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How to post a screenshot or files

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Note that none of the services I use here need an account or an email address to use.

Screenshots are a valuable tool to find issues. Include the window title and the status bar of LNM which allows to see versions, connections status, settings and more.

You cannot insert images directly into the Avsim forum. Therefore, here the short version of the long thread linked below. Note that you do not have to create an account at Postimages to post a screenshot.

  1. Use your favorite screenshot tool and save the shot to a file as JPEG or PNG or copy the image to the clipboard.
  2. Go to Postimages .grafik.png
  3. Now either:
    1. Insert the screenshot from the clipboard by simply clicking into the page and pressing Ctrl+V or ...
    2. ... click Choose images... . Select the previously saved image file and click Open in the file dialog.
  4. Next screen shows several links. Click the blue symbol at the right of the row Direct Link. This will copy the link address to the clipboard.grafik.png
  5. Simply insert the copied address into the Avsim forum post using Ctrl+V or the browser context menu and Insert. You will briefly see the blue link addres pasted before the Avsim forum software automatically converts the pasted address to an inline image visible to everybody without clicking.


Flight plans like .lnmpln, .fms or .pln are text files which can be inserted inline if they are not too long. Open the flight plan file in a text editor, copy the text to the clipboard and use the code box in the Avsim post toolbar to insert a small flight plan.



For large files you can use free upload services like FileTransfer.io . Do not enter an email address but create a download link and paste this into the forum instead.


Videos can be uploaded to Streamable which does not require an user account.



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