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No Takeoff Clearance.

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Everything goes well until I am told to change frequency to tower and then ask for takeoff clearance. Then silence. I have restarted the flight 5 times and it's the same everytime. There are no frequency conflicts at EIDW. I've tried different say it options for departure, but nothing works.

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I just tried it and got cleared for takeoff on Runway 10 from Tower o 122.4.  Of course the frequency might be different depending on which data is being used.

What runway and frequency were you on when trying to get clearance?

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Logfile: Tower was 118.6

Program StartedPilot 2 ATC (P2A) - version  08/20/2017 19:58:40
Application frmP2AMain starting 08/20/2017 19:58:58
Loading Form
Loading Map Control
LoadMapControl: panel 1
Creating ucMap1
ucMap1 Created
ucMap DockFill set.
Setting Map Mode
Done Loading Map Control
Loading FPL Control
FPL Control Loaded
ATCAssignsSTARs Changed to: True - 08/20/2017 19:59:02
ATCAssignsAPPRs Changed to: True - 08/20/2017 19:59:02
ATCAssignsSIDs Changed to: True - 08/20/2017 19:59:02
 GPS FlightPlan Changed 
 GPS FlightPlan Changed 
Com2FreqChanged: 126.55.  CtlrShrtName: None Found;  CtlrType: None Found20:03:50
Pilot2ATC_200.exe	Information	0	SAPI does not implement phonetic alphabet selection.
No controller assigned 20:03:50
ControllerFreqChanged: 118.6.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Twr CtlrType: Tower20:03:50
Sim Connected: 08/20/2017 20:03:50
ATCAssignsSIDs: True
ATCAssignsSTARs: True
ATCAssignsAPPRs: True
ForcePilotRunwaySelection: False
AutoLoadRecommendedProcedures: True
SIM Version Num: 8; SIM Version: XP; ProcessCheck for FSX or P3D: False False20:03
AssignedRunway: RW10 - 
AssignedSID: RW10-LIFY2E-LIFFY - 
 GPS FlightPlan Changed 
No controller assigned 20:04:09
ControllerFreqChanged: 118.6.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Twr CtlrType: Tower20:04:09
No controller assigned 20:04:09
ControllerFreqChanged: 124.52.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW ATIS CtlrType: ATIS20:04:09
ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Started
 GPS FlightPlan Changed 
ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Done
Com2FreqChanged: 126.55.  CtlrShrtName: None Found;  CtlrType: None Found20:08:50
Pilot2ATC_200.exe	Information	0	SAPI does not implement phonetic alphabet selection.
No controller assigned 20:08:51
SIM Version Num: 8; SIM Version: XP; ProcessCheck for FSX or P3D: False False20:08
ControllerFreqChanged: 118.6.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Twr CtlrType: Tower20:08:51
Sim Connected: 08/20/2017 20:08:51
ATCAssignsSIDs: True
ATCAssignsSTARs: True
ATCAssignsAPPRs: True
ForcePilotRunwaySelection: False
AutoLoadRecommendedProcedures: True
AssignedRunway: RW10 - 
AssignedSID: RW10-LIFY2E-LIFFY - 
 GPS FlightPlan Changed 
No controller assigned 20:08:51
ControllerFreqChanged: 118.6.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Twr CtlrType: Tower20:08:51
No controller assigned 20:08:51
ControllerFreqChanged: 124.52.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW ATIS CtlrType: ATIS20:08:51
ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Started
 GPS FlightPlan Changed 
ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Done
Begin FPLFile 08/20/2017 20:09:04
AssignedRunway: RW10 - 
AssignedSID: RW10-LIFY2E-LIFFY - 
AssignedAPPR: ILS - RW27R - I27R - 
AssignedSTAR: RW27R-BNN1B-NUGRA - 
FltPlan ActiveAPPR: ILS - RW27R - I27R - 
FltPlan ActiveSTAR: RW27R-BNN1B-NUGRA - 
FP.FileFLtPlan executed.
ATCFltPlan set to Filed FPL
ATC UserNamesAdded
 GPS FlightPlan Changed 
NewActiveWpt: Hdg-99
Filed APPR: 
Filed APPR Trans: 
End FPLFile 08/20/2017 20:09:24
ATCAssignsSIDs Changed to: False - 08/20/2017 20:10:41
SetUpIFRDepartureOperations- SIMRWName:  RequesteRWName: 
FltPlan ActiveSID: RW10-LIFY2E-LIFFY - 
ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Started
 GPS FlightPlan Changed 
ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Done
 GPS FlightPlan Changed 
Com2FreqChanged: 126.55.  CtlrShrtName: PAOR Ctr - ANCHORAGE Ctr CtlrType: Center20:13:16
Pilot2ATC_200.exe	Information	0	SAPI does not implement phonetic alphabet selection.
SIM Version Num: 8; SIM Version: XP; ProcessCheck for FSX or P3D: False False20:13
No controller assigned 20:13:17
ControllerFreqChanged: 118.6.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Twr CtlrType: Tower20:13:17
Sim Connected: 08/20/2017 20:13:17
ATCAssignsSIDs: False
ATCAssignsSTARs: True
ATCAssignsAPPRs: True
ForcePilotRunwaySelection: False
AutoLoadRecommendedProcedures: True
AssignedRunway: RW10 - 
 GPS FlightPlan Changed 
No controller assigned 20:13:17
ControllerFreqChanged: 124.52.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW ATIS CtlrType: ATIS20:13:17
ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Started
 GPS FlightPlan Changed 
ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Done
Begin FPLFile 08/20/2017 20:13:30
AssignedRunway: RW10 - 
AssignedAPPR: ILS - RW27R - I27R - 
AssignedSTAR: RW27R-BNN1B-NUGRA - 
FltPlan ActiveAPPR: ILS - RW27R - I27R - 
FP.FileFLtPlan executed.
ATCFltPlan set to Filed FPL
ATC UserNamesAdded
 GPS FlightPlan Changed 
NewActiveWpt: LIFFY
Filed SID: - - - -
Filed APPR: 
Filed APPR Trans: 
End FPLFile 08/20/2017 20:13:42
No controller assigned 20:14:16
ControllerFreqChanged: 121.87.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery20:14:16
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Jet Niner Six Eight ready to copy IFR Clearance 08/20/2017 20:14:24
Recognized Speech: Jet Niner Six Eight Ready to Copy IFR Clearance 20:14:28
HandleIFRClearanceRequest 20:14:28
SpokenAssignedAltitude 20:14:28
SpokenAssignedAltitude 20:14:28
State Changed to: FlightPlanDelivered 20:14
ControllerChanging: False : 08/20/2017 20:14:28
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:14:28
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Jet Niner Six Eight is cleared to Echo Golf Lima Lima as filed.  Expect departure runway One Zero.   Maintain Four Thousand feet . Expect higher clearances Two minutes after departure.  Squawk Six Three Four Six 08/20/2017 20:14:29
ATC Speak:  Jet Niner Six Eight is cleared to Echo Golf Lima Lima as filed.  Expect departure runway One Zero.   Maintain Four Thousand feet . Expect higher clearances Two minutes after departure.  Squawk Six Three Four Six20:14:29
Sug Resp:  ~Jet Niner Six Eight is cleared to Echo Golf Lima Lima as filed.   Maintain Four Thousand feet . Expect higher clearances Two minutes after departure.  Squawk Six Three Four Six20:14:29
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:14:46
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Jet Niner Six Eight is cleared to Echo Golf Lima Lima as filed.   Maintain Four Thousand feet . Expect higher clearances Two minutes after departure.  Squawk Six Three Four Six
 08/20/2017 20:14:46
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Jet Niner Six Eight is cleared to Echo Golf Lima Lima as filed.   Maintain Four Thousand feet . Expect higher clearances Two minutes after departure.  Squawk Six Three Four Six
 08/20/2017 20:14:46
Recognized Speech: Jet Niner Six Eight is cleared to Echo Golf Lima Lima as filed Maintain Four Thousand Feet Expect higher clearances Two minutes after departure Squawk Six Three Four Six 20:15:02
HandleIFRClearanceReadback 20:15:02
HandleATCAssignedAltitudeReadback 20:15:02
HandleSquawkCodeReadback 20:15:02
IFRReadbackSuccess 20:15:02
SpeakAltimeterSetting 20:15:02
SpeakAltimeterSetting 20:15:02
SpokenRandomSalutation 20:15:02
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:15:02
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Jet Niner Six Eight Readback Correct.  QNH is One Zero One Niner Contact Ground on One One Eight Decimal Seven Five when ready to taxi.  have a good evening  08/20/2017 20:15:02
ATC Speak:  Jet Niner Six Eight Readback Correct.  QNH is One Zero One Niner Contact Ground on One One Eight Decimal Seven Five when ready to taxi.  have a good evening 20:15:03
