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First an apology if I have missed this somewhere either in the forums or in the manual.  I'm certain I'm overlooking something that is probably simple, but am stumped (though I may be blind as well)

Last night I did a short VFR flight from KAST to a grass strip by Mount St Helens.  As this is my first time back in flight sim in a year I was modifying aircraft performance but also used LNM to create the flight plan.  As I fly in VR, I checked in periodically and saw that LNM was creating a flight trail for my plan progress for the flight path itself but not for my elevation. 

I continued flying and when I was done, I looked at the settings which seemed logical but had them selected.  While it's not that big of a deal, it's naturally nice to see how well (or more often how badly) I can track the vertical flight path as well.

Would someone point me in the right direction as to what I may have missed.

Thanks again for a great piece of software.  It reminds me of the "old internet" where people made great, detailed, complex, and useful programs without hiding behind subscription based pay models.  I'm sure a ton of work goes into LNM so hats off. 

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Did you have a flight plan? LNM needs a flight plan to show the elevation profile and to record an aircraft trail. 

Also look at the flight plan window footer if there is a red error message. There might be issues with the plan (too high cruise, wrong aircraft performance, etc.) which  can keep LNM from calculating the profile.

There is also an option to hide the trail in the profile. Right click into the profile and check if "Show vertical track" is enabled.

See here for more information about the trails: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/latest/en/AIRCRAFTTRAIL.html


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Hi Alex.  From memory, I thought I had created a VFR flight plan and saved but perhaps I ended up not using it.  I can confirm I saw the flight plan yellow planned flight path in the "top down" view.  

I'll double check once I get home and thank you for the link.  I wondered if I deselected "show vertical track"?  Hmmm...I'll check that too.

Sorry, I'm at work at the moment but will give it a another shot tonight.  Flight trails are stored in the logbook, so I should be able to load it, I think?

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4 minutes ago, mogwai said:

Flight trails are stored in the logbook, so I should be able to load it, I think?

Yes but only into the map and not the profile. Sorry, this is a bit confusing but the profile trail is more a temporary thing deleted on takeoff while the map trail is different and persists.

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4 hours ago, albar965 said:

Yes but only into the map and not the profile. Sorry, this is a bit confusing but the profile trail is more a temporary thing deleted on takeoff while the map trail is different and persists.

No apology necessary at all.  I'm sure it's user error but I appreciate the response.  I'll fly a bit later tonight and give it a shot again.

Edited by m06w41
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Vertical flight path worked as expected on my flight last night.  I'm not sure what I did to disable it but it was user error for sure. 

Thanks for the help Alex!

Edited by m06w41
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