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Road Traffic missing in some Regions


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Hi Guys!

I could find traffic on roads in regions like LHR, JFK, DXB, Muscat etc upto some radius of the airport... 

But in India Roads are all empty in fsx (maybe other regions as well)

Is there a way I can activate road traffic in India as well...?

Thanks in advance! 🙂

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Hi Harsh,

As far as I understand, the AI road traffic level that you set in the FSX Display Settings / Traffic menu applies everywhere in the world where you fly in FSX. Although I have a few addon airports for the bigger cities in India, I haven’t done much flying there and I haven’t noticed a lack of road traffic there but I wasn’t really looking for it. I do however set my AI road traffic at a very low level as AI generally is a big user of resources in FSX.
If I get a chance I’ll do a flight in India later today and this time I’ll look down at the roads and let you know if I find any traffic!


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It seems that you are correct! I did a 45 minute flight from Mumbai VABB and I couldn't see any AI road traffic apart from on highways near the airport where there was plenty travelling on the correct sides of the road. I assume however that that traffic came with the addon scenery which I use for VABB as I followed one highway with moving traffic away from the airport and the traffic just disappeared completely about a mile from the airport at a point where the texture of the highway changed! I continued the flight over the city and into the adjacent countryside and again no traffic was visible anywhere on any roads or highways which I followed and I had AI road traffic turned up to 70% for this test so there should have been plenty. A further short test flight around Bangalore again showed no visible AI traffic.

I guess it is possible that Microsoft just haven't bothered to generate AI road traffic for India and I suppose it is possible this may be the case in other regions too although I haven't noticed that but as I said I usually keep my road traffic setting very low. I don't know how one could create road traffic for India but perhaps someone with more knowledge than me might have an answer for that.


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