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Hello all,


Can anyone, still alive in this forum, LOL, offer opinions and results on what they feel is the best Nvidia driver for FS9? Recently installed a a 560Ti and have experienced various results with various drivers. Most not so good.


Many thanks,




I'm still alive with FS9. But I haven't flown it much in over six months. I had the best performance with 344.48.


Hope this helps,


Sheldon "Bill" Williams


Hello all,


Can anyone, still alive in this forum, LOL, offer opinions and results on what they feel is the best Nvidia driver for FS9? Recently installed a a 560Ti and have experienced various results with various drivers. Most not so good.


Many thanks,



 Hello, you are not the only one, I am also using FS9 and I do also use the 560Ti, so far I am fed up with the AA stuff that I cannot just get it right. So many guides, so many Nvidia Inspector profiles and other things but, it just does not work and the amount of time invested in trying to fix it is too much that I have kind of given up almost on it. I have come to the conclusion that if things do not improve I am at the point of offering some cash to anyone who fix this mess in a permanent way.


Best Regards




I know what you mean. I have two cards in my mainframe for our home built flight sim. A 560ti and a GTS 250. Last week I had a 9800 GT alongside the 560ti. This has worked beautifully for a couple of years. All of a sudden the 9800 dropped off. Went into device manager to see a code 43 error. Removed the card. Remove the drivers. Reinstalled 9800. Booted, reinstalled drivers, and now the 560 shows a error code 43. Fought with this for 3 damn days. Installing and un-installing cards. Kept getting BSOD and could not figure out if one card or the other was bad or both. Finally I now have the 560ti & GTS 250 working well without lock ups. (Knocking on wood as I type this). Nvidia is a royal pain in the bucket. Although less of a pain than ATI.


I would recommend you find a friend or someone to help you weed out your issues. A fresh opinion never hurts.





Hi, Mitch and Jon, I was able only ONCE, to have it running properly with the 340.52 drivers. I had to uninstall cause I would get BSOD's and since then I have not been able to catch it again......... Mitch, if you know somebody who could nail this mess I will appreciate it, as I stated before, If somebody comes with a permanent solution and how to deal it then i will give a small reward, since it is not small challenge.


May I suggest you uninstall Inspector.  Instead right-click on your desktop, select and open nVidia Control Panel. Under 3D Settings select/open Manage 3D settings.  DO NOT alter Global Settings.  Click Program Settings and locate your FS2004 program from the drop-down menu.  Add your preferred options and fly.  I noticed that I had my stunning looking FS9 back.  YMMV.


I use a Titan X with latest drivers 358.91 I think... :)  No issues at all lol.  I also run unlocked frames VSync set to app controlled and avg 60 FPS with a 60 HZ refresh rate...

I run 4X (MultiSampling) AA with 2X SGSS on a 4096x2160 LG monitor.  Quite frankly it is spectacular.

Have a Wonderful Day

-Paul Solk



I used the latest drivers for my old Nvidia 9800.GT no problem. That is with FS9. They crashed Fallout3 and Skyrim so I thre them out again and went back to 34something.


May I suggest you uninstall Inspector.  Instead right-click on your desktop, select and open nVidia Control Panel. Under 3D Settings select/open Manage 3D settings.  DO NOT alter Global Settings.  Click Program Settings and locate your FS2004 program from the drop-down menu.  Add your preferred options and fly.  I noticed that I had my stunning looking FS9 back.  YMMV.

Hi, thanks for the input but, I tried as you mentioned and well....... looks like crap. I am sure there is something else behind all this and it is not just me but some underlying cause which I am unable to detect.


...  but some underlying cause which I am unable to detect.

Did you fully uninstall the previous drivers and performed a clean install of your current driver?  Sometimes things get left behind and play havoc. A clean install starts you off from scratch ... nothing is saved from your previous install.


Our drivers here in Cape Town are quite shocking! By the way, we drive on the left side of the road, mostly, unless someone gets impatient. Taxi drivers are terrible, U-turns in the middle of the road. & the policing is virtually unseen!


Yes, we all need better & more reliable drivers!!

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"Onward & Upward" ...
To the Stars, & Beyond... 


Did you fully uninstall the previous drivers and performed a clean install of your current driver?  Sometimes things get left behind and play havoc. A clean install starts you off from scratch ... nothing is saved from your previous install.

Aye, not just i did a driver uninstall and cleaned everything but, I decided to do a complete fresh install of windows, which of course has fixed the issue with the BSOD's, however the AA problem persists. One thing I have noticed, when I try the direct profile of somebody else (.nip flie) It happens to give me different results and of course affecting the performance of the sim, sometimes for better or worse, when I reached that "sweet point" i was using the 8xS setting as per NickN's guide, now If i want to have something close i need 16xS and yet you can still see the damn jaggies.


Last thing I can think of ... against conventional wisdom set AA etc.in FS9 itself, then change nVidiaControl Panel/Inspector to Application Controlled.


Last thing I can think of ... against conventional wisdom set AA etc.in FS9 itself, then change nVidiaControl Panel/Inspector to Application Controlled.

Hi, sorry for delaying in answering but well, life goes on..... So I tried what you said but still there are no changes. I'll do a post after on the drivers forum and open an offer for a reward to the person who can solve this issue, I have just ran out of time and patience after many months and this season keeps my busy with work. Thanks for your inputs :smile:

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