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Guest grb

Can someone help me with a Borland compilation problem for Gauges?

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Guest grb

Hi all,OK, I have the Borland C compiler 5.5v downloaded and working OK. I have downloaded Arne's packages that he and Dragonfly had assembled some time ago. I have looked at various makefiles they and Jean Luc have put together and shared on this forum in the past. No matter what I have tried over a period of a few months....I cannot get a single gauge to compile from the examples that Arne B had shared with us. I have no problem creating simply c code and compiling it, linking it etc.. So my paths and lib/dirs etc. are set up correctly.Also I am carefull as to where I have placed and reference the gauge dirs files and the h files etc.. Again I do not get compilation errors regarding things not being able to be found/linked etc.. So I believe all libs that are required are in place. The problem I am having at this point is where I have a make file that first creates the obj files, then using the borland resource compiler ...create the required SDK.res file. The problem seems to be where in the last stage where I link the obj and res files...... I get the following error message...........WHERE I type the following in DOS window:make -f grb-ma~1 (which is the name of the make file.-------------------------------------------------------------RESULT IS AS FOLLOWS:-------------------------------------------------------------MAKE Version 5.2 Copyright © 1987, 2000 Borland e:BorlandBCC55binbcc32.exe -c -IE:BorlandBCC55gauges E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK-1.cBorland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright © 1993, 2000 BorlandE:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK-1.c:Warning W8075 E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK.Temperature.c 10: Suspicious pointer conversionWarning W8057 E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK-1.c 17: Parameter 'hDLL' is never used in function DllMainWarning W8057 E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK-1.c 17: Parameter 'dwReason' is never used in function DllMainWarning W8057 E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK-1.c 17: Parameter 'lpReserved' is never used in function DllMain e:BorlandBCC55binbrcc32.exe -w32 -r -V E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK.rcBorland Resource Compiler Version 5.40Copyright © 1990, 1999 Inprise Corporation. All rights reserved. e:BorlandBCC55binilink32.exe /Tpd /c /C /Gn /x /q /Gpr SDK-1.obj E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK.res user32.lib gdi32.lib kernel32.lib;Error: 'E:BORLANDBCC55GAUGESSDK.RES' contains invalid OMF record, type 0x00** error 2 ** deleting SDK.gau___________________________________________________Notice that other then a few warnings during the object compile stage I do not get any errors until the last stage.........where one tries to link the pre-compiled files, objs and res file. See where it says........."contains invalid OMF record"If I take the resource compile stage out of the make file and compile the resource file from the SDK.rc file etc... as a standalone in DOSwindow I get no errors.Then if I take that resource stage out of the make file and just try to compile that last stage......linking objs and res file etc.. I still get the same error message.********************************************So .............I was wondering if I could email someone each file as well as the make file so someone could help me find out what I am doing wrong. Or is it something wrong with the original SDK.rc, SDK.c, gauge bmps files or the C code for any of the original gauges?I tried to use care as I created the SDK.rc gauge to just represent one of the example gauges. And I have touched the header files norin any way tinkered or changed anything in any lib file etc..The files are not long........so I would not be sending a ton of stuff to someone to look over. Off course I would also send a copy of the above output errors from the make process.Thanks in advance for anyones help. I am really getting discouraged at this point to say the least.regards,George

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Guest JeanLuc_

Hi George,just post your makefile in this forum, we will have a look. Also, if you name your makefile file "makefile", you just have to type "make" from a command prompt.Also, you shouldn't get these:====================================================================Warning W8057 E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK-1.c 17: Parameter 'hDLL' is never used in function DllMainWarning W8057 E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK-1.c 17: Parameter 'dwReason' is never used in function DllMainWarning W8057 E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK-1.c 17: Parameter 'lpReserved' is never used in function DllMain====================================================================I suspect something wrong in the SDK you are using.

