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Flysimwware updates for P3Dv4.4


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Will Flysimware P3Dv4.4 updates be needed for these two FSW aircraft?:

Cessna 441 CONQUEST
Learjet 35A

The following is the Content Log errors for the P3Dv4.4 default F22, FSW Cessna441 and the FSW LJ35A for review:

Content Log error for the P3Dv4.4 default F22:
error=Payload station indexes should be between 1 - 1



Content Log error for the Cessna 441:

error=Gauge file not found: MV_WX!WX2D

error=Gauge file not found: MV_WX!WX

error=Gauge file not found: MV_WX!WX

error=file "kapr(.wav|.ogg)" not found

error=file "xkapr(.wav|.ogg)" not found

error=file "kapr(.wav|.ogg)" not found

error=file "xkapr(.wav|.ogg)" not found

error=file "air(.wav|.ogg)" not found

error=file "glide(.wav|.ogg)" not found

error=file "over(.wav|.ogg)" not found

error=file "clutch(.wav|.ogg)" not found

error=Gauge file not found: MV_WX!WX

error=Failed to load visual effect "fx_NONE"

error=Failed to load visual effect "fx_NONE"

error=Failed to load visual effect "fx_NONE"

error=Payload station indexes should be between 1 - 11

error=Failed to load visual effect "fx_NONE"

error=Failed to load visual effect "fx_NONE"

error=Failed to load visual effect "fx_NONE"

error=Failed to load visual effect "fx_NONE"

error=Failed to load visual effect "fx_NONE"


Log errors for the LJ35A

error=Gauge file not found: MV_WX!WX2D

error=Gauge file not found: MV_WX!WX

error=Gauge file not found: MV_WX!WX

error=Key values exist outside of a section:
 File:C:\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\FLYSIM Learjet 35A\sound\sound.cfg
 Key:www.turbinesoundstudios.com Copyright (C) 2015- Licenced to Flysimware.

error=file "lagear(.wav|.ogg)" not found

error=file "TSS-Stall(.wav|.ogg)" not found

error=file "laover2(.wav|.ogg)" not found

error=file "GYRO(.wav|.ogg)" not found

error=file "clutch(.wav|.ogg)" not found

error=file "pump(.wav|.ogg)" not found

error=Gauge file not found: MV_WX!WX

error=Failed to load visual effect "fx_NONE"

error=Failed to load visual effect "fx_NONE"

error=Failed to load visual effect "fx_NONE"

error=Failed to load visual effect "fx_NONE"

error=Payload station indexes should be between 1 - 11





Best Regards,

Vaughan Martell  PP-ASEL KDTW


The Milviz-Rex WX radar is not currently compatible with P3Dv4.4. Rex is working on an update. So until then your best option is not to use the WX radar.



I do not own/use the Milviz-Rex WX radar .

But it is still one of many errors listed.

So, the basic question : would there be an update from FSW which would fix all the errors for the two mentioned FSW aircraft?

Best Regards,

Vaughan Martell  PP-ASEL KDTW

  • Commercial Member
12 hours ago, vonmar said:

Will Flysimware P3Dv4.4 updates be needed for these two FSW aircraft?:

Cessna 441 CONQUEST
Learjet 35A

The following is the Content Log errors for the P3Dv4.4 default F22, FSW Cessna441 and the FSW LJ35A for review:

Content Log error for the P3Dv4.4 default F22:
error=Payload station indexes should be between 1 - 1





Why do you have P3D V4 warnings turned on? This is for the developers. Since you do not own the Milviz radar you will get a warning. Other warning are missing sounds because we sometimes use custom sounds with complex code so the default sound is pointing to nothing. Also some gauges will not be found as well. P3D likes to show everything so that is why some warning will always be there even thought there is no actual errors or mistakes.

14 hours ago, Flysimware said:

Why do you have P3D V4 warnings turned on? This is for the developers. Since you do not own the Milviz radar you will get a warning. Other warning are missing sounds because we sometimes use custom sounds with complex code so the default sound is pointing to nothing. Also some gauges will not be found as well. P3D likes to show everything so that is why some warning will always be there even thought there is no actual errors or mistakes.

Hi Flysimware,

I admire your work on the Falcon 50, and your dedication to fine tune it. As I am not a real life pilot, I wait for the final product : I follow your progress since the very first annoucement of the Falcon, so I can wait few weeks more :).

But I am a real life IT guy ! So, I am sorry, but I can't agree with your statement for several reasons :

- when P3D display a warning, that means that it is using "an error recovery" routine, instead of the standard code, even when warnings are turned off !
- due to the numerous cascading of folders, looking (several time) for an inexisting file does have an impact.
- the too numerous gargage messages hide the usefull one !

- if a gauge, an image (texture or gauge image), a sound, shall not be used, why continue to call for it (it is not that difficult to fix) !

