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LNM Crashing since World Update XVII

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Since World Update 17, LNM has been crashing for me... I have done all the usual troubleshooting... and even performed a clean re-install... I have the "little_navmap_crashreport.zip" package but need to know where to send it.  This is the first time I have ever had LNM crash on me, which is not normal as this is a very stable software, and feel I know how to use it pretty well...  Please advise.

Faisal Niazi

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Thank you, got it.

Unfortunately I see no reason for the crash. LNM just stops in the middle short after downloading the NOAA weather and connecting to the sim. You can try to disable online weather in options and menu weather. I suspect an issue somewhere when reading it.

You can also disable transfer of AI aircraft in the Tools -> Connect dialog window. AI traffic cause issues in the past with MSFS and its SimConnect.

Next LNM version 3.0.9 will give more detailed crash information that can help to identify the reason (a stacktrace pointing to line numbers in the code).



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Dear Alex,

Thank you for your reply... I too could not really see in anything in the log indicating any severe error... I will keep an eye on it... It may well have been NOAA causing this... fingers crossed.

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Faisal Niazi

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