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Guest grb

Thank you JeanLuc for your kindness. OK. Firstly, I am not trying to compile all the SDK gauges at one time. What I did was extract only the code for lets say the SDK temperature gauge into the X.rc file,making sure it looks exactly like the original, simply copied and pasted where appropritate, making sure I supply FULL LENGTH paths for include files etc.. That is why I had asked if some one would be willing to look at the four files. ....You will notice I have copied most of the Make File code that you shared some time back on this forum. I try to use brcc32 in a single pass, as well as in this makefile version, try to precompile in second stage, then use the tmp.rc file to then compile/link the resource code, as is in your example make file..... IN EITHER CASE I GET THE SAME WARNING/ERROR MESSAGES DURING THE FIRST STAGE (OBJECT COMPILE STAGE AND THE SECOND STAGE WHERE THE RESOURCE COMPILATION IS DONE). The reason I am only trying to compile one gauge is that no matter what I have tried in the way makefiles where put together, using the originals from Arne/Dragonfly, etc...etc.. I never could get the whole SDK package to compile without fatal errors etc. I also tried using the various guage.h files, library sets etc, based on each downloaded set of things (original SDK stuff, Arne's stuff etc..).So I figured that I would try simple and just try to compile ONE gauge! Here goes..........# makepink grb. 01/16/04 Try to compile a single gauge.......# Copyright © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.GAUGE_NAME=TemperatureCPP=e:BorlandBCC55bincpp32.exeCC=e:BorlandBCC55binbcc32.exeRC=e:BorlandBCC55binbrcc32.exeLD=e:BorlandBCC55binilink32.exeINCDIR=E:BorlandBCC55gaugesDESTDIR=..workINCS=-I$(INCDIR)LIBS=user32.lib gdi32.lib kernel32.lib#the following lines taken from E:downloads-for-cfs2cfs2-sdksd2gua makefile.deffile=gauges_bcc.def# RTL, startup module and module definition file for the linkerrtl=import32.lib cw32mt.lib uuid.libinit_module=c0d32x.objL_FLAGS=/Tpd /c /C /Gn /x /q /Gprgoal: SDK.gauSDK.obj: $(INCDIR)FS2K2Gauges.h $(INCDIR)SDK-1.c $(INCDIR)SDK.Temperature.c $(CC) $(C_FLAGS) -c $(INCS) $(INCDIR)SDK-1.cSDK.res: $(INCDIR)SDK.rc $(INCDIR)SDK.h $(INCDIR)resSDK.Temperature.bg.bmp $(INCDIR)resSDK.Temperature.F.bmp $(INCDIR)resSDK.Temperature.C.bmp #$(BRCC) -r -V -w32 $(INCDIR)SDK.rc $(CPP) $(INCS) -q -otmp.rc $(INCDIR)SDK.rc $(RC) $(INCS) -r -V -w32 -fo $(INCDIR)SDK.res tmp.rc #del tmp.rcSDK.gau: SDK.obj SDK.res $(LD) $(L_FLAGS) SDK-1.obj $(INCDIR)SDK.res $(LIBS)clean: del $(DESTDIR)*.exp del $(DESTDIR)*.gau del $(DESTDIR)*.lib del *.obj del *.res_________________________END OF MAKEFILE____________________what I type in the dos screen is: makefile -f makepinkBelow are the contents for SDK.rc, SDK-1.c, SDK.Temperature.c.........**************HERE SDK.rc ***************************// SDK.rc// Copyright © 2000 Microsoft Corp. All Rights Reserved#include "E:BorlandBCC55gaugessdk.h"///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Version//VS_VERSION_INFO VERSIONINFO FILEVERSION VERSION_MAJOR,VERSION_MINOR,0,VERSION_BUILD PRODUCTVERSION VERSION_MAJOR,VERSION_MINOR,0,VERSION_BUILD FILEFLAGSMASK 0x3fL FILEFLAGS 0x0L FILEOS 0x10004L FILETYPE 0x1L FILESUBTYPE 0x0LBEGIN BLOCK "StringFileInfo" BEGIN BLOCK "040904b0" BEGIN VALUE "CompanyName", "grb0" VALUE "FileDescription", "FS Gauge0" VALUE "FileVersion", "VER10" VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Your Copyright.0" VALUE "ProductName", "TempGauge0" VALUE "ProductVersion", "VER10" END END BLOCK "VarFileInfo" BEGIN VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200 ENDEND///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Temperature Gauge Bitmaps//BMP_TEMPERATURE_SMALL_BACKGROUND BITMAP DISCARDABLE "e:borlandBCC55gaugesresSDK.Temperature.bg.bmp"BMP_TEMPERATURE_SMALL_F BITMAP DISCARDABLE "e:borlandBCC55gaugesresSDK.Temperature.F.bmp"BMP_TEMPERATURE_SMALL_C BITMAP DISCARDABLE "e:borlandBCC55gaugesresSDK.Temperature.C.bmp"**************HERE IS SDK-1.C ***************************// SDK-1.c modified from original SDK.c to only have the temperature gauge.