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LNM on Raspberry Pi 4. How to compile.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all

Raspberry Pi has now released a new version of Raspios, "Bullseye"

You can again use the official Raspios to compile LittleNavmap!

I have updated the Littlenavmap-inst-RPI4_64Bit.txt to use this version!

use the link above to get the file.




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  • 6 months later...

I have found that these very helpful instructions are fine for LNM versions up to .18, but I am having difficulties with either .19 or the Development version.  Everything appears to go OK until I get to the command  'make deploy' right at the end, ie


git clone --single-branch --branch release/2.6 https://github.com/albar965/littlenavmap.git
mkdir build-littlenavmap-release && cd build-littlenavmap-release
qmake  ../littlenavmap/littlenavmap.pro CONFIG+=release
make -j4
make copydata
make deploy

It throws up a number of errors when this command is made, and LNM cannot be run.

I can of course list the errors (it would be quite long to present here) but if anyone has been successful compiling .19 for Raspberry Pi (Bullseye) it would be very helpful to know what needs to be changed in the script.


Thanks very much.




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Hi Upkeep


I have not yet tried to compile the .19 version. I have no time until tomorrow night.( Europe)


Regarding the 2.7.10, I have not tried to compile that. There seems to be changes in both Atools LNM dayly.

I will wait until there comes a released version.




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There are often changes between LNM and atools. LNM is coupled tightly to the library. Make sure to use the right branches (master or release/3.6 atools and release/2.6 lnm).
LNM 2.7.X.develop resides on master. Use atools master branch for this.

You also need to compile Marble from the latest lnm/1.1 branch for LNM branch master since there were some changes 2.7 (or LNM branch master) depends on.

I can upload my Marble binaries if needed. Just let me know which OS.


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Thank you both for the very quick reply. Much appreciated.

First, I am running  Raspberry OS Bullseye 64 bit on a Raspberry Pi 4. All dependencies installed as per the instructions.

To compile I used the 2.6.19 Release version, Source Code zip file for LNM.  Lower down that page is the Development version 2.7, which I also tried.

For Atoolls there appeared to be no release version, so I downloaded the master. I am not sure what version this was as I could not see anything giving a version number. The most recent update appears to be in the src section and was made yesterday, while the rest of the files are older.

I have not had to compile Marble again during previous updates (just atools and LNM), so I have not tried doing it all from scratch, ie Marble Atools and LNM. I will try to do this but I am not sure where the latest Marble is - the one I can google is under albar965/marble but is six years old.

A link to the latest Marble and Atools (if I have the wrong one) would be very helpful. 


Thanks again for your help

Best wishes


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The branch master in Marble is six years old. Don't be confused by this. Changes are done on branch lnm/1.1 which received updates a few weeks ago.
This Marble branch lnm/1.1 is good for all current LNM branches which are release/2.6 and master.

As mentioned above: You have to combine the right branches:

  • LNM 2.7.10.develop was built with: littlenavmap master, atools master and Marble lnm/1.1.
  • LNM 2.6.19 was built with: littlenavmap release/2.6, atools release/3.6 and Marble lnm/1.1.

All branches have Git tags along the line which define a public release.

Downloading the Zip is ok but select the right branch before. Sources are normally always compilable on Linux or Windows.

Sorry, I just noticed that I don't have a Marble or atools version around for Raspi.



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Once again, thank you both for your help. I have tried again, this time using the correct files Alex stated above, and it does compile with no problems. It took a while on the Pi but it worked fine.

So thanks again for your assistance. I will make sure in future I get the right files, and compile from scratch.

All the best


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I tested both version tonight! both without any problems.


To compile the developing version 2.7.** You only need to change 2 lines:

Change the line:

git clone --single-branch --branch release/3.6 https://github.com/albar965/atools.git to

git clone --single-branch --branch master https://github.com/albar965/atools.git

and change

git clone --single-branch --branch release/2.6 https://github.com/albar965/littlenavmap.git  to

git clone --single-branch --branch master https://github.com/albar965/littlenavmap.git


This way You don't need to download zip-files

good luck






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  • 7 months later...

Thanks very much for the new update: 2.8.8. I am having a bit of a problem installing the new 2.8.8. version on my Raspberry Pi (previous versions including 2.8.7 were fine). I always follow the earlier instructions on this thread and they usually work successfully. The problem with 2.8.8. comes in the Deploy stage of the instructions. It is almost certainly down to the changes made in the latest version concerning OpenSSL and mentioned in the Changelog,  as it stops during the creation of the 'lib' folder and produces the following message in the console:

cp: cannot stat '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.1': No such file or directory
make: *** [Makefile:1385: deploy] Error 1

When I then look at the 'lib' folder within the 'deploy' folder,  it is incomplete with a lot of files missing and therefore LNM won't open. However if I copy the whole lib file from a previous version and add the missing files it works fine.

I have checked and have the latest OpenSSL and the Pi is fully updated and on the latest software.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Thanks very much.

Best wishes


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2 hours ago, Upkeep said:

cp: cannot stat '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.1': No such file or directory
make: *** [Makefile:1385: deploy] Error 1


Can you install OpenSSL 1.1?
You can also change the file littlenavmap.pro and remove the two lines:

  deploy.commands += cp -vfaL /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.1 $$DEPLOY_DIR_LIB &&
  deploy.commands += cp -vfaL /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.1 $$DEPLOY_DIR_LIB &&

In that case Qt will load any available SSL library version from the system.


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Thanks very much for the quick reply, Alex. To answer your question. I do appear to have the latest OpenSSL. It is listed as 1.1.1n.

Deleting the entries suggested in your post does work and LNM deploys and opens as usual. So that’s fine. Thanks for that. I will remember this for future updates. 

The problem may or may not result from the fact that the RPi does not appear to have a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu folder. In the RPi, I think the corresponding folder is arm-linux-gnueabihf, which also appears in /usr/lib. 

Anyway, thanks very much for sorting this out and for producing such a wonderful piece of software of course. It is indispensable. 

all the best


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