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Keyboard bindings not working

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Hello, at regular intervals my Keyboard bindings are not working and i have to toggle the simmconnect button so as to regain normal operation.  The strange thing is that the bindings of my 2 other hardware are not affected and are always available

Sorry if this has been asked and answered before



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I don't have an answer.  Was about to post my own topic but I'll just bump this one.  I have the bottom row of my keyboard assigned to light switches across various aircraft.  I lose those key presses at least one time per flight.  Not a huge deal to toggle simconnect off/on,  but maybe someone has an idea.




Rob Simmons


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  • Commercial Member

Is this about keyboard keys going into AAO or virtual keys that are being sent to the sim?

Any clues in the AAO logfiles?



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Hi, I'm very sorry for the late reply.  In my case, it is keyboard presses going to AAO via Key Down Event.  I never thought about the log files.  I'm going through them now. 

I happened to lose the keyboard connection on my current flight even before leaving the gate.  This is what I see in the latest log.  I don't know if it's related to the error, or me closing and restarting the Simconnection.

4/12/2024 9:04:06 AM.843 : Exception received: 32 from send id 48 errloc 48
4/12/2024 9:32:39 AM.254 : Exception received: 32 from send id 48 errloc 48
4/12/2024 9:51:08 AM.325 : Exception received: 32 from send id 48 errloc 48
4/12/2024 9:51:08 AM.588 : SH: AccessViolationException in SimConnect
4/12/2024 9:51:08 AM.588 : SH: AccessViolationException in SimConnect
4/12/2024 9:51:08 AM.620 : SH: AccessViolationException in SimConnect
4/12/2024 9:51:08 AM.685 : SH: AccessViolationException in SimConnect
4/12/2024 9:51:08 AM.783 : SH: AccessViolationException in SimConnect
4/12/2024 9:51:08 AM.816 : SH: AccessViolationException in SimConnect
4/12/2024 9:51:08 AM.817 : SH: AccessViolationException in SimConnect
4/12/2024 9:51:08 AM.883 : SH: AccessViolationException in SimConnect
4/12/2024 9:56:28 AM.873 : Exception received: 32 from send id 48 errloc 48
4/12/2024 9:57:04 AM.701 : Exception received: 32 from send id 48 errloc 48

Rob Simmons


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  • Commercial Member

Nothing special in that logfile.

My best guess is that a keyboard input gets stuck internally. Maybe one of them is not being released, and AAO thinks that it is supposed to process the combo. Anything to see on the main dialog, does one of the green LEDs stay lit, although the key is not being pressed anymore?


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I have a Honeycomb Bravo rocker switch that stays lit most of the time in either position, but no indications related to the keyboard.  I feel I may be doing something unconsciously with my keyboard that makes it lose the collection. I usually have three FS related apps running behind the scenes and perhaps when I alt-tab to check their status is when it happens.  Again not a big deal.  I'm not on these forums much these days.  I came to see if I might be the only one who has ever experienced it.  I'm happy to simply restart the connection.  Thanks very much for your time and apologies again for the delay in my initial reply.



Edited by RobbSpeed

Rob Simmons


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