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PMDG Shakes Violently on the Ground


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My PMDG 737 NGX bounces uncontrollably a few seconds after it has loaded in FSX. This problem ONLY happens with my PMDG planes, all other stock aircraft work fine. I have tried enabling/disabling the Airport Elevation Correction option in ORBX and that didn't help. I tried rearranging my scenery priority list in FSX and that didn't help either. I've read a couple different threads about PMDG planes bouncing, but there is never an agreement on what the problem is or how to fix it. Is it an FSX bug? Do I need to change the values of the plane in the cfg files? I even tried using 5m mesh resolution with no help. I tried putting on “Taxi Speed Fix” in EZdok and still no help. 
Can anyone please help clear this issue up? Thanks so much guys. 

~Bryin Catanzaro

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Hello Bryin,

I'll admit, it has been years since I've flown the NGX (been on P3D for many years now). I don't recall having the issues you describe.

I'm going to assume you're not seeing this issue with any other aircraft at the same airports you're seeing the issue with the PMDG aircraft.

My first thought, are you using/loading a saved panel state/previous flight with the PMDG aircraft? Did this problem suddenly appear or has it always been an issue with your NGX?

Are you using another third party program (ie Chaseplane)?

Issues I've had in the past with "shaking" is usually related (at least for me) to center of gravity issues (why I was asking about using/loading a previous saved flight).

Just a few thoughts.

Good luck, Rob


Just realized there's a second thread about this in this forum.

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1 hour ago, rmeier said:

Hello Bryin,

I'll admit, it has been years since I've flown the NGX (been on P3D for many years now). I don't recall having the issues you describe.

I'm going to assume you're not seeing this issue with any other aircraft at the same airports you're seeing the issue with the PMDG aircraft.

My first thought, are you using/loading a saved panel state/previous flight with the PMDG aircraft? Did this problem suddenly appear or has it always been an issue with your NGX?

Are you using another third party program (ie Chaseplane)?

Issues I've had in the past with "shaking" is usually related (at least for me) to center of gravity issues (why I was asking about using/loading a previous saved flight).

Just a few thoughts.

Good luck, Rob


Just realized there's a second thread about this in this forum.


I am only seeing this issue with PMDG 737 planes only. I do use EZdok v3, but I’ve disabled that and I still have the same issue. I just got a new PC, so all the installs are new. Not loading a previous flight or panel. 

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7 minutes ago, threegreen said:

You should leave the default scenario as is (no PMDG plane preselected) and then load the NGX in the menu, then start the flight. If you do it any different than this you'll get a bouncy airplane.

I do. My default plane when FSX loads is that wonky glider with a single prop on the back. 

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12 hours ago, threegreen said:

You'll probably have more luck if you post this on the PMDG forums.

Thanks man, you’re probably right. I’ve just always had luck with AVISIM peeps. Always super knowledgeable and quick to respond.

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