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747-400/8 Question-Comments


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When the 747-8 comes out will it include fcom and qrh like the -400 does. I know there are some differences between the -8 and -400. Also, I didn't know if boeing even has a generic -8 fcom so that is why i am asking. Do you include performance data for freighter and passenger variants if possible.


BTW, I purchased the -400 and it is one of my favorite planes ever in FSX. I absolutely love the way it flies. I have had FS since FS95 and PMDG has always been raising the bar on their aircraft. I also have a B777 and it too flies very well.



Austin Johnson


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747-8 isnt in beta yet maybe it will be released in mid 2017.PMDG said soon and of course it will incloude 747-8i/F.All the date is colected from real life airframes and pilots flying it so expect PMDG awesomeness.PMDG 747-8 is more complicated that 400,but i would like to see a chart reader that is present in our 747-8(Air Bridge Cargo) fleet on nav of pfd.

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747-8 isnt in beta yet maybe it will be released in mid 2017.PMDG said soon and of course it will incloude 747-8i/F.All the date is colected from real life airframes and pilots flying it so expect PMDG awesomeness.PMDG 747-8 is more complicated that 400,but i would like to see a chart reader that is present in our 747-8(Air Bridge Cargo) fleet on nav of pfd.

I really hope that we don´t have to wait this long until we can get the -8. Maybe we´ll get some new informations this weekend?! 

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I really hope that we don´t have to wait this long until we can get the -8. Maybe we´ll get some new informations this weekend?! 

The 777-300ER expansion released 10 months after the base -200LR. Not saying this will happen this time round, but my guess would be months rather than weeks. Mid 2017 would seem like a reasonable timeframe.

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There are quite a few differences between the 744 and 748

Probably more so than the 777-200LR/300ER differences...

Apart from length, you have:

- Different wing, flaps etc

- Completely different engines

- Fly by wire spoiler control

- Different system logic in some areas

- Significant increase in takeoff weight (around 50,000kg more)

- Newer FMS

- Electronic Chcklist

- Slightly changed system pages on the center screen

- Changes to the landing gear


Thats just off the top of my head. The 777 changes were much less.

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