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[Linux] error's on startup

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Good day,

I run Gentoo Linux and got now an error. Before i had to link the lib's to my lib directory where the libQt5*.so.* have been placed by the system :






bodo@localhost ~/Downloads/Little Navmap $ ./littlenavmap
Empty version
QXcbIntegration: Cannot create platform OpenGL context, neither GLX nor EGL are enabled
static void NavApp::initSplashScreen()
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: ================================================================================
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Starting "Little Navmap" version "2.8.0.beta"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Organization "ABarthel" domain "littlenavmap.org"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Application file path "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/littlenavmap"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Application dir path "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Application arguments ("./littlenavmap")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Current working directory "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Library paths ("/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/lib", "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Log file 1 "/tmp/abarthel-little_navmap.log"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Default text codec "UTF-8"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Locale BCP47 name "de"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Locale name "de_DE"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Locale decimal point ','
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: Locale group separator '.'
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: UI languages ("de-DE")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: ABI "x86_64-little_endian-lp64"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: build CPU arch "x86_64" current "x86_64"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.008 INFO ]: kernel "linux" version "5.15.69-gentoo"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.049 INFO ]: product name "Gentoo Linux" type "gentoo" version "2.8"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.049 INFO ]: Qt version 5.15.2
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.049 INFO ]: "RenderOpt none"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.049 INFO ]: "High DPI scaling enabled"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: atools revision 18f52a28 Little Navmap revision fe600d41
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: DesktopLocation ("/home/bodo/Desktop")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: DocumentsLocation ("/home/bodo/Dokumente")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: FontsLocation ("/home/bodo/.local/share/fonts", "/home/bodo/.fonts", "/usr/local/share/fonts", "/usr/share/fonts")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: ApplicationsLocation ("/home/bodo/.local/share/applications", "/usr/local/share/applications", "/usr/share/applications")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: MusicLocation ("/home/bodo/Musik")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: MoviesLocation ("/home/bodo/Videos")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: PicturesLocation ("/home/bodo/Bilder")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: TempLocation ("/tmp")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: HomeLocation ("/home/bodo")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: DataLocation ("/home/bodo/.local/share/ABarthel/Little Navmap", "/usr/local/share/ABarthel/Little Navmap", "/usr/share/ABarthel/Little Navmap")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: CacheLocation ("/home/bodo/.cache/ABarthel/Little Navmap")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: GenericDataLocation ("/home/bodo/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.050 INFO ]: RuntimeLocation ("/run/user/1000")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.051 INFO ]: ConfigLocation ("/home/bodo/.config", "/home/bodo/.config/kdedefaults", "/etc/xdg")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.051 INFO ]: DownloadLocation ("/home/bodo/Downloads")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.051 INFO ]: GenericCacheLocation ("/home/bodo/.cache")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.051 INFO ]: GenericConfigLocation ("/home/bodo/.config", "/home/bodo/.config/kdedefaults", "/etc/xdg")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.051 INFO ]: AppDataLocation ("/home/bodo/.local/share/ABarthel/Little Navmap", "/usr/local/share/ABarthel/Little Navmap", "/usr/share/ABarthel/Little Navmap")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.051 INFO ]: AppConfigLocation ("/home/bodo/.config/ABarthel/Little Navmap", "/home/bodo/.config/kdedefaults/ABarthel/Little Navmap", "/etc/xdg/ABarthel/Little Navmap")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.051 INFO ]: Settings path "/home/bodo/.config/ABarthel" filename "/home/bodo/.config/ABarthel/little_navmap.ini"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.159 INFO ]: SSL supported true build library "OpenSSL 1.1.1o  3 May 2022" library "OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.159 INFO ]: Available styles ("Windows", "Fusion")
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.159 INFO ]: SimConnectData Version 11 SimConnectReply Version 5
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.159 INFO ]: QT_OPENGL ""
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.159 INFO ]: QT_SCALE_FACTOR ""
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.168 INFO ]: UI default font QFont(Sans Serif,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0)
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.168 INFO ]: Screen "DVI-D-0" size QSize(1920, 1080) physical size QSizeF(521, 293) DPI ratio 1 DPI x 96 y 96
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.184 WARN ]: Empty version
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.184 WARN ]: void migrate::checkAndMigrateSettings() No version information found in settings file. Updating to 2.8.0.beta
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.223 INFO ]: void migrate::checkAndMigrateSettings() Adjusting map font
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.262 INFO ]: Settings dir name "ABarthel"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.262 INFO ]: QPixmapCache cacheLimit 10240 KB
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.262 INFO ]: Loaded font "Sans Serif,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" from options. Stored font info ""
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.263 INFO ]: Loading translations for "de_DE"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.263 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "littlenavmap" not loaded from dir ":/littlenavmap" locale "de_DE"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.263 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "littlenavmap" not loaded from dir ":/littlenavmap/translations" locale "de_DE"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.263 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "littlenavmap" not loaded from dir "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap" locale "de_DE"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.283 INFO ]: Qt translation file "littlenavmap" from dir "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/translations" installed locale "de_DE"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.283 DEBUG]: Translations for appPath "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap" lang "de_DE" loadDefault true
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.284 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "atools" not loaded from dir ":/atools" locale "de_DE"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.284 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "atools" not loaded from dir ":/atools/translations" locale "de_DE"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.284 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "atools" not loaded from dir "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap" locale "de_DE"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.299 INFO ]: Qt translation file "atools" from dir "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/translations" installed locale "de_DE"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.299 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "qt" not loaded from dir "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap" locale "de_DE"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.322 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "qt" not loaded from dir "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/translations" locale "de_DE"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.322 DEBUG]: Qt translation file "qtbase" not loaded from dir "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap" locale "de_DE"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.322 INFO ]: Qt translation file "qtbase" from dir "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/translations" installed locale "de_DE"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.330 INFO ]: Locale QLocale(German, Latin, Germany)
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.330 DEBUG]: Locale after setting to "de_DE" QLocale(German, Latin, Germany) decimal point "," group separator "."
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.331 INFO ]: void lnm::loadHelpUrls() Loading urls.cfg from ":/littlenavmap/resources/config/urls.cfg"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.331 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() Start ======================================
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.331 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() ============
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.331 WARN ]: "static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType)" checkDir: Dir is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.331 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) "FSX" base path not found
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Files path for "FSX" not found. Fallback to "/home/bodo/Dokumente"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initSceneryLibraryPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Scenery path for "FSX" not found.