When I see (you may recognize the developper ) changing the image name from MyImage.bmp to MyImageNOP, (because re-using a old 2D gauge) instead of deleting these 3 lines or just commenting the block, I feal upset...

        <Image id="My Image ID" Name="MyImageNOP">

Just for your information, since I switched to P3D, I fixed a lot of error messages, most of the time "garbage", in order to keep my ContentErrors file as clean as possible.
And that way, I am able to fix real errors not caught by the developper - e.g. LM itself forgot to change in a panel a sound.dll to the 64bits version (in lieu of the old 32bits one).

I am an old IT man and learned that every warning may hide a real error and have a side effect (and overhead), as the automatic correction may not take the right decision !!!

Hope you understand my reaction.


default sound pointing to nothing = official LM is "silent.wav"
fx_NONE.fx = official LM is "fx_dummy.fx"


  • Commercial Member
5 hours ago, gaab said:

Hi Flysimware,

I admire your work on the Falcon 50, and your dedication to fine tune it. As I am not a real life pilot, I wait for the final product : I follow your progress since the very first annoucement of the Falcon, so I can wait few weeks more :).

But I am a real life IT guy ! So, I am sorry, but I can't agree with your statement for several reasons :

- when P3D display a warning, that means that it is using "an error recovery" routine, instead of the standard code, even when warnings are turned off !
- due to the numerous cascading of folders, looking (several time) for an inexisting file does have an impact.
- the too numerous gargage messages hide the usefull one !

- if a gauge, an image (texture or gauge image), a sound, shall not be used, why continue to call for it (it is not that difficult to fix) !

When I see (you may recognize the developper ) changing the image name from MyImage.bmp to MyImageNOP, (because re-using a old 2D gauge) instead of deleting these 3 lines or just commenting the block, I feal upset...

        <Image id="My Image ID" Name="MyImageNOP">

Just for your information, since I switched to P3D, I fixed a lot of error messages, most of the time "garbage", in order to keep my ContentErrors file as clean as possible.
And that way, I am able to fix real errors not caught by the developper - e.g. LM itself forgot to change in a panel a sound.dll to the 64bits version (in lieu of the old 32bits one).

I am an old IT man and learned that every warning may hide a real error and have a side effect (and overhead), as the automatic correction may not take the right decision !!!

Hope you understand my reaction.


default sound pointing to nothing = official LM is "silent.wav"
fx_NONE.fx = official LM is "fx_dummy.fx"


I have thought in the past to use a sound wav that has no recording but figured this would be worse than to point to a no sound file. Also removing the code will not work because it will play a default sound from the main sound files in FSX or P3D Sound folder.

Also in our aircraft cfg we need to have light entries that also point to nothing because this creates an electrical draw from the system so those lights will cause a battery draw. And since the actual light is hard coded we just point to nothing. So again your saying to make a fake effect? Seems that would be more FPS loss. Effects are heavy on FPS. P3D will look once and report missing files. Not a big deal. Then when the sim looks for the missing file and it does not exist it will only try once or there would be a flood of email cause by flooding.


So creating 1 sound file with no sounds and use that would be the only other choice.

Same for the effects create a dummy effect would be the only other option and not sure which would be worse. 

But still not 100% sure this is needed.


Some errors will never get fixed. For example if a customer does not own the Milviz radar then this will show a warning the DLL is not loading. No way around this one.


Here are 2 i would like to fix but was never able to solve them. Any help would be appreciated.

error=Invalid Texture name "DDS" specified for model "FALCON50_INTERIOR".
error=Texture DDS failed to load (FE_REQUEST_STATUS==13)


Here is a link where a few posts mention how if the errors were a problem there would be a flood of emails to all the vendors to fix the issues. I do agree to keep them to a minimum but not all can be removed as i mentioned above. Also one stated as long as you do not hit [error.999] you should be fine. Either way customers should leave this error tool off as they really can't fix most of the issues and there will always be a list from 3rd party products.




Holy smokes! I feel dizzy!      This IT thing is not for me  😅.

+1  Getting CTDs with the LJ35A.... Dont know if its Milviz that is actually in the panel modeled by default, or anything else... But im getting random CTDs, pointing to kernelbase when i use LJ35A...  Performed even long haul with other products, and worked well (Expl: QW).   

Too soon to say more, i got to test a bit more and see what i can find....

So +1 for the review related to 4.4 and why not, valid for a reasonable update if possible too 😉   After all this is an old time winner!

Thanks in advance

Raphael Chacón


FLYSIMWARE-SM#1378797 RXP750-#1533812 RXP530-#1526291 RXP430-#1543520 

FS2C #43560 #52175 #68068 #68152 #69299 #71201 #72243 #105040 SM#1325481

PMDG #60260 #73469 #144746 #194702 #196953 #230831 #236231 #251801 #266742 #336381  #397556

  • Commercial Member
2 hours ago, Raphael_Chacon said:

Holy smokes! I feel dizzy!      This IT thing is not for me  😅.

