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I have a question which I know is buried somewhere in the manuals but I can't find it.  How do you load the 777 with the engines running and ready for flight?  I haven't used this in over a year and need a little info on this setup.  Thanks for not making fun of me or telling me to read the manuals.  Sometimes just want a quick flight without having to do research to help me remember.  Ken




How do you load the 777 with the engines running
Page 73 of the Introduction. Load the 777 Default as your panel state.



or telling me to read the manuals




I will point you to the place where the answer is, not that I want to make fun of you, but it is already better explained than I could do myself.
Have a look at page 73 of the Introduction manual.
In the options of the FMC, in box startup state, just put there the panel you want the aircraft to load with.
If none of the panels states already available suits your need, then configure the aircraft the way you want, save the panel state and enter the name of the panel state in here.


BTW, you have to sign your posts with first and last names as per forum rules.

Romain Roux



Avec l'avion, nous avons inventé la ligne droite.

St Exupéry, Terre des hommes.

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