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Anyone come back to FSX after trying P3D?

Guest FlyingBeach

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Guest FlyingBeach

Have been a FSX user for some time until my PC self-destructed so using older machine currently only with FS9 so stuck with that for now. Not such a bad thing though. Kinda enjoying flying rather then tweaking for a change. :P


A new build is on the agenda, so been thinking of which route to take. Of course both are an option I suppose, but I find I'd rather concentrate on one only. I'm kinda not liking what I'm reading in the P3D forum with all the new updates etc. I'm starting to wonder if FSX is far less of a hassle to get running then P3D is currently.


Be interested to get some more views and opinions ans facts on the matter.


Mark L.


I migrated back from P3D 2.X to FSX Steam.  Was enthusiastic about P3D to begin with, but over time I found I was spending more time managing video settings (never got antialiasing quite right), trying to work through microstutters, installing and setting up new versions...  I also got tired of the cost of living in the P3D environment, and - I know this is going to tick people off, but I'm going to say it anyway - of not being the target customer.  By that I mean, there'll always be an important place for individual users of P3D, and it's smart on LM's part to involve the community.  But at the end of the day, development decisions are going to be much more influenced by what the professional community wants and needs.  That's as it should be - users vote with dollars - but I'd rather be at the center of the developer's target.


I miss the visuals in P3D, but FSX:SE with the DX10 Fixer installed is smooth, performs well, lets me use all my add-ons without concerns about compatibility, and is vastly easier on my wallet.  Nice interface, too!  And I get a lot more flying done, as opposed to managing the sim.


I'll never say never - I keep track of P3D developments and could conceivably shift over to P3D 3.X, but I'm more hopeful that Dovetail will turn out to be the path forward for consumer/entertainment use.


My $.02.  Just reporting, not trying to persuade anyone of anything or suggest that because I did X, others need to do X too.  It's all good...

  • Upvote 1

I have just purchased and installed P3D.  I have kept my FSX-SE install because I am not about to purchase my PMDG planes again.  Still evaluating which I like better.  P3D definitely has some nice visuals in the distance, haze, shadows, lighting, etc.  Other than that I don't see much difference in the performance.

Mark   CYYZ      


  • Commercial Member

A new build is on the agenda, so been thinking of which route to take. Of course both are an option I suppose, but I find I'd rather concentrate on one only. I'm kinda not liking what I'm reading in the P3D forum with all the new updates etc. I'm starting to wonder if FSX is far less of a hassle to get running then P3D is currently.


I'm giving myself two more days to try and get some flyable performance out of P3D version 3.2, which with all the addon sceneries and heavy AI Traffic I normally have on FSX-SE behaves pretty abysmally at present. Maybe there's some magic settings which will work, or else I have something seriously wrong, but I cannot seem to get rid of the 1 sec or so hesitations -- I could just about tolerate the microstutters, but not the hesitations.


With no addon scenery layers or AI Traffic it behaves like a dream, smooth as silk, and looks really good too. But I want as much as I can load on FSX-SE ... so I may well be back by Saturday!



Win10: 22H2 19045.2728
CPU: 9900KS at 5.5GHz
Memory: 32Gb at 3800 MHz.
GPU:  RTX 24Gb Titan
2 x 2160p projectors at 25Hz onto 200 FOV curved screen

Guest FlyingBeach

Some interesting comments. Guess I'll just keep watch and see what the future brings for P3D. Looking at issues like what Pete has, if any body else has it, does that mean version 3.2.3?


Seems to be more fixes and updates then every other sim combined!


Mark L.


I switched from FSX to P3D because I had to. I was battling a serious problem with

Simconnect that couldn't be resolved. Simconnect in P3D works just fine, so

I won't go back to FSX for sure.


I have P3D 3.2 running fine with almost all addons working well (REX, ASN, ORBX, Q400,

Aerosoft A320, ..., and last not least Pete's great FSUIPC). I only have one

problem with ORBX Object Flow, which however can be circumvented.


I have rarely had issues with performance in P3D, probably because I am willing

to live with moderate graphics settings on my rather humble system (GTX 660).

In FSX, I could never be sure that things work as expected, but I found that

P3D performance is very predictable.






I'm reinstalling FSX on a separate drive from P3v3 this weekend.  I really miss the A2A B-17 radio operator telling me "Captain, there's something on the radio . . . "  I miss VOX ATC vectoring me into a mountain.  I miss Heidi in in the J-3 Cub asking me "Are we on a date?"  I miss Switzerland, and on and on . . . . .

Forever indebted to the late Michael Greenblatt of FSGS.




  • Commercial Member

Nope, not gonna happen! :) Much better lighting, shadows EVERYWHERE, much more stable FPS = much smoother experience, much better VAS management, much higher LOD for autogen at 4.5, without popping, and much more! FSX is history for me, and it is literally a history cause it is released  8 years ago, and still today it baffles most of the simmers why their monster hardware can't run it properly. And yes, I don't even have monster GPU for P3D, only gtx 960, which is a solid card but far from top today, and it runs like a dream in P3D v3.2 

Current system: ASUS PRIME Z690-P D4, Intel 12900k, 32GB RAM @ 3600mhz, Zotac RTX 3090 Trinity, M2 SSD, Oculus Quest 2.




I went back to FSX:SE after P3Dv3. I never found it as a huge improvement as some folks have made it out to be. Sure, it looks better, but it certainly performs worse on my end. I had to do a lot of tweaking just for it to get a stable frame rate, but then when I threw lots of clouds in the mix, you can forget about any decent frame rates.


I do keep it on my HDD for some VFR flying, but any airliner flights are done on FSX:SE only. But I know it runs good for some people, but I can't justify getting a 970 or 980 Ti (or some in cases 2X Titans).

  • Commercial Member

I have both on my system, but I would say I run P3D 90% of the time. I have an i7 4790 and Nvidia 970. My frames and visuals are much better in P3D and I don't have to worry about OOM's. P3D is something that you can try and get a refund within 60 days if you do not want it anymore. Many people have tried it and opt to use that as the primary sim because it performs better and looks better doing it and other people have trouble getting their system to perform like it should resulting in a bad experience. Either way, it is up to you and like I said, you can use P3D for 60 days and then choose whatever you like better.


REX AccuSeason Developer

REX Simulations


I will never go back if I can. P3D is better in so many ways. I don't have to tweak it like FSX. I have FSX installed so I can fly the Leo Maddog and the MD11. Otherwise I won't touch it.

Richie Walsh


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