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Why do we have to Tweak?

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Tweaking.... Hmmm.....

We seem to be a Community of avid Tweakers ... greedily devouring every hint, nod or slightest suggestion, that might lead us to the Nirvana of Flight Sim Perfection?

I wonder if the LM, PMDG or Orbx Devs (amongst countless others), ever suffer stutters, low fps's or any of the other afflictions that seem to plague the rest of us mere Mortal Flight Simmers, on their Corporate PC's?

[Holds hands up] I have a rather hefty machine (and monitors), that can run modern gaming sims at absolutely mind-blowing graphics settings and yet, the Love of My Life is still stuttering along at 25-30-ish fps (on a good day?).

Just like YOU, who are reading this post, I have tried to subjectively analyse the why's and wherefore's and am still at a loss as to understand how a supposedly 'Military Class' Simulator can be so 'buggy'?


Would Anyone care to discuss?


I downloaded P3D V3, didn't tweak squat, and it runs fine, good FPS and no stutters, smooth as silk. But then my 2.5 ran well also. I don't like fixing something until it breaks. 


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020  iFly 738Max, PMDG 777    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  Beyond  ATC  , Flightsim First  Officer 

A Pilots LIfe V2-L3 ,  CLX PC , Auto FPS, ACTIVE Sky FS,  PMDG DC6 , A2A Comanche, , Milviz C 310




Fair comment Bobsk8 but, judging by the bulk of your P3D posts, you don't run at higher settings anyway?  Correct me if I am wrong - but anyone can run P3D at minimal settings and achieve a smooth performance? You want FSX? - Turn everything off in P3D and you have the updated version. Simples.


Fair comment Bobsk8 but, judging by the bulk of your P3D posts, you don't run at higher settings anyway?  Correct me if I am wrong - but anyone can run P3D at minimal settings and achieve a smooth performance? You want FSX? - Turn everything off in P3D and you have the updated version. Simples.


Don't know what you mean by higher settings. No, I don't run all sliders to the right but I don't run at minimal settings either. Where did you get the idea that I made that statement?   . I run most sliders at mid range and some a notch or two  above mid range, it looks good and it is smooth and I don't have to tweak something that the programmers state many times, doesn't need tweaking. I have many thousands of hours in both  FS9 and FSX, and to me, there is no comparison to what I am seeing in P3D. If I had to go back to FSX, I would find another hobby. By the way, let us know how all that tweaking is working out for you. 


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020  iFly 738Max, PMDG 777    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  Beyond  ATC  , Flightsim First  Officer 

A Pilots LIfe V2-L3 ,  CLX PC , Auto FPS, ACTIVE Sky FS,  PMDG DC6 , A2A Comanche, , Milviz C 310




Don't know what you mean by higher settings. No, I don't run all sliders to the right but I don't run at minimal settings either. Where did you get the idea that I made that statement?   . I run most sliders at mid range and some a notch or two  above mid range, it looks good and it is smooth and I don't have to tweak something that the programmers state many times, doesn't need tweaking. I have many thousands of hours in both  FS9 and FSX, and to me, there is no comparison to what I am seeing in P3D. If I had to go back to FSX, I would find another hobby. By the way, let us know how all that tweaking is working out for you. 

I doff my cap to you Sir and if I have mis-quoted you then I Apologise. .... No offence intended.


Ran mine all the way to the left and v3 was still a slide show! Got a refund and am back running FSX DX10 and P3Dv2. Never could figure out why v3 ran so terrible on my system. i5 4690k @ 4.4ghz Gtx FTW 970 8gb Ram Windows 7 64 bit Samsung 500gb Ssd. Thought I may have had a bad overclock so ran at stock settings still no change. Oh well

Kevin Humphryes


Don't worry too much.

Even AAA games are tweaked today. Not as much as FSX but anyway.

For example, Dragon Age Inquisition came with its sequences locked at 30FPS. You can use a command line parameter to release the lock and have sequences at 60FPS

It is not the same, but the point is that our necessity of tweaking comes with our necessity of always wanting more. And at the same time, it is not possible for a developer make a game that doesn't need a tweak in one way or another.

At least this is what I think


From a professional stand point: it is absolutely incomprehensible that a company like LM does not want to disclose (not even towards its professional licensees) the information which PC system (eg. brand, type, etc) their are using to verify - annex certify - their product on so it is working correctly as intended for its customers (or at least at what settings). Sadly I have seen this happening at other software companies too...


I think a community like this would gratefully benefit from this simple information (left alone the many that like to have/tweak their own system built and use add-ons). At least, you have a proper concrete reference then...


A great deal of fellow members here would rather be using the product than trying to get it run (properly) ;-), no?


Hi JL,


never had low performance with v2.x nor v3. Bought it downloaded it installed it set it up for my taste and it worked. All CTDs, OOMs -if any- were induced by myself. Both sims run between 26 up to 50 FPS@ pretty high settings. As of my experience v2.x ran great v3 is even better.

I have an i7 5820k+GTX980SLI+116GB Ram. SLI is switched off for the time.




My youtube blog________________________Prepar3D v2.5/v3



I lock my frames at 30/32 with Vsync on and Triple buffering on.  With these settings on,   I find this works great for me.  Very little stutters. 




  • Commercial Member

Why do we have to tweak?


IMHO because PC systems are complex, and not two of them are alike. They are broadly similar in operations, but they are never identical. There are literally millions of possible diversions from the norm that may necessitate a tweak. That is why there is no one master tweak that works for all. Things like tiny differences in BIOS or HDD controller firmware to unvoluntary bloatware to seemingly helpful "tools" that users install in abundance on their PCs to even switching out the single most important part - the operating system - without a single thought can have great impact on any application, not only on those that need near exclusive access to system resources (like a flightsim). Don't even get me started on all the possible hardware variations. If you are running a system near it's performance peak, then even the little details start to matter (like if flightsim and scenery are on the same disk or on two separate ones, if those two are HDD or SSD, if they use the same controller or different ones).



I lock my frames at 30/32 with Vsync on and Triple buffering on.  With these settings on,   I find this works great for me.  Very little stutters. 


I'm with Elaine.  Works for me too.  P3D has settled into its sweetspot for me


I lock my frames at 30/32 with Vsync on and Triple buffering on.  With these settings on,   I find this works great for me.  Very little stutters. 


I run my FPS unlimited ( first time ever after years and years of locking with MSFS), no V sync, middle of the road 3 year old desktop, and I get an average of around 33 FPS with no stutters at all which is recorded on every VA flight by Acars. . 


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020  iFly 738Max, PMDG 777    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  Beyond  ATC  , Flightsim First  Officer 

A Pilots LIfe V2-L3 ,  CLX PC , Auto FPS, ACTIVE Sky FS,  PMDG DC6 , A2A Comanche, , Milviz C 310



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