Sug Resp:  ~ QNH is One Zero One Niner Ground on One One Eight Decimal Seven Five20:15:03
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:15:14
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ QNH is One Zero One Niner Ground on One One Eight Decimal Seven Five Jet Niner Six Eight
 08/20/2017 20:15:14
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~ QNH is One Zero One Niner Ground on One One Eight Decimal Seven Five Jet Niner Six Eight
 08/20/2017 20:15:14
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized08/20/2017 20:15:22
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:15:22
AssignedController: 118.75.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:24
ControllerFreqChanged: 118.75.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Gnd CtlrType: Ground20:15:24
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Jet Niner Six Eight ready to taxi 08/20/2017 20:19:27
Recognized Speech: Jet Niner Six Eight Ready to Taxi 20:19:30
HandleTaxiRequest 20:19:30
State Changed to: TaxiOut 20:19
ControllerChanging: False : 08/20/2017 20:19:30
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:19:30
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Jet Niner Six Eight Taxi to Runway One Zero Via taxiways Lima Two, Alpha, Bravo Three, Bravo Four, Bravo Five, Bravo Six, Bravo Seven,  Hold Short Runway Three Four, and Runway One Zero 08/20/2017 20:19:30
ATC Speak:  Jet Niner Six Eight Taxi to Runway One Zero Via taxiways Lima Two, Alpha, Bravo Three, Bravo Four, Bravo Five, Bravo Six, Bravo Seven,  Hold Short Runway Three Four, and Runway One Zero20:19:31
Sug Resp:  ~ Taxi to Runway One Zero Via taxiways Lima Two, Alpha, Bravo Three, Bravo Four, Bravo Five, Bravo Six, Bravo Seven,  Hold Short Runway Three Four, and Runway One Zero20:19:31
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:19:46
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Taxi to Runway One Zero Via taxiways Lima Two, Alpha, Bravo Three, Bravo Four, Bravo Five, Bravo Six, Bravo Seven,  Hold Short Runway Three Four, and Runway One Zero Jet Niner Six Eight
 08/20/2017 20:19:46
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~ Taxi to Runway One Zero Via taxiways Lima Two, Alpha, Bravo Three, Bravo Four, Bravo Five, Bravo Six, Bravo Seven,  Hold Short Runway Three Four, and Runway One Zero Jet Niner Six Eight
 08/20/2017 20:19:46
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized08/20/2017 20:20:04
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:20:04
RespondToFlightTrigger 20:22:50 Trigger:ArrivedAtCrossRunwayHoldPt
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:22:50 Trigger:ArrivedAtCrossRunwayHoldPt
rOnArrivedAtCrossRunwayHoldPt 20:22:50
rOnClearToCrossRunway 20:22:50
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Jet Niner Six Eight Clear to cross runway One Six 08/20/2017 20:22:50
ATC Speak:  Jet Niner Six Eight Clear to cross runway One Six20:22:50
Sug Resp:  ~Cleared to Cross Runway One Six20:22:50
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:22:54
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Cleared to Cross Runway One Six Jet Niner Six Eight
 08/20/2017 20:22:54
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Cleared to Cross Runway One Six Jet Niner Six Eight
 08/20/2017 20:22:54
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized08/20/2017 20:22:59
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:22:59
State Changed to: AtDepartureRunway 20:27
RespondToFlightTrigger 20:27:18 Trigger:ArriveAtDepartureRunway
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 20:27:18 Trigger:ArriveAtDepartureRunway
rOnArrivedAtDepartureRunway 20:27:18
SpokenRandomSalutation 20:27:18
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Jet Niner Six Eight Contact Tower on One One Eight Decimal Six,  enjoy your evening  08/20/2017 20:27:18
ATC Speak:  Jet Niner Six Eight Contact Tower on One One Eight Decimal Six,  enjoy your evening 20:27:18
Sug Resp:  ~Tower on One One Eight Decimal Six20:27:18
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:27:24
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Tower on One One Eight Decimal Six Jet Niner Six Eight
 08/20/2017 20:27:24
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Tower on One One Eight Decimal Six Jet Niner Six Eight
 08/20/2017 20:27:24
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized08/20/2017 20:27:29
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:27:29
AssignedController: 118.6.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Twr CtlrType: Tower20:27:31
ControllerFreqChanged: 118.6.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Twr CtlrType: Tower20:27:31
Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 118.75.  CtlrShrtName: None Found;  CtlrType: None Found20:27:31
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Tower Jet Niner Six Eight ready for departure One Zero 08/20/2017 20:27:40
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized08/20/2017 20:27:45
ControllerChanging: False : 08/20/2017 20:27:45
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:27:45
SQLite error (5): database is locked
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Tower Jet Niner Six Eight ready for departure One Zero 08/20/2017 20:31:10
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized08/20/2017 20:31:15
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:31:15
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Jet Niner Six Eight ready for departure  Runway One Zero 08/20/2017 20:39:40
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized08/20/2017 20:39:45
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:39:45
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Jet Niner Six Eight ready for departure  Runway One Zero 08/20/2017 20:39:58
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized08/20/2017 20:40:03
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:40:03
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Tower Jet Niner Six Eight ready for departure One Zero 08/20/2017 20:40:06
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized08/20/2017 20:40:10
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:40:10
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Jet Niner Six Eight number one for departure One Zero 08/20/2017 20:40:13
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized08/20/2017 20:40:18
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 08/20/2017 20:40:18
AssignedController: 118.6.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Twr CtlrType: Tower20:42:22
ControllerFreqChanged: 121.87.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW ClrDel CtlrType: ClearanceDelivery20:42:22
AssignedController: 118.6.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Twr CtlrType: Tower20:44:19
ControllerFreqChanged: 118.6.  CtlrShrtName: EIDW Twr CtlrType: Tower20:44:19
State Changed to: Initialized 20:45
Application frmP2AMain ended normally 08/20/2017 20:45:49
Object of type SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick was not disposed. Stack trace of object creation:
Object of type SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick was not disposed. Stack trace of object creation:
Object of type SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick was not disposed. Stack trace of object creation:
Object of type SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick was not disposed. Stack trace of object creation:
Object of type SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick was not disposed. Stack trace of object creation:
Object of type SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick was not disposed. Stack trace of object creation:
Object of type SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick was not disposed. Stack trace of object creation:
Object of type SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick was not disposed. Stack trace of object creation:
Object of type SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick was not disposed. Stack trace of object creation:
Total of 9 objects still alive.

