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New Maps for LNM (update #4)

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"Vous pouvez également utiliser l'installation par défaut dans "Program Files". Pas besoin d'installer ailleurs puisque vous pouvez sélectionner n'importe quel dossier pour les thèmes de carte."

Non, justement, c'est pour ça que ça ne marchait pas pour moi,. Quand  l'installation par défaut se trouve dans program files, et que je glisse le dossier dans "map themes" il est invisible, incompréhensible


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57 minutes ago, JL73 said:

No, that's precisely why it didn't work for me. When the default installation is in program files, and I drag the folder into "map themes", it's invisible and incomprehensible.

That's why you should select another folder in LNM options and not use the maps/earth in the installation folder. This *does* work. Believe me.😉



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C'est ce que j'ai fait dans les 2 cas , on a du mal à se comprendre ou j'explique mal 

enfin c'est pas grave le pb est réglé et je le redis l'unique pb pour moi a été l'installation par défaut dans program files qui ne me permettait pas de glisser le dossier stadia stamen car invisible même dans un autre dossier créé ! 

L'installation de LNM dans dans un autre disque a réglé le problème 👍

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@JL73, we ask that all posts are in English please.

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Ray (Cheshire, England).

System: P3D v5.3HF2, Intel i9-13900K, MSI 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G, Crucial T700 4Tb M.2 SSD, Asus ROG Maximus Z790 Hero, 32Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR5 6000Mhz RAM, Win 11 Pro 64-bit, BenQ PD3200U 32” UHD monitor, Fulcrum One yoke, Fulcrum TQ (pre-production).

Cheadle Hulme Weather website.


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26 minutes ago, JL73 said:

That's what I did in the 2 cases, we're having trouble understanding each other or I'm explaining things wrong.

the only problem for me was the default installation in program files, which didn't let me drag the stadia stamen folder because it was invisible, even in another folder I'd created!

Installing LNM in another disk solved the problem.

Ok. And as Ray mentioned: Next time please be so kind to translate your post (for example https://www.deepl.com).

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  • 1 month later...
6 hours ago, albar965 said:

You can download their maps as OpenAir and import the airspaces into LNM but this will neither include navaids nor airports. You can still mix the OpenAIP airspaces with the navaids loaded from the sim.


Thanks!. I'll try to create a theme. Let's see what I can do

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello @Bina

The tiles for the US aeronautical charts are now available from arcgis.




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It only took me till 2AM to get this working - here's the new 'layer' section that works with the arcgis vfr sectionals..

            <layer name="us-vfr-sectionals" backend="texture">
                <!-- Rendered tiles expire after about six months or 15,552,000 seconds -->
                <texture name="us-vfr-sectionals_data" expire="15552000" >
                    <sourcedir format="JPG"> earth/us-vfr-sectionals </sourcedir>
                    <tileSize width="256" height="256" />
                    <storageLayout levelZeroColumns="1" levelZeroRows="1" maximumTileLevel="24" mode="Custom" />
                    <projection name="Mercator" />
		    <downloadUrl protocol="https" host="tiles.arcgis.com" path="/tiles/ssFJjBXIUyZDrSYZ/arcgis/rest/services/VFR_Sectional/MapServer/tile/{zoomLevel}/{y}/{x}" />
                    <downloadPolicy usage="Browse" maximumConnections="20" />
                    <downloadPolicy usage="Bulk" maximumConnections="4" />


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21 hours ago, krad_1337 said:

I'm not @Bina but I have a few questions before adding this to LNM:
Can these maps be used without an account? I'm asking because some numbers in the URLs look like API keys (means they are tied to an account and might have limited access).
I suppose this is US coverage only since FAA?

I can have a look at it and create the DGML files but currently I'd like to finish another task.


Edited by albar965
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46 minutes ago, albar965 said:

Download all four map themes here: https://www.littlenavmap.org/downloads/Map Themes/US FAA Charts.zip

I'll add these as stock themes in the next LNM release 3.0.10.


Thanks for adding these to LNM! Having these available in VR via LNM is going to be super helpful. I went to try your zipfile of the themes, but get a 403 / permission denied error.

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