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() ============
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: "static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType)" checkDir: Dir is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) "FSXSE" base path not found
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Files path for "FSXSE" not found. Fallback to "/home/bodo/Dokumente"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initSceneryLibraryPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Scenery path for "FSXSE" not found.
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() ============
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: "static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType)" checkDir: Dir is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) "P3DV3" base path not found
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Files path for "P3DV3" not found. Fallback to "/home/bodo/Dokumente"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initSceneryLibraryPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Scenery path for "P3DV3" not found.
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() ============
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: "static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType)" checkDir: Dir is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) "P3DV4" base path not found
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Files path for "P3DV4" not found. Fallback to "/home/bodo/Dokumente"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initSceneryLibraryPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Scenery path for "P3DV4" not found.
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() ============
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: "static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType)" checkDir: Dir is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initBasePath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) "P3DV5" base path not found
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Files path for "P3DV5" not found. Fallback to "/home/bodo/Dokumente"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initSceneryLibraryPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Scenery path for "P3DV5" not found.
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() ============
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.332 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::xplaneBasePath(const QString&) Checking XP path from "/home/bodo/.x-plane/x-plane_install_11.txt"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.361 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::xplaneBasePath(const QString&) Cannot open "/home/bodo/.x-plane/x-plane_install_11.txt" error "No such file or directory"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.361 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Found "XP11" files path "/Output/FMS Plans"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.361 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() ============
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.361 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::xplaneBasePath(const QString&) Checking XP path from "/home/bodo/.x-plane/x-plane_install_12.txt"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.361 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::xplaneBasePath(const QString&) Cannot open "/home/bodo/.x-plane/x-plane_install_12.txt" error "No such file or directory"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.361 INFO ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Found "XP12" files path "/Output/FMS Plans"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() ============
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 WARN ]: "static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType)" checkDir: Directory "/LocalState" does not exist
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 WARN ]: static QString atools::fs::FsPaths::initFilesPath(atools::fs::FsPaths::SimulatorType) Files path for "MSFS" not found. Fallback to "/home/bodo/Dokumente"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::loadAllPaths() Done ======================================
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 DEBUG]: static void atools::fs::FsPaths::logAllPaths() ====================================================
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: PROGRAMDATA ""
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: APPDATA ""
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: LOCALAPPDATA ""
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: ALLUSERSPROFILE ""
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: FSX - Microsoft Flight Simulator X
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Base is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Files "/home/bodo/Dokumente" exists true
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Scenery.cfg path is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: FSXSE - Microsoft Flight Simulator - Steam Edition
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Base is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Files "/home/bodo/Dokumente" exists true
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Scenery.cfg path is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: P3DV3 - Prepar3D v3
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Base is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Files "/home/bodo/Dokumente" exists true
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Scenery.cfg path is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: P3DV4 - Prepar3D v4
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Base is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Files "/home/bodo/Dokumente" exists true
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Scenery.cfg path is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: P3DV5 - Prepar3D v5
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Base is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Files "/home/bodo/Dokumente" exists true
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Scenery.cfg path is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: XP11 - X-Plane 11
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Base is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Files "/Output/FMS Plans" exists false
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Scenery.cfg path is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: XP12 - X-Plane 12
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Base is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Files "/Output/FMS Plans" exists false
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Scenery.cfg path is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: MSFS - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Base is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Files "/home/bodo/Dokumente" exists true
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]:   Scenery.cfg path is empty
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: msfsCommunityPath ""
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.362 INFO ]: msfsOfficialPath ""
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.366 DEBUG]: Marble Local Path: "/home/bodo/.local/share/marble"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.366 DEBUG]: Marble Plugin Local Path: "/home/bodo/.marble/plugins"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.366 DEBUG]: Marble Data Path (Run Time) : ""
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.366 DEBUG]: Marble Plugin Path (Run Time) : ""
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.367 DEBUG]: Marble System Path: "/usr/share/marble/data"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.412 DEBUG]: Marble Plugin System Path: "/usr/lib64/marble/plugins"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.413 DEBUG]: New Marble Local Path: "/home/bodo/.local/share/marble"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.413 DEBUG]: New Marble Plugin Local Path: "/home/bodo/.marble/plugins"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.413 DEBUG]: New Marble Data Path (Run Time) : "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/data"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.413 DEBUG]: New Marble Plugin Path (Run Time) : "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/plugins"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.413 DEBUG]: New Marble System Path: "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/data"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.413 DEBUG]: New Marble Plugin System Path: "/home/bodo/Downloads/Little Navmap/plugins"
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) atools::fs::FsPaths::XPLANE_11 FsPathType[registry entry false, has database false, base path "", scenery config ""]
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) atools::fs::FsPaths::P3D_V4 FsPathType[registry entry false, has database false, base path "", scenery config ""]
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) atools::fs::FsPaths::P3D_V5 FsPathType[registry entry false, has database false, base path "", scenery config ""]
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) atools::fs::FsPaths::XPLANE_12 FsPathType[registry entry false, has database false, base path "", scenery config ""]
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) atools::fs::FsPaths::MSFS FsPathType[registry entry false, has database false, base path "", scenery config ""]
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) atools::fs::FsPaths::FSX_SE FsPathType[registry entry false, has database false, base path "", scenery config ""]
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) atools::fs::FsPaths::FSX FsPathType[registry entry false, has database false, base path "", scenery config ""]
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) atools::fs::FsPaths::P3D_V3 FsPathType[registry entry false, has database false, base path "", scenery config ""]
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.426 DEBUG]: DatabaseManager::DatabaseManager(MainWindow*) fs type atools::fs::FsPaths::NONE
[2022-09-29 21:58:22.467 FATAL]: Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (5.15.2) with this library (5.15.5)


