hommes.

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