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Just Flight DC-8 in V5

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Posted (edited)

Gregmorin - It should do I had installed in V5.1 and working ok. I just put it back into V5.2 (I have the full JF DC-8 range from the 10 series to the Super DC-8 (63). Loaded ok and flew allright with a quick circuit. Cannot vouch for every little bit but all the major systems, switches are working and no texture glitches. 

The Aerosoft DC-8 also works ok in V5.2. At the moment I am not flying either of them but enjoying the DC-9. 

Edited by coastaldriver
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3 hours ago, coastaldriver said:

Gregmorin - It should do I had installed in V5.1 and working ok. I just put it back into V5.2 (I have the full JF DC-8 range from the 10 series to the Super DC-8 (63). Loaded ok and flew allright with a quick circuit. Cannot vouch for every little bit but all the major systems, switches are working and no texture glitches. 

The Aerosoft DC-8 also works ok in V5.2. At the moment I am not flying either of them but enjoying the DC-9. 




Greg Morin

Commercial ASMEL Instrument CFI

Beta Tester i Blue Yonder, Flightbeam and Milviz


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9 hours ago, coastaldriver said:

The Aerosoft DC-8 also works ok in V5.2.

Anything special you had to do to get it running?

Kyle Weber (Private Pilot, ASEL; Flight Test Engineer)
Check out my repaints and downloads, all right here on AVSIM

Posted (edited)

CaptKornDog - No not really alll I did was I downloaded a fresh install and use the P3DV4 registry trick to get it to go into V5 during installaltion and added back in a couple of liveries and went flying. I then take them out of the main sim folder and create an addon xml and addon folder for them and put them there. I do that with all addons (including scenery) so I can stop the main P3D being filled up with addons and hangar them or use them as required later.

I do think the JF DC-8 has a more authentic VC and cockpit and engine sounds and it is one of the few from JF/AH that have been properly updated and fixed over time since its release in FSX and you can have the full range of DC-8 variants not that I use them I like the DC8-10 and DC-8-60 series. The night lighting for the JF DC-8 is also excellent too. The Aerosoft DC-8 is perhaps a more modernised 52 series that's all hard to pick between the two really. My problem is I am only doing short range flights these days. Done the round world long haul thing etc. 

They made very good aeroplanes Douglas and all their commercial aircraft that were done by various folk for FSX and/or P3D have all transistioned into P3D without any problems. (Only the DC-10 from CLS/JF need major work but there is a thread here at AVSIM on how to achieve that and it now has all the bells and whistles too)

Edited by coastaldriver
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  • 1 month later...

You would have to mention this one... I remember flying from Sigonella Sicily to Manama, Bahrain in a Hawaiian Airlines DC-8. Trippy. Wasn't too impressed with JF's BAC One Eleven, but this one looks better.





I’m wondering if Just Flight themselves understood how the fuel management is supposed to work before writing that part of the manual. Maybe that’s why it’s so vague.




Posted (edited)

The Aerosoft DC-8 manual has a good description of the fuel system and how it should be operated! I was snoozing in that part of ground school!

Edited by coastaldriver
16 hours ago, coastaldriver said:

The Aerosoft DC-8 manual has a good description of the fuel system and how it should be operated!

Yes, but I don’t think it has much to do with the way the JF DC-8 works, unfortunately. If you read the list of fixes some enterprising genius made, then posted about on the JF forum, it tends to confirm my opinion that the fuel mgt is just a mess (at least in the -21, because with JF you never know among all their models in a pack). Two flights, both end up feeding from 4 to 1, exhausting each in turn no matter what I do or don’t do. And now that I think about it, the airplane WAS unbalanced on landing and my stick and rudder skills haven’t deteriorated that suddenly! Maybe someone here will just put me out of my misery and confirm it’s broke.





Hi Tim,

Yes - the JF DC-8 fuel system is borked!  There was a post way back on their old forum outlining .cfg edits you could make to fix it, but I've lost that.  You should be able to find it looking on their archived forum.  Personally, whenever I used that a/c I simply cheat - open the fuel and payload tab during flight and move things around.  In my tiny mind I'm playing flight engineer...


1 hour ago, Bunkie said:

Yes - the JF DC-8 fuel system is borked!

Ticket created. (Like a second marriage: the triumph of hope over experience. Didn't get any help on the BAC One Eleven from them.)