So, should i link the libs in the lib directory of Little Navmap to the libs on my system ( /usr/lib64 ) ?


Kind Regards



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19 minutes ago, bvthadden said:

Before i had to link the lib's to my lib directory where the libQt5*.so.* have been placed by the system :

Which is the problem. Don't do that. LNM comes with its own Qt libraries to be more independent of platforms. Do not link anything around.

Post the output of "ldd littlenavmap" if you get an error without the links. Maybe just a library is missing.


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output of ldd littlenavmap :


bodo@localhost ~/Downloads/LittleNavmap-linux-18.04-2.8.0.beta.tar/Little Navmap $ ldd littlenavmap
./littlenavmap: error while loading shared libraries: /home/bodo/Downloads/LittleNavmap-linux-18.04-2.8.0.beta.tar/Little Navmap/././lib/libmarblewidget-qt5.so.25: file too short
bodo@localhost ~/Downloads/LittleNavmap-linux-18.04-2.8.0.beta.tar/Little Navmap $


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11 hours ago, bvthadden said:

./littlenavmap: error while loading shared libraries: /home/bodo/Downloads/LittleNavmap-linux-18.04-2.8.0.beta.tar/Little Navmap/././lib/libmarblewidget-qt5.so.25: file too short

Download or extraction seems to be broken. libmarblewidget-qt5.so.25 is a symbolic link and was probably extracted to a zero length file.

"tar xvzf LittleNavmap-linux-18.04-2.8.0.beta.tar.gz" normally extracts all symlinks fine. Try it on the command line if you used another tool to extract.

I'd rather try the newer Linux builds LittleNavmap-linux-20.04-2.8.0.beta.tar.gz and LittleNavmap-linux-22.04-2.8.0.beta.tar.gz before using the old one.


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