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Feelthere KBNA parking

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I use FT BNA since there is not an alternative at the moment but does anyone else have place parked opposite new satellite terminal with the tails facing the jetways? PSXT parks based on real parking positions so I can't figure out why this is happening

I would upload a screenshot but no matter what I do it won't post even though I followed the directions on how to post


Edited by DaveS
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5 hours ago, Jay Perry said:

Yes, I have the same. I think the file on PSXT hasn't been updated since feelthere released a new KBNA version with the satellite terminal along with numerous changes in gate numbering specifically at C concourse. 

If you want it updated, you must send the airport file to me. It will be in your "ToBeLearnedOffline" folder.

Edited by kiek
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On 9/4/2024 at 4:54 PM, DaveS said:

PSXT parks based on real parking positions so I can't figure out why this is happening

 Well yes and no.. PSXT learns who parks where and when based on real movements, BUT it is basing it from the airport file for the airport addon to establish those parking spots. I've seen at hundreds of airports, mostly default but even lower quality pay ware airports where the parking headings are anywhere from 30-220 degrees in the wrong direction not to mention many GA aprons and cargo ramps etc don't get nearly the proper amount of parking spots if any.

i7-13700KF, 32gb DDR4 3200,  RTX 4080, Win 11, MSFS

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8 hours ago, DaveS said:

@kiek I don't have any to be learned folder with KBNA. Can you let me know what file you would need from me? There is just the file in the 3rd party archive folder and in the learned third party folder

A KBNA.xml  file in the  ../PSXT/TO_BE_LEARNED_OFFLINE folder

If it is not there your airport is up to date.

Could it be that you have not installed the new FeelThere version?  PSXT will generate an airport file if the number of positions in the archived file is different from the number of positions it detects locally for your KBNA addon from FeelThere (at your end.)  It is not very likely that the number of positions in the update is equal to the old version if I read your post about the new terminal.

If you want to be sure, do this:

close PSXT
Remove ../PSXT/airports/archive/thirdparty/FeelThere/KBNA.xml

Start PSXT and let it generate a KBNA.xml file in TBLO folder, send it to me.


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