Same frequency on each of my five tries. How come you had 112.4? Just curious.

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I thought it might be an issue with your call sign so I tried it with Jet 968.  It worked fine using SayIt on 118.6.

Jet Niner Six Eight Ready for Departure One Zero;

Jet Niner Six Eight Whinds are One Three Zero at Niner knots Cleared for takeoff, Runway One Zero Squawk One Two Zero Zero

~Cleared for takeoff, Runway One Zero Squawking One Two Zero Zero Jet Niner Six Eight

Cleared for Takeoff Runway One Zero Squawking One Two Zero Zero Jet Niner Six Eight;

Then I noticed your SQL database is locked up for some reason.

You might need to reboot the PC. 

Also check the call sign.  Jet for Mfg and 968 for Tail Number, right?

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Hi guys,

I don't want to open another thread for this - so I will add my issue here.

I had the same issue yesterday in EDDH (RW 15). Everything works fine until ground told me to switch to tower shortly before short holding RW 15. From there on - silence. No answer to my "ready to departure" request. A few days before, the clearance comes even automatically for RW 23.


Program StartedPilot 2 ATC (P2A) - version  09/11/2017 01:13:51
Application frmP2AMain starting 09/11/2017 01:14:11
Loading Form
Loading Map Control
LoadMapControl: panel 1
Creating ucMap1
ucMap1 Created
ucMap DockFill set.
Setting Map Mode
Done Loading Map Control
Loading FPL Control
FPL Control Loaded
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
FltPlan ActiveAPPR: ILS - RW27R - I27R -
FltPlan ActiveSTAR: RW27R-LAM3A-LOGAN -
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
ATCAssignsSTARs Changed to: True - 09/11/2017 01:19:08
ATCAssignsAPPRs Changed to: True - 09/11/2017 01:19:08
ATCAssignsSIDs Changed to: True - 09/11/2017 01:19:08
ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Started
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Done
Begin FPLFile 09/11/2017 01:20:35
Com2FreqChanged: 126.55.  CtlrShrtName: None Found;  CtlrType: None Found01:20:40
Pilot2ATC_200.exe    Information    0    SAPI does not implement phonetic alphabet selection.
No controller assigned 01:20:41
SIM Version Num: 8; SIM Version: XP; ProcessCheck for FSX or P3D: False False01:20
ControllerFreqChanged: 124.8.  CtlrShrtName: BREMEN RADAR Ctr CtlrType: Center01:20:41
Sim Connected: 09/11/2017 01:20:41
ATCAssignsSIDs: True
ATCAssignsSTARs: True
ATCAssignsAPPRs: True
ForcePilotRunwaySelection: False
AutoLoadRecommendedProcedures: True
AssignedRunway: RW15 -
AssignedSID: RW15-WSN1D-WSN -
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Started
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
ucFltPln ValidateCurrentFltPlan Done
Begin FPLFile 09/11/2017 01:22:05
AssignedRunway: RW15 -
AssignedSID: RW15-WSN1D-WSN -
AssignedAPPR: ILS - RW27R - I27R -
FltPlan ActiveAPPR: ILS - RW27R - I27R -
FP.FileFLtPlan executed.
ATCFltPlan set to Filed FPL
ATC UserNamesAdded
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
NewActiveWpt: Hdg-151
Filed SID: WSN1D
Filed APPR:
Filed APPR Trans:
End FPLFile 09/11/2017 01:22:15
No controller assigned 01:22:44
ControllerFreqChanged: 123.12.  CtlrShrtName: EDDH ATIS CtlrType: ATIS01:22:44
No controller assigned 01:24:38
ControllerFreqChanged: 121.8.  CtlrShrtName: EDDH Gnd CtlrType: Ground01:24:38
InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 09/11/2017 01:26:02
Started Listening
UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 09/11/2017 01:26:02
Stopped Listening
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:28:06
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes: 09/11/2017 01:28:06
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:28:12
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes: 09/11/2017 01:28:12
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:28:32
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes: 09/11/2017 01:28:32
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:28:41
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes: 09/11/2017 01:28:41
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:28:46
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes: 09/11/2017 01:28:46
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:29:53
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes: 09/11/2017 01:29:53
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven ready to copy VFR Clearance 09/11/2017 01:32:54
Recognized Speech: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Ready to Copy VFR Clearance 01:32:59
HandleVFRClearanceRequest 01:32:59
AssignedRunway: RW15 -
SpokenAssignedAltitude 01:33:11
SpokenAssignedAltitude 01:33:11
State Changed to: FlightPlanDelivered 01:33
ControllerChanging: False : 09/11/2017 01:33:11
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:33:11
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Cleared VFR to Echo Golf Lima Lima with radar advisory service at Flight Level Two Zero Zero.  Squawk Five Four Five Four advise of altitude changes en-route.  09/11/2017 01:33:11
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Cleared VFR to Echo Golf Lima Lima with radar advisory service at Flight Level Two Zero Zero.  Squawk Five Four Five Four advise of altitude changes en-route. 01:33:11
Sug Resp:  ~Cleared VFR to Echo Golf Lima Lima Maintain Flight Level Two Zero Zero Squawking Five Four Five Four01:33:11
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:33:25
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Cleared VFR to Echo Golf Lima Lima Maintain Flight Level Two Zero Zero Squawking Five Four Five Four Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:33:25
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Cleared VFR to Echo Golf Lima Lima Maintain Flight Level Two Zero Zero Squawking Five Four Five Four Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:33:25
Recognized Speech: Cleared VFR to Echo Golf Lima Lima Maintain Flight Level Two Zero Zero Squawking Five Four Five Four Lufthansa Five Seven Seven 01:33:36
HandleVFRClearanceReadback 01:33:36
State Changed to: DepartureVFRFlightFollowing 01:33
SpeakAltimeterSetting 01:33:36
SpeakAltimeterSetting 01:33:36
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:33:36
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Readback Correct.  Altimeter Two Niner Four Seven Expect runway One Five Advise when ready to taxi.  09/11/2017 01:33:37
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Readback Correct.  Altimeter Two Niner Four Seven Expect runway One Five Advise when ready to taxi. 01:33:37
Sug Resp:  ~ Altimeter Two Niner Four Seven Expect runway One Five01:33:37
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:33:47
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Altimeter Two Niner Four Seven Expect runway One Five Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:33:47
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~ Altimeter Two Niner Four Seven Expect runway One Five Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:33:47
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 01:33:53
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:33:53