The only config hack I found did something to eliminate center 3... not sure that's any better than fiddling with the fuel dropdown. I had thought of that, Mark, but wanted to try to use the fuel management feature as advertised since without an INS there's not a whole lot to do during a long cruise. Since it's not rated for P3D v5, I wouldn't complain, except it doesn't seem to be any better in v4 and everything else works in v5. I thought I had found another Golden Age Soul Survivor for v5 to go with Flight1 / Coolsky DC-9, and Captain Sim 737-200 & L1011, but this DC-8 is pretty compromised. These days I feel like I'm in the flight sim version of Steely Dan's Hey Nineteen. "Way back when, in sixty-seven..."

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I have all those other aircraft, but haven't installed them yet.  Nice to know they should work.  I'm going to go out on a limb and guess there won't be a fix.  The 8's are another a/c that Aeroplane Heaven made for JF.  They'd have to ask them to fix it...!


The 737-200 is better than ever with the "Total Overhaul" mod. L1011 still uses Paul's Gauge (with allowances for the change in folder names in P3D). For the sake of completeness, I managed to do the little registry hack after all and installed Aerosoft's DC-8. Don't want to make any premature judgments, but so far the only problem I've noticed on the tutorial in progress is the DME readout keeps cycling in wacky fashion. INS works, and fuel system (although not as ambitious) is not obviously broken so far.


2 hours ago, Bunkie said:

I have all those other aircraft, but haven't installed them yet.


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Posted (edited)

Tim, yep without a doubt the JF fuel system is a bust. The mix up occurs where the model allocation for switches etc meets the guages. Not fixable in my view. I found the relevant posts at the JF forum but in the end that went knowwhere as well. 

I will go back to plan A - just use the Aerosoft DC-8 it all works for me! Strange that was the reason I bought it in the first place and I seem to have forgotten about all the heartache of the JF version and how it just ended up in the usual JF submit it to the developer loop from which it never returns. Shame they did such good work with it otherwise. Anyway only wanted the 50 series - so I am happy. Did a run from NFFN to NZAA in heavy weather yesterday - worked fine all the way! Just need to get used how to use the word not allowed INS again!



Edited by coastaldriver

Okay, just to clarify after further testing, the fuel system in the Just Flight DC-8 is not so much "broke" as "bent." And the manual is worthless.

The alternate tanks work fine, but manually. So, if you fill all eight tanks each with the same amount of fuel in the -21, you can easily keep them equal, but that will give you roughly 72,000 lbs of fuel only, since they vary in capacity. (That's putting 9000 lbs in each, because the two lowest-capacity alternates are less than 10,000.) You just manually switch over when the mains are all at, say, 5000 lbs, then run down the alternates, then switch back to the mains. (If the fill switches do anything, I haven't found it.) You can ALSO fill each tank to near capacity and the alternate levers still work, but then you have a problem with using up all your fuel, because if you can't fill a main from its alternate (and you apparently can't) then eventually, the outboard and inboard tanks are not going to be even (that difference in capacity). I squeezed nearly 104,000 lbs out of of them- (more than enough for a New York to San Francisco flight) by careful fiddling with the alternate levers. So as a practical matter, the fuel system works, just not as advertised. As for the crossfeed levers, as far as I can tell, they don't make much difference. I still managed to lose three out of four engines with all the crossfeed levers down, but by that time I was on fumes, anyway, so I'm not sure that's a practical problem. You can easily fly cross-country in the -21 without ever touching them (or the fill valves) and still have a balanced airplane when you land. You just have to shift between mains and alternates.

FYI, in the -21, the two bigger mains (Center and External 2 in the dropdown menu) hold approximately 19,939 lbs; the other two mains (Center 2 and External 1) are 17,346; the bigger alternates 12,368 (left and right aux) and the smaller ones 9145 (left and right tips).

The Aerosoft works as advertised and has an INS, but is just the -50 . The Just Flight has a lot more models, available in two packages, including later ones with a modernized cockpit. (I have not tried any but the -21 so far, which means I haven't tried fuel management with the auxiliary tanks or the glass.) I think the Just Flight product has more character, but that's a matter of opinion. It really depends on what you are looking for.

Now, aren't you sorry you asked, Greg?

EDIT: Our posts "crossed in the mail," Mike 🙂 I was wrapping mine up when I heard the "blip" of your last. As long as I can make long hauls with some semblance of fuel management (without going into the dropdown menu) then I'm happy. And I've got the Aerosoft DC-8 for the -50 if I want a change of pace. The INS looks to have a simplified option similar to the one in Captain Sim's L1011. Oh, my, the DC-Eightiness of it all!


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