+1  Getting CTDs with the LJ35A.... Dont know if its Milviz that is actually in the panel modeled by default, or anything else... But im getting random CTDs, pointing to kernelbase when i use LJ35A...  Performed even long haul with other products, and worked well (Expl: QW).   

Too soon to say more, i got to test a bit more and see what i can find....

So +1 for the review related to 4.4 and why not, valid for a reasonable update if possible too 😉   After all this is an old time winner!

Thanks in advance

If you have an outdated Milviz radar and use P3D V4 then you will in fact get a CTD. Besides that there are never reports of the L35A of getting CTD. Once customers updated the radar the issue went away for V4.3. So for now you have to wait for Milviz to release another update. I actually waited as i knew V4.4 was not working with the radar.

To test simply load the L35A and then load any model that also has the Milviz radar. Or just reload the L35A again and you will indeed get the CTD if its the outdated version.

28 minutes ago, Flysimware said:

If you have an outdated Milviz radar and use P3D V4 then you will in fact get a CTD. Besides that there are never reports of the L35A of getting CTD. Once customers updated the radar the issue went away.

To test simply load the L35A and then load any model that also has the Milviz radar. Or just reload the L35A again and you will indeed get the CTD if its the outdated version.

Yes. The radar will definitely cause CTDs in P3D 4.4 They have not updated the radar for 4.4 yet.

Jim Barrett

Licensed Airframe & Powerplant Mechanic, Avionics, Electrical & Air Data Systems Specialist. Qualified on: Falcon 900, CRJ-200, Dornier 328-100, Hawker 850XP and 1000, Lear 35, 45, 55 and 60, Gulfstream IV and 550, Embraer 135, Beech Premiere and 400A, MD-80.

11 hours ago, Flysimware said:

So creating 1 sound file with no sounds and use that would be the only other choice.

Same for the effects create a dummy effect would be the only other option and not sure which would be worse. 

But still not 100% sure this is needed.

Hi Flysimware, thanks for your answers.

I was probably not clear (english is not my native lanhuage) - the "fs_dummy.fx" and the "silence.wav" ARE supplied and used by LM,

- the fx_dummy is used in the default F-16 aircraft.cfg (A, AM and C)
- the silence.wav in the default PiperJ3 Cub sound.cfg

No need to create them.

I hate this one - it's a widely used trick and LM should not warn...  70 times in a single airport. Has been reported to LM which don't want to "forget it"

error=Taxiway path with 0 width


11 hours ago, Flysimware said:

Here are 2 i would like to fix but was never able to solve them. Any help would be appreciated.

error=Invalid Texture name "DDS" specified for model "FALCON50_INTERIOR".
error=Texture DDS failed to load (FE_REQUEST_STATUS==13)

I know this one, most of the time you can see in ModelConverterX "material editor" something like this


The material name is "COCKPIT_T" but there is an associated texture with this "DDS" thing.

I am not a modeler, so I don't know how this appears, and I never dare to update any model ...
Maybe you - delivery guy  😉 - could investigate at FsDeveloper.

If I can be of further help, it will be my pleasure.


On 12/10/2018 at 10:28 PM, Flysimware said:

If you have an outdated Milviz radar and use P3D V4 then you will in fact get a CTD. Besides that there are never reports of the L35A of getting CTD. Once customers updated the radar the issue went away for V4.3....

I agree..... i had the issue in 4.3.....   Well..... since 4.4  i just have the expectation to see LJ35A updates regarding 4.4.....  Who doesnt, right?

All right, looking forward for MV update to try it....

Lets fly with the Falcon for the while.... 😎🍻

Raphael Chacón


FLYSIMWARE-SM#1378797 RXP750-#1533812 RXP530-#1526291 RXP430-#1543520 

FS2C #43560 #52175 #68068 #68152 #69299 #71201 #72243 #105040 SM#1325481

PMDG #60260 #73469 #144746 #194702 #196953 #230831 #236231 #251801 #266742 #336381  #397556

  • Commercial Member
18 hours ago, gaab said:


I know this one, most of the time you can see in ModelConverterX "material editor" something like this


The material name is "COCKPIT_T" but there is an associated texture with this "DDS" thing.

I found the mistake after i tried ModelconverterX first. I was missing a bitmap parameter on a texture i use to hide parts. And since i no longer use a black image i just turn the final alpha blend to zero to hide the part. So a texture is not needed. And this means you can't have a bitmap at all or the error will show.

Also the fx_dummy and silent both work like a charm. So thanks as i learned a new trick.


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