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven ready to copy IFR Clearance 09/11/2017 01:34:00
Recognized Speech: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Ready to Copy IFR Clearance 01:34:05
HandleIFRClearanceRequest 01:34:05
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:34:05
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven your flight plan seems to be out of date. Please file a new one and call back for clearance. 09/11/2017 01:34:06
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven your flight plan seems to be out of date. Please file a new one and call back for clearance.01:34:06
Sug Resp:  File your flight plan and try again.01:34:06
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:34:14
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes: 09/11/2017 01:34:14
Filed SID: WSN1D
Filed APPR:
Filed APPR Trans:
End FPLFile 09/11/2017 01:34:17
Begin FPLFile 09/11/2017 01:34:18
State Changed to: Initialized 01:34
AssignedRunway: RW15 -
AssignedSID: RW15-WSN1D-WSN -
FltPlan ActiveAPPR: ILS - RW27R - I27R -
FP.FileFLtPlan executed.
ATCFltPlan set to Filed FPL
ATC UserNamesAdded
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
NewActiveWpt: Hdg-151
Filed SID: WSN1D
Filed APPR:
Filed APPR Trans:
End FPLFile 09/11/2017 01:34:28
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven ready to copy IFR Clearance 09/11/2017 01:34:37
Recognized Speech: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Ready to Copy IFR Clearance 01:34:42
HandleIFRClearanceRequest 01:34:42
gATCAssignsSIDs = True
SpokenAssignedAltitude 01:34:42
SpokenAssignedAltitude 01:34:42
State Changed to: FlightPlanDelivered 01:34
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:34:42
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven is cleared to Echo Golf Lima Lima, climb via the WSN1D departure , with the WSN transition , then as filed.  Expect departure runway One Five.   Maintain Flight Level One Zero Zero. Expect higher clearances Six minutes after departure.  Squawk Five Four Five Four 09/11/2017 01:34:43
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven is cleared to Echo Golf Lima Lima, climb via the WSN1D departure , with the WSN transition , then as filed.  Expect departure runway One Five.   Maintain Flight Level One Zero Zero. Expect higher clearances Six minutes after departure.  Squawk Five Four Five Four01:34:43
Sug Resp:  ~Lufthansa Five Seven Seven is cleared to Echo Golf Lima Lima, climb via the WSN1D departure , with the WSN transition , then as filed.   Maintain Flight Level One Zero Zero. Expect higher clearances Six minutes after departure.  Squawk Five Four Five Four01:34:43
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:35:07
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Lufthansa Five Seven Seven is cleared to Echo Golf Lima Lima, climb via the WSN1D departure , with the WSN transition , then as filed.   Maintain Flight Level One Zero Zero. Expect higher clearances Six minutes after departure.  Squawk Five Four Five Four
 09/11/2017 01:35:07
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Lufthansa Five Seven Seven is cleared to Echo Golf Lima Lima, climb via the WSN1D departure , with the WSN transition , then as filed.   Maintain Flight Level One Zero Zero. Expect higher clearances Six minutes after departure.  Squawk Five Four Five Four
 09/11/2017 01:35:07
Recognized Speech: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven is cleared to Echo Golf Lima Lima climb via the WSN1D departure with the WSN transition then as filed Maintain Flight Level One Zero Zero Expect higher clearances Six minutes after departure Squawk Five Four Five Four 01:35:30
HandleIFRClearanceReadback 01:35:30
HandleATCAssignedAltitudeReadback 01:35:30
HandleSquawkCodeReadback 01:35:30
IFRReadbackSuccess 01:35:30
SpeakAltimeterSetting 01:35:30
SpeakAltimeterSetting 01:35:30
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:35:30
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Readback Correct.  Altimeter Two Niner Four Seven Let us know when you're ready for pushback.  09/11/2017 01:35:31
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Readback Correct.  Altimeter Two Niner Four Seven Let us know when you're ready for pushback. 01:35:32
Sug Resp:  ~ Altimeter Two Niner Four Seven01:35:32
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:35:40
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Altimeter Two Niner Four Seven Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:35:40
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~ Altimeter Two Niner Four Seven Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:35:40
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 01:35:44
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:35:44
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven ready for pushback and engine start 09/11/2017 01:36:08
Recognized Speech: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Ready for Pushback and Engine Start 01:36:13
HandlePushbackRequest 01:36:13
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:36:13
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Pushback and engine start approved  09/11/2017 01:36:14
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Pushback and engine start approved 01:36:14
Sug Resp:  ~ Pushback and engine start approved 01:36:14
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:36:18
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Pushback and engine start approved  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:36:18
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~ Pushback and engine start approved  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:36:18
Recognized Speech: Pushback and Engine Start Approved Lufthansa Five Seven Seven 01:36:23
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:36:23
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven ready to taxi 09/11/2017 01:40:06
Recognized Speech: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Ready to Taxi 01:40:10
HandleTaxiRequest 01:40:10
State Changed to: TaxiOut 01:40
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:40:10
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Taxi to Runway One Five Via taxiways Lima, Siera, Bravo Echo, Charlie, Delta,  Hold Short Runway Three Three, and Runway Two Three, and Runway One Five 09/11/2017 01:40:10
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Taxi to Runway One Five Via taxiways Lima, Siera, Bravo Echo, Charlie, Delta,  Hold Short Runway Three Three, and Runway Two Three, and Runway One Five01:40:10
Sug Resp:  ~ Taxi to Runway One Five Via taxiways Lima, Siera, Bravo Echo, Charlie, Delta,  Hold Short Runway Three Three, and Runway Two Three, and Runway One Five01:40:10
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:40:25
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Taxi to Runway One Five Via taxiways Lima, Siera, Bravo Echo, Charlie, Delta,  Hold Short Runway Three Three, and Runway Two Three, and Runway One Five Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:40:25