// Copyright © 2000 Microsoft Corp. All Rights Reserved#include "E:BorlandBCC55gaugesFS2K2Gauges.h"#include "E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK.h"/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Temperature/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#define GAUGE_NAME "Temperature"#define GAUGEHDR_VAR_NAME gaugehdr_temperature#define GAUGE_W 100#include "SDK.Temperature.c"/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Gauge table entries/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////GAUGE_TABLE_BEGIN() GAUGE_TABLE_ENTRY(&gaugehdr_temperature)GAUGE_TABLE_END()********** HERE IS SDK.Temperature.c **** Made no changes in file// SDK.Temperature.c// Copyright © 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.// Set up gauge headerchar temperature_gauge_name[] = GAUGE_NAME;extern PELEMENT_HEADER temperature_list;extern MOUSERECT temperature_mouse_rect[];GAUGE_HEADER_FS700(GAUGE_W, temperature_gauge_name, &temperature_list, temperature_mouse_rect, 0, 0, 0, 0);#define GAUGE_CHARSET DEFAULT_CHARSET#define GAUGE_FONT_DEFAULT "Courier New"#define GAUGE_WEIGHT_DEFAULT FW_NORMAL/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////FAILURE_RECORD temperature_fail[] ={ {FAIL_SYSTEM_ELECTRICAL_PANELS, FAIL_ACTION_NO_DRAW}, {FAIL_NONE, FAIL_ACTION_NONE}};/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////FLOAT64 FSAPI temperature_string_cb( PELEMENT_STRING pelement ){ FLOAT64 val = pelement->source_var[0].var_value.n; val *= 256; if( pelement->source_var[1].var_value.n == ENGLISH_UNITS ) val = val*9/5 +32; // limit var if ( val > 999 ) val = 999.0; else if( val < -99 ) val = -99; wsprintf(pelement->string, "%3d", (UINT32)val); return val;}MAKE_STRING( temperature_string, NULL, temperature_fail, IMAGE_USE_ERASE | IMAGE_USE_BRIGHT | IMAGE_USE_TRANSPARENCY, 0, 28, 9, 60, 29, 3, TOTAL_AIR_TEMP, DISPLAY_UNITS, MODULE_VAR_NONE, RGB(255,0,0), RGB(0,0,0), RGB(92,92,92), GAUGE_FONT_DEFAULT, GAUGE_WEIGHT_DEFAULT, GAUGE_CHARSET, 0, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE, NULL, temperature_string_cb)FLOAT64 FSAPI temperature_cf_cb( PELEMENT_ICON pelement ){ if( pelement->source_var.var_value.n == ENGLISH_UNITS ) return 0; else return 1;}MAKE_ICON( temperature_cf, BMP_TEMPERATURE_SMALL_F, NULL, temperature_fail, 0, 0, 99, 9, DISPLAY_UNITS, temperature_cf_cb, ICON_SWITCH_TYPE_SET_CUR_ICON, 2, 0, 0)PELEMENT_HEADER temperature_icon_list[] ={ &temperature_string.header, &temperature_cf.header, NULL};/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////MAKE_STATIC( temperature_background, BMP_TEMPERATURE_SMALL_BACKGROUND, &temperature_icon_list, NULL, IMAGE_USE_TRANSPARENCY, 0, 0,0)PELEMENT_HEADER temperature_list = &temperature_background.header;MOUSE_BEGIN( temperature_mouse_rect, HELPID_CONCORDE_TEMPERATURE_TOTAL, 0, 0 )MOUSE_END/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#undef GAUGE_NAME#undef GAUGEHDR_VAR_NAME#undef GAUGE_W*********** FINALLY IN CASE YOU WANT TO COPY ALL THIS STUFF TOYOUR MACHINE SO THAT YOU CAN HAVE A BETTER LOOK COMPARING THE MAKEFILE ERROR CODE TO WHAT THE FILES CONTAIN I WILL SHOW AGAIN THE OUTPUT OF THE MAKEFILE ...........MAKE Version 5.2 Copyright © 1987, 2000 Borland e:BorlandBCC55binbcc32.exe -c -IE:BorlandBCC55gauges E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK-1.cBorland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright © 1993, 2000 BorlandE:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK-1.c:Warning W8057 E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK-1.c 17: Parameter 'hDLL' is never used in function DllMainWarning W8057 E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK-1.c 17: Parameter 'dwReason' is never used in function DllMainWarning W8057 E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK-1.c 17: Parameter 'lpReserved' is never used in function DllMain e:BorlandBCC55bincpp32.exe -IE:BorlandBCC55gauges -q -otmp.rc E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK.rcE:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK.rc: e:BorlandBCC55binbrcc32.exe -IE:BorlandBCC55gauges -r -V -w32 -fo E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK.res tmp.rcBorland Resource Compiler Version 5.40Copyright © 1990, 1999 Inprise Corporation. All rights reserved. e:BorlandBCC55binilink32.exe /Tpd /c /C /Gn /x /q /Gpr SDK-1.obj E:BorlandBCC55gaugesSDK.res user32.lib gdi32.lib kernel32.libError: 'E:BORLANDBCC55GAUGESSDK.RES' contains invalid OMF record, type 0x00** error 2 ** deleting SDK.gauWELL I THINK I HAVE INCLUDED ADEQUATE FILES ....I HAVE NOT CHANGED ANYTHING IN ANY LIBRARY FILE ETC.. THANK YOU ...........JeanLuc.

