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Matt Davis striked by IVAO

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Flight Sim Drama, lol!


I can appreciate both sides of this one.  The action by IVAO does seem a littl petulant, and it's hard to see what they would gain from it.    On the other hand, Matt makes money from his videos on YouTube (and indirectly via Patreon, etc), so must be fully complient to copyright laws.  


UK LAPL-A (Formerly NPPL-A and -M)


This case shows how stubborn and selfish IVAO "CEOs" are. It is obvious that they are not aware of the situation of our community. 

Youtube/Twitch/ etc. are essential for communication, learning and more important: to catch attention to our hobby. 

Flightsim community gets smaller and smaller. Welcome to 2015! We`re not living in FS 2002 times anymore. 

We already have software that lags behind, community that is split (IVAO and VATSIM).

So please bring your R&R to todays standards and stop weaken our community with small minded copyright claims! 

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Manuel Miller


My two cents says, that if you make money by flight simming, you should play by the rules. There is a reason why IVAO has disallowed the usage of their aircraft models outside IVAO and we should respect their decision.

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Although I completely get IVAO's standpoint, love him or hate him, Matt does great videos.  He is one of the few people who actually knows what he's doing on YT when it comes to PMDG aircraft.


I hope this spat doesn't continue for too long and that IVAO get's over their tantrum.  Point has been made.


As stated above, it does seem a little petulant.  It would have been best had IVAO contacted Matt and asked him not to use property going forward, perhaps even asked for a donation or a show on his channel to increase exposure.


As it stands they come across as churlish and somewhat greedy.

  • Upvote 6

Ian R Tyldesley


As stated above, it does seem a little petulant. It would have been best had IVAO contacted Matt and asked him not to use property going forward, perhaps even asked for a donation or a show on his channel to increase exposure.


Completely agree. Although their principle is valid, their methods need a rethink. To be honest, Matt should have thought this one through as well..


I'm so tired of this copyright stuff. What's next having to pay addon devs to do reviews of their planes? Matt wasn't selling their models as his own,or giving them away so I don't see where there was a violation.

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ATP MEL,CFI,CFII,MEI. Type Ratings B-737, ERJ-190,ERJ-170



Or they could have said, "we know you really shouldn't be doing this, but make a few more videos featuring IVAO or at an IVAO event, take down the video showing people how to use MTL on VATSIM and we'll call it quits".


I'm just waiting for the "Belynz Discusses: VATSIM or IVAO, which network should YOU choose?" video......  :fool:


I can't think of one small developer (flight sim or otherwise) that taking on a prominent YouTuber via copyright strikes that ended well for the developer.

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My question is does IVAO actually own the rights to these models? My understanding is the MTL is a tool to install AI packages made from developers like AIARDVARK, FSPainter, etc for IVAO. Similar to what WOAI does? If so then it's these developers that own the copyrights to their models, not IVAO. They only own the rights to their own MTL tool. So do they actually have standing to even invoke a copyright claim? Or does that have to come from the AI model developers themselves?

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My Youtube Videos!



I'm so tired of this copyright stuff. What's next having to pay addon devs to do reviews of their planes? Matt wasn't selling their models as his own,or giving them away so I don't see where there was a violation.

David, although I agree I think the point is that IVAO have made it public that they did not want their .mtl AI aircraft used for any other purpose and for any other reason other than flying on IVAO. That's why they pulled the file from Vpilot.


Matt used their .MTL for videos where he was clearly flying on VATSIM (for which he was receiving income) after they had made that announcement. It's the optics about the situation which has caused the stickiness, not so much their 'legal owndership rights'. I'm not so sure on that issue anyway


Is this even a valid claim?


You could be making a video of the aerosoft airbus and than have aerosoft sue you because you used their aircraft in your video you are making money from, that would basically be the same thing. And for a surplus, the IVAO_MTL is a collection of FREE aircraft from the community or from developers who have vanished and the IVAO_MTL is free.


And completely aside from that, it is time for IVAO to grow up.


I have spoken, go on and have a nice day

  • Upvote 4

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