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So I just purchased/installed AS16 and ASCA, and now when I try to start FSX-SE, I get an error message saying I need to load FSX in administrator mode, or grant permission. I have never had this problem before with ASN, so why am I getting this with AS16? Thanks for all the help.

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so what happens  when  you do   give it  permission?

I7-800k,Corsair h1101 cooler ,Asus Strix Gaming Intel Z370 S11 motherboard, Corsair 32gb ramDD4,    2  ssd 500gb 970 drive, gtx 1080ti Card,  RM850 power supply


Peter kelberg

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The exact message(s)  Im getting is...



AS16 cannot control ambient weather parameters correctly, thus it cannot function properly at this point and will shut down. Please make sure you have proper rights/ownership of the program files (x86) folder and have trusted/excluded AS16 from your security software, as well as the simulator's as_srv folder and included .dll modules.

then another pop-up box saying...


No ASConnect Log

ASConnect logging does not appear to be enabled. Either ASConnect is being blocked, or your sim does not have write access to Program Files folder. We suggest running you simulator 'as administrator' or granting ownership and full rights to your user account to solve this problem. Reinstalling AS16 may also resolve this issue.

I just got done making sure I am the administrator (and I am), and I also just downloaded and installed the hotfix and patch for AS16. Any other help or info on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys

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