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~ Taxi to Runway One Five Via taxiways Lima, Siera, Bravo Echo, Charlie, Delta,  Hold Short Runway Three Three, and Runway Two Three, and Runway One Five Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:40:25
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 01:40:40
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:40:40
RespondToFlightTrigger 01:43:05 Trigger:ArrivedAtCrossRunwayHoldPt
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 01:43:05 Trigger:ArrivedAtCrossRunwayHoldPt
rOnArrivedAtCrossRunwayHoldPt 01:43:05
rOnClearToCrossRunway 01:43:05
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Clear to cross runway One Five 09/11/2017 01:43:05
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Clear to cross runway One Five01:43:06
Sug Resp:  ~Cleared to Cross Runway One Five01:43:06
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:43:10
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Cleared to Cross Runway One Five Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:43:10
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Cleared to Cross Runway One Five Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:43:10
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 01:43:15
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:43:15
RespondToFlightTrigger 01:44:24 Trigger:ArrivedAtCrossRunwayHoldPt
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 01:44:24 Trigger:ArrivedAtCrossRunwayHoldPt
rOnArrivedAtCrossRunwayHoldPt 01:44:24
rOnClearToCrossRunway 01:44:24
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Clear to cross runway Two Three 09/11/2017 01:44:24
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Clear to cross runway Two Three01:44:24
Sug Resp:  ~Cleared to Cross Runway Two Three01:44:24
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:44:29
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Cleared to Cross Runway Two Three Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:44:29
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Cleared to Cross Runway Two Three Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:44:29
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 01:44:33
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:44:33
State Changed to: AtDepartureRunway 01:48
RespondToFlightTrigger 01:48:36 Trigger:ArriveAtDepartureRunway
RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 01:48:36 Trigger:ArriveAtDepartureRunway
rOnArrivedAtDepartureRunway 01:48:36
SpokenRandomSalutation 01:48:36
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Contact Tower on One Two One Point Two Seven,  have a good evening  09/11/2017 01:48:36
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Contact Tower on One Two One Point Two Seven,  have a good evening 01:48:37
Sug Resp:  ~Tower on One Two One Point Two Seven01:48:37
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:48:43
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Tower on One Two One Point Two Seven Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:48:43
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Tower on One Two One Point Two Seven Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:48:43
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 01:48:48
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:48:48
AssignedController: 121.27.  CtlrShrtName: EDDH Twr CtlrType: Tower01:48:49
ControllerFreqChanged: 121.27.  CtlrShrtName: EDDH Twr CtlrType: Tower01:48:49
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Tower Lufthansa Five Seven Seven ready for departure One Five 09/11/2017 01:49:24
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 01:49:29
ControllerChanging: False : 09/11/2017 01:49:29
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:49:29
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Tower Lufthansa Five Seven Seven ready for departure One Five 09/11/2017 01:50:27
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 01:50:32
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:50:32
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven radio check  09/11/2017 01:51:50
Recognized Speech: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Radio check 01:51:54
GetInformationResponse 01:51:54
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:51:54
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven You are loud and clear. 09/11/2017 01:51:54
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven You are loud and clear.01:51:54
Sug Resp:  01:51:54
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:51:58
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:Lufthansa Five Seven Seven radio check  09/11/2017 01:51:58
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Tower Lufthansa Five Seven Seven ready for departure One Five 09/11/2017 01:52:45
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 01:52:50
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:52:50
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven number one for departure One Five 09/11/2017 01:54:57
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 01:55:01
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:55:01
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven ready for midfield departure  runway One Five 09/11/2017 01:55:50
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 01:55:55
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:55:55
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Say active runway Lufthansa Five Seven Seven 09/11/2017 01:56:46
Recognized Speech: Say Active Runway Lufthansa Five Seven Seven 01:56:50
GetInformationResponse 01:56:50
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:56:50
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven SevenActive runway at HAMBURG is One Five 09/11/2017 01:56:52
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven SevenActive runway at HAMBURG is One Five01:56:52
Sug Resp:  01:56:52
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:56:57
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:Say active runway Lufthansa Five Seven Seven 09/11/2017 01:56:57
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven ready to taxi 09/11/2017 01:57:12
Recognized Speech: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Ready to Taxi 01:57:16
HandleTaxiRequest 01:57:16
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:57:16
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven SevenContact HAMBURG GROUND Ground on One Two One Point Eight for taxi clearance.  09/11/2017 01:57:16
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven SevenContact HAMBURG GROUND Ground on One Two One Point Eight for taxi clearance. 01:57:16
Sug Resp:  ~Ground on One Two One Point Eight for taxi clearance. 01:57:16
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:57:23
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Ground on One Two One Point Eight for taxi clearance.  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:57:23
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Ground on One Two One Point Eight for taxi clearance.  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:57:23
