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Choosing runway. Navigraph/FSHUD/AvtiveSky/Website

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Hi all,

Choosing runway to takeoff and land. Navigraph/FSHUD/ActiveSky/Website

None of them seem to choose the same one. Navigraph has DEP and ARR runway in use, but I am not sure how reliable they are.

Do you guys have a preference or do you just follow whatever ATC program you use decide and not bother changing.







MSFS -A2A Comanche250 -Cessna 310 -Cessna 414 - Black Square Duke
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If you’re using FSHud I would go with whatever it recommends. That way, both you and the AI will use the same runway. You can force it to use a different one via the menus, but if you do that I’m not sure if you’ll end up facing the AI at the other end. 

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Ian Box

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18 minutes ago, Ron Lefebvre said:

Do you guys have a preference or do you just follow whatever ATC program you use decide and not bother changing.

If I am using FSHUD, I look up what the ATIS is for that airport on Navigraph and use that. I have found *most* of the time FSHUD is correct against the ATIS.

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Not being certain how the various ATC programs determine runway use, but, back in the FSX/P3D days, the scenery AFCAD file determined which runway would be used. Third party ATC would only factor wind direction and then assign the appropriate AFCAD selected runway.

Being fairly recent to MSFS, I am pretty sure it uses the same methodology.

I have FSHud installed which I use routinely. My home airport is CYVR and I use the FSS third party CYVR add-on.

FSHud is supposed to use "real world" routes for AI traiffic. I know that for CYVR, the runway use is not correct in FSHud. (Typically, IRL, 8R/26L for take-offs and 8L/26R for landings...the exception being that some domestics flights can/will land on the take-off runway to minimize taxi on the southern side of the terminal. It would have to be an extreme winter storm for rwy 13/31 to be used IRL...yet FSHud routinely directs take-offs to that runway.)

In P3D it was a simple task to edit AFCAD files in ADE to correct these anomalies. I haven't made the time yet to poke around MSFS scenery files, but, I'm fairly certain the results would be similar as in the past.

I find that, ironically, Simbrief will assign the correct departure runway for my home airport yet when the flight plan is imported into FSHud, the departure will change from what the Simbrief plan is...again, leading me to believe the issue lies within the scenery file.

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5 hours ago, Ron Lefebvre said:

Navigraph has DEP and ARR runway in use, but I am not sure how reliable they are.

I believe that's just based on which runway is favored by the wind - I don't think Navigraph can access what the actual real-world runway in use is for a given airport.

I would keep it simple. If I'm using an ATC addon, I'll go with whatever it says in the ATIS. If I'm "on my own", I'll just choose whichever runway seems best to me given the conditions.

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15 minutes ago, martinboehme said:

I believe that's just based on which runway is favored by the wind - I don't think Navigraph can access what the actual real-world runway in use is for a given airport.

If you go to Charts -> Weather -> ATIS -> Real World, if there is a real world ATIS it can find it pulls the runways from there.

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1 hour ago, rmeier said:

FSHud is supposed to use "real world" routes for AI traiffic. I know that for CYVR, the runway use is not correct in FSHud. (Typically, IRL, 8R/26L for take-offs and 8L/26R for landings...the exception being that some domestics flights can/will land on the take-off runway to minimize taxi on the southern side of the terminal. It would have to be an extreme winter storm for rwy 13/31 to be used IRL...yet FSHud routinely directs take-offs to that runway.)

I haven't done any work with MSFS scenery files, but I'm fairly certain it's nothing like as simple to change things like this, as the 'AFCAD' information is no longer held as a separately editable file.

The FSHud developer has indicated that at some point it will be possible to specify preferred runways etc., but I doubt we'll see that soon, as the main focus initially in 2.0 is voice input, along with increased numbers and accents of pilot/controller voices.

Ian Box

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31 minutes ago, BrammyH said:

If you go to Charts -> Weather -> ATIS -> Real World, if there is a real world ATIS it can find it pulls the runways from there.

Til - never knew this was available in Navigraph. Good to know, thanks! 

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2 hours ago, ConstVoid said:

The FSHud developer has indicated that at some point it will be possible to specify preferred runways etc., but I doubt we'll see that soon, as the main focus initially in 2.0 is voice input, along with increased numbers and accents of pilot/controller voices.

Actually, in FSHud, you can select your departure runway (as well as arrival info)...unfortunately, you can only do so after selecting take-off clearance and receiving initial clearance for the rwy FSHud has pre-determined.

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This is not what I referred to. The implication is that at some point we will be able to set up airport specific preferences to control which runways are to be used for landing and/or takeoff, so that it matches real work operations.

Ian Box

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5 hours ago, ConstVoid said:

it matches real work operations

indeed, whether it is to match TAF's (wind shifts / gusts etc.) and / or noise abatement needs, both hence requiring tailwind operations within limits ..... quite regularly needed at major hubs.

for now, cheers

john martin

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Generally I follow ATC (BeyondATC or P2ATC whichever I am using), unless they give me something I really don't want due to weather and/or terrain.


Gary Davies aka "Gazzareth"

Simming since 747 on the Acorn Electron


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