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Guest bartels

Not sure, but I think single "" don't work in .rc files. C is somewhat related to Unix and uses "/" for directories, and the "" is preset with the special function to introduce special characters. For .rc files always make sure that you use doubled backslashes "" instead of "" for paths.If you have strings with path delimiters in C files you also have to use instead of , but not foe #include'd file paths.Arne Bartels

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Guest JeanLuc_

Ok!Let's start over :-)here is an archive with everything setup properly for the SDK example to compile with BCC:1) unzip the SDK example to a folder2) unzip the content of my archive over. It will replace the gauges.h with a "modified" one, will replace the gauges code with a new FS800 header type definition (which is defined in the modified gauges.h), and it includes the makefile and the necessary .def files.open a command prompt in the folder of the SDK gauge example, then simply type "make". Everything should compile with a couple warnings that's all. These warnings are from the SDK code so you have a skeleton / minimum configuration setup for any gauge with my archive.Don't forget to also:=========================================================2. From the bin directory of your installation: a. Add "c:BorlandBcc55" to the existing path b. Create a bcc32.cfg file which will set the compiler options for the Include and Lib paths (-I and -L switches to compiler) by adding these lines: -I"c:BorlandBcc55include" -L"c:BorlandBcc55lib" c. Create an ilink32.cfg file which will set the linker option for the Lib path by adding this line: -L"c:BorlandBcc55lib"=========================================================on my setup, the files include:A) for bcc32.cfg located in the bin subfolder:-I"c:bcc55include"-L:"c:bcc55lib";"c:Bcc55libpsdk":( and for the ilink32.cfg:-L"c:bcc55lib";"c:Bcc55libpsdk"These are the path for my setup.Don't forget the a. Add "c:BorlandBcc55" to the existing path. That is to your PATH environment variable.Mine reads:"C:BCC55BIN"Hope this helps!http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/58154.zip

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Guest grb

Thanks for suggestion Arne.I am aware of the significance of "" when working in the Unix world.But, when I look at all the rc files etc., in the original MS SDK and things I have downloaded from you etc.., I do not see double backslahes nor forward slashes used in the rc files etc.. For instance one will see lets say:BMP_TEMPERATURE_SMALL_C BITMAP DISCARDABLE "e:borlandBCC55gaugesresSDK.Temperature.C.bmp"NOW notice........the original did not even have the one set of "" you see hear. I got this idea to include only the single set based on somewhere in your or Dragonflies FS2K2SDK documentation.But I will try to change every occurance of single backslahes to forward slashes, then if that does not work try double backslashes in the full path line (......... etc..).As a side note, I one carefully examines how I modified the three files, I took into account exact replicate code requried for a given gauge. I would never had tried to compile a single file had I been able to compile the SDK original sets of stuff and or your various versions that I obtain via. this forum some time back.It just seemed like by trying a single gauge I could narrow down where I am going wrong in contructing my make files.At any rate, thanks for the tip. best regards,George

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Guest grb

OK Firstly thank you both for the help. I really appreciate it!REALLY!Arne, feedback per your suggestion regarding backslash, double backslash, one forward slash. I changed all occurances in the rc file to reflect either a "/" or a "". Here is the line I get back after running the make file:Error tmp.rc 130 67: Cannot open file: e:borlandBCC55gaugesresSDK.Temperature.bg.bmpThe version where I use all single slashed in the paths arguements in the rc file give me the same message as when I use all "".So this was not the problem.......At this point I will follow JeanLuc's suggestions carefully and see what happens. Right off the bat I can see I do not have the line shown in his linker config file that references "libpsdk". Funny I had earlier questioned if the linker would autmatically search subdir trees for additional libraries. JeanLuc, I understand what you wrote. I will download your stuff from the suppllied URL. Thanks again, both for your kindness.I will surely let you all know the results.best regards,George