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 01:57:30
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:57:30
AssignedController: 121.8.  CtlrShrtName: EDDH Gnd CtlrType: Ground01:57:31
ControllerFreqChanged: 121.8.  CtlrShrtName: EDDH Gnd CtlrType: Ground01:57:31
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven ready to taxi 09/11/2017 01:57:36
Recognized Speech: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Ready to Taxi 01:57:40
HandleTaxiRequest 01:57:40
State Changed to: TaxiOut 01:57
ControllerChanging: False : 09/11/2017 01:57:45
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:57:45
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Taxi to Runway One Five Via taxiways Delta,  Hold Short Runway One Five 09/11/2017 01:57:45
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Taxi to Runway One Five Via taxiways Delta,  Hold Short Runway One Five01:57:45
Sug Resp:  ~ Taxi to Runway One Five Via taxiways Delta,  Hold Short Runway One Five01:57:45
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:57:53
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Taxi to Runway One Five Via taxiways Delta,  Hold Short Runway One Five Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:57:53
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~ Taxi to Runway One Five Via taxiways Delta,  Hold Short Runway One Five Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 01:57:53
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 01:58:01
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:58:01
AssignedController: 121.8.  CtlrShrtName: EDDH Gnd CtlrType: Ground01:59:16
ControllerFreqChanged: 121.27.  CtlrShrtName: EDDH Twr CtlrType: Tower01:59:16
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Tower Lufthansa Five Seven Seven ready for departure One Five 09/11/2017 01:59:27
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 01:59:32
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:59:32
AssignedController: 121.8.  CtlrShrtName: EDDH Gnd CtlrType: Ground01:59:32
ControllerFreqChanged: 121.8.  CtlrShrtName: EDDH Gnd CtlrType: Ground01:59:32
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Ground Lufthansa Five Seven Seven ready for departure One Five 09/11/2017 01:59:43
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 01:59:48
ControllerChanging: False : 09/11/2017 01:59:48
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 01:59:48
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven request frequency change to Tower 09/11/2017 02:00:06
Recognized Speech: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Request Frequency Change to Tower 02:00:11
HandleFrequencyChangeRequest 02:00:11
SpokenRandomSalutation 02:00:12
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:00:12
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Contact HAMBURG Tower on One Two One Point Two Seven enjoy your evening  09/11/2017 02:00:12
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Contact HAMBURG Tower on One Two One Point Two Seven enjoy your evening 02:00:12
Sug Resp:  ~Tower on One Two One Point Two Seven02:00:12
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:00:19
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Tower on One Two One Point Two Seven Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 02:00:19
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Tower on One Two One Point Two Seven Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 02:00:19
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 02:00:24
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:00:24
AssignedController: 121.27.  CtlrShrtName: EDDH Twr CtlrType: Tower02:00:25
ControllerFreqChanged: 121.27.  CtlrShrtName: EDDH Twr CtlrType: Tower02:00:25
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Tower Lufthansa Five Seven Seven ready for departure One Five 09/11/2017 02:00:31
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 02:00:36
ControllerChanging: False : 09/11/2017 02:00:36
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:00:36
NewActiveWpt: EDDH
NewActiveWpt: Hdg-151
NewActiveWpt: DH202
NewActiveWpt: DH216
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven request frequency change to Center 09/11/2017 02:04:23
Recognized Speech: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Request Frequency Change to Center 02:04:28
HandleFrequencyChangeRequest 02:04:28
SpokenRandomSalutation 02:04:28
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:04:28
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Contact BREMEN RADAR Center on One Three Six Point Six Seven goodday  09/11/2017 02:04:29
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Contact BREMEN RADAR Center on One Three Six Point Six Seven goodday 02:04:30
Sug Resp:  ~Center on One Three Six Point Six Seven02:04:30
NewActiveWpt: WSN
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:04:37
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Center on One Three Six Point Six Seven Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 02:04:37
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Center on One Three Six Point Six Seven Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 02:04:37
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 02:04:42
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:04:42
AssignedController: 136.67.  CtlrShrtName: EDHI Ctr CtlrType: Center02:04:43
Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.275.  CtlrShrtName: None Found;  CtlrType: None Found02:04:44
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Center Lufthansa Five Seven Seven climbing to Flight Level One Zero Zero 09/11/2017 02:04:46
ControllerFreqChanged: 136.67.  CtlrShrtName: EDHI Ctr CtlrType: Center02:04:46
Recognized Speech: Center Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Climbing to Flight Level One Zero Zero 02:04:52
HandleInitialContact 02:04:52
SpokenRandomGreeting 02:04:52
HandleInitialCenterContact 02:04:52
State Changed to: EnRouteVFR 02:04
CheckSquawkCode 02:04:52
ControllerChanging: False : 09/11/2017 02:04:52
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:04:52
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven  good evening .  Radar Contact.  09/11/2017 02:04:52
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven  good evening .  Radar Contact. 02:04:52
Sug Resp:  02:04:52
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:04:57
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:Center Lufthansa Five Seven Seven climbing to Flight Level One Zero Zero 09/11/2017 02:04:57
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven climbing to Flight Level Three Four Zero 09/11/2017 02:07:51
Recognized Speech: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Climbing to Flight Level Three Four Zero 02:07:56
HandleInitialContact 02:07:56
HandleInitialCenterContact 02:07:56
CheckSquawkCode 02:07:56
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:07:56
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Radar Contact.  09/11/2017 02:07:57
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Radar Contact. 02:07:57
Sug Resp:  02:07:57
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:08:00
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:Lufthansa Five Seven Seven climbing to Flight Level Three Four Zero 09/11/2017 02:08:00
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven request climb to Flight Level Three Four Zero 09/11/2017 02:08:16
Recognized Speech: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Request Climb to Flight Level Three Four Zero 02:08:22
HandleAltitudeChangeRequest 02:08:22
CheckAssignedAltitude 02:08:41
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:08:51
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven  Climb and Maintain Flight Level Three Four Zero 09/11/2017 02:08:51
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven  Climb and Maintain Flight Level Three Four Zero02:08:51
Sug Resp:  ~ Climb and Maintain Flight Level Three Four Zero02:08:51
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:08:57
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Climb and Maintain Flight Level Three Four Zero Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 02:08:57
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~ Climb and Maintain Flight Level Three Four Zero Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 02:08:57
Recognized Speech: Climb and Maintain Flight Level Three Four Zero Lufthansa Five Seven Seven 02:09:02
HandleATCAssignedAltitudeReadback 02:09:02
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:09:02
NewActiveWpt: REVLA
NewActiveWpt: AVESA
NewActiveWpt: DOTOB
NewActiveWpt: DOBAK
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven request frequency change to Center 09/11/2017 02:23:52
Recognized Speech: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Request Frequency Change to Center 02:23:57
HandleFrequencyChangeRequest 02:23:58
SpokenRandomSalutation 02:23:58
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:23:58
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Contact BREMEN RADAR Center on One Three Six Point Six Seven have a good evening  09/11/2017 02:23:58
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Contact BREMEN RADAR Center on One Three Six Point Six Seven have a good evening 02:23:59
Sug Resp:  ~Center on One Three Six Point Six Seven02:23:59
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:24:06
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Center on One Three Six Point Six Seven Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 02:24:06
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Center on One Three Six Point Six Seven Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 02:24:06
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 02:24:11
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:24:11
NewActiveWpt: EEL
NewActiveWpt: LILSI
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven request frequency change to Center 09/11/2017 02:28:45
Recognized Speech: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Request Frequency Change to Center 02:28:50
HandleFrequencyChangeRequest 02:28:50
SpokenRandomSalutation 02:28:50
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:28:50
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Contact BREMEN RADAR Center on One Three Six Point Six Seven enjoy your evening  09/11/2017 02:28:51
ATC Speak:  Lufthansa Five Seven Seven Contact BREMEN RADAR Center on One Three Six Point Six Seven enjoy your evening 02:28:51
Sug Resp:  ~Center on One Three Six Point Six Seven02:28:51
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:28:59
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Center on One Three Six Point Six Seven Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 02:28:59
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: ~Center on One Three Six Point Six Seven Lufthansa Five Seven Seven
 09/11/2017 02:28:59
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 02:29:04
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:29:04
State Changed to: Initialized 02:31
Com2FreqChanged: 126.55.  CtlrShrtName: PAOR Ctr - ANCHORAGE Ctr CtlrType: Center02:31:13
Pilot2ATC_200.exe    Information    0    SAPI does not implement phonetic alphabet selection.
SIM Version Num: 8; SIM Version: XP; ProcessCheck for FSX or P3D: False False02:31
No controller assigned 02:31:14
Sim Connected: 09/11/2017 02:31:14
ATCAssignsSIDs: True
ATCAssignsSTARs: True
ATCAssignsAPPRs: True
ForcePilotRunwaySelection: False
AutoLoadRecommendedProcedures: True
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
Begin FPLFile 09/11/2017 02:31:16
AssignedRunway: RW15 -
AssignedSID: RW15-WSN1D-WSN -
AssignedAPPR: ILS - RW27R - I27R -
FltPlan ActiveAPPR: ILS - RW27R - I27R -
FP.FileFLtPlan executed.
ATCFltPlan set to Filed FPL
ATC UserNamesAdded
NewActiveWpt: LILSI
 GPS FlightPlan Changed
Filed SID: WSN1D
Filed APPR:
Filed APPR Trans:
End FPLFile 09/11/2017 02:31:26
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven at  feet  09/11/2017 02:32:42
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 02:32:46
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:32:46
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven at  feet  09/11/2017 02:33:15
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 02:33:18
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:33:18
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven at  feet  09/11/2017 02:33:40
Speech Rejected: No Speech Recognized09/11/2017 02:33:43
Speech Rejected
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:33:43
InterruptAudio in SayItSpeak- Phrase: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven at Flight Level Three Four Zero 09/11/2017 02:34:05
Recognized Speech: Lufthansa Five Seven Seven At Flight Level Three Four Zero 02:34:09
HandleInitialContact 02:34:10
SpokenRandomGreeting 02:34:10
HandleInitialCenterContact 02:34:10
State Changed to: EnRouteIFR 02:34
CheckSquawkCode 02:34:10
CheckAssignedAltitude 02:34:10
ControllerChanging: False : 09/11/2017 02:34:10
UnInterruptAudio in OnSayItSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:34:10
InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Lufthansa Five Seven Seven  good evening .  Radar Contact.  09/11/2017 02:34:10
OnSynthSpeakCompleted 09/11/2017 02:34:15
UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:Lufthansa Five Seven Seven at Flight Level Three Four Zero 09/11/2017 02:34:15
State Changed to: Initialized 02:37
Application frmP2AMain ended normally 09/11/2017 02:37:09
Object of type SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick was not disposed. Stack trace of object creation:
Object of type SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick was not disposed. Stack trace of object creation:
Object of type SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick was not disposed. Stack trace of object creation:
Object of type SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick was not disposed. Stack trace of object creation:
Object of type SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick was not disposed. Stack trace of object creation:
Object of type SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick was not disposed. Stack trace of object creation:
Total of 6 objects still alive.

At approx. Line 240, you can see the handover to twr.


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A few further notes:

- Freq-Change was done by "copilot".
- Even if I take off without clearance, this flight was not picked up by center controller afterwards. No further alt clearence or hand over to other centers.

So, my flight was completely broken Pilot2ATC-wise.



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Something was going on with the speech recognition.  The frequency 121.27 is just the short version of 121.275.  They are the same frequency and in the log, every attempt to get departure clearance was just not recognized by the speech engine.

I can't say why this happened to you.  I just tried it using SayIt with version and got this exchange:

~Tower Cessna One Victor Bravo ready for departure One Five

Tower Cessna One Victor Bravo Ready for Departure One Five;

Cessna One Victor Bravo Whinds are Two Three Zero at One Six knots Cleared for takeoff, Runway One Five

~Cleared for takeoff, Runway One Five Cessna One Victor Bravo

The only thing I can think of is to try it again after a fresh start and reboot of the PC.


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Hi Dave, thx for the fast reply. I will test it again. I used SayIt in combination with already. Will come back here, if I encounter this issue again.


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If this happens in the future, the best way to address it is to disconnect and then reconnect P2A.

Then, without going back to the gate or anything,

1) Load and File the exact flight plan you had before

2) Call Clearance Delivery for Clearance

3) Be sure Force Pilot Runway Selection option is checked

4) Call Ground "<CallSign> ready for departure runway xxxx"  where xxxx is the runway you are at. 

5) You will get transferred to Tower.  Proceed as normal with call to tower, etc.

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