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Do you mind.... SODE in P3DV4

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This one gives me headache. 

I have SODE all over the place and no folder and addon.xml in the document/P3DV4 addon folder. Yet 1.5.1 is installed in programfiles ( x86) 12pilot/SODE and simobjects in c:/programdata/12bpilot/SODE  along with others. 

There is also two sub folders in the x86/SODE folder here with these addon.xml. for P3DV3 and V4. Looking inside them and the link to the engine. exe and animation.dll starts with path .. /instead of actually location like c:/program files (x) 86 etc... 

Aerosoft ENGM also does not install simobjects to c:/programdata folder but instead to P3DV4/Simobjects/misc? 

ohh my god ☺️

I have uninstalled SODE so only my remaining folder with airport files is in c:/program data /12bpilot/SODE folder. 

Worked in P3DV3 a month ago. 

So anyone care to let me know your SODE locations including your airport files folder ? 

Thanks Michael Moe 


Michael Moe





Best thing to do is probably delete that program data folder and restart from scratch. 


SODE should install in the program files folder, program data, simobjects folder and now I believe also into the add one folder. You also want to make sure the modules are registered in the dll.xml and exe xml by running the registration too, and ensuring that p3d has a green box when you register it. 


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If you FSDT GSX, uninstall SODE abd install FSDT GSX for P3DV4. It will install SODE for P3DV4 in the proper places. If you do not have FSDT GSX, I suggest you download it and install it in trial mode for free.


Greg Morin

Commercial ASMEL Instrument CFI

Beta Tester i Blue Yonder, Flightbeam and Milviz


  • 5 years later...
On 6/8/2017 at 7:05 AM, gregmorin said:

 If you do not have FSDT GSX, I suggest you download it and install it in trial mode for free.


I have the same issue....I just downloaded and installed GSX and it gave me the same subfolder problem still. I have no xml or simobjects folder.

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