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Guest grb

JeanLuc,I followed each step. I already had the PATH set. So at this pointhere is what I have in my two config files:bcc32.conf:-I"E:BorlandBcc55include"-L"E:BorlandBcc55lib";"E:BorlandBcc55libpsdk"ilink32.conf:-L"E:BorlandBcc55lib";"E:BorlandBcc55libpsdk"Next Step:created a directory called jeanluc under e:BorlandBcc55Next Step:copied all the FS2K2 SDK example files and the res directory tojeanluc dir. NOTICED YOU DID NOT INCLUDE THE RES DIR/FILES.....Next Step:Unzipped your 58154.zip file to this dir. Obviously saying yes to all the files it wanted to over right.Next Step:modified following lines in your makefile:_________________________________________CC=e:borlandbcc55binbcc32.exeCPP=e:borlandbcc55bincpp32.exeLD=e:borlandbcc55binilink32RC=e:borlandbcc55binbrcc32.exe...move SDK.gau e:BorlandBCC55workSDK.gau-----------------------------------------I MADE NO OTHER CHANGE TO THE MAKEFILE.Next Step: run make while in the jeanluc directory this wayso there are no gotchas etc.....binmake -f .makefile > errorYes I know that if a file is called makefile that make will detect it,but as you can see, I wanted to put the results into a error file so that I can paste the results into this thread. If I simply run makeI get the same output as seen in the error file you see here.HERE IS THE RESULT:**********************************************************MAKE Version 5.2 Copyright © 1987, 2000 Borland e:borlandbcc55binbcc32.exe -O2 -w-par -q -6 -Oc -OS -Ov -tWD -DWINVER=0x0400 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 -Oi -RT- -v- -x- -xf -P- -Tkh32768 -c SDK.cSDK.C:Warning W8069 SDK.FlightMap.c 98: Nonportable pointer conversion in function FlightMapCallbackError E2340 SDK.FlightMap.c 108: Type mismatch in parameter 1 (wanted 'HDC__ *', got 'unsigned long') in function FlightMapCallbackError E2340 SDK.FlightMap.c 109: Type mismatch in parameter 1 (wanted 'HDC__ *', got 'unsigned long') in function FlightMapCallbackError E2340 SDK.FlightMap.c 110: Type mismatch in parameter 1 (wanted 'HDC__ *', got 'unsigned long') in function FlightMapCallbackError E2340 SDK.FlightMap.c 143: Type mismatch in parameter 1 (wanted 'HDC__ *', got 'unsigned long') in function FlightMapCallbackError E2340 SDK.FlightMap.c 144: Type mismatch in parameter 1 (wanted 'HDC__ *', got 'unsigned long') in function FlightMapCallbackError E2340 SDK.FlightMap.c 145: Type mismatch in parameter 1 (wanted 'HDC__ *', got 'unsigned long') in function FlightMapCallbackWarning W8012 SDK.FlightMap.c 152: Comparing signed and unsigned values in function FlightMapCallbackWarning W8012 SDK.FlightMap.c 159: Comparing signed and unsigned values in function FlightMapCallbackError E2340 SDK.FlightMap.c 160: Type mismatch in parameter 1 (wanted 'HDC__ *', got 'unsigned long') in function FlightMapCallbackError E2340 SDK.FlightMap.c 162: Type mismatch in parameter 1 (wanted 'HDC__ *', got 'unsigned long') in function FlightMapCallbackError E2340 SDK.FlightMap.c 163: Type mismatch in parameter 1 (wanted 'HDC__ *', got 'unsigned long') in function FlightMapCallbackError E2340 SDK.FlightMap.c 165: Type mismatch in parameter 1 (wanted 'HDC__ *', got 'unsigned long') in function FlightMapCallbackError E2340 SDK.FlightMap.c 169: Type mismatch in parameter 1 (wanted 'HDC__ *', got 'unsigned long') in function FlightMapCallbackError E2340 SDK.FlightMap.c 170: Type mismatch in parameter 1 (wanted 'HDC__ *', got 'unsigned long') in function FlightMapCallbackWarning W8008 SDK.FlightMap.c 305: Condition is always true in function GPSARG_Get_WP_IDWarning W8019 SDK.FlightMap.c 358: Code has no effect in function AddNewWaypoint*** 12 errors in Compile ***** error 1 ** deleting SDK.obj*****************************************************************So as you can see, there was a problem with FlightMap.c file, thenafter so many errors.....process terminated.Q1: Any hints as to what may be happening at this point?I could not help notice that you do not assign and make variable that expands to represent path to take for the includes and libraries.Q2: Am I to assume that the Borland compiler(s) look into the bcc32 and ilink32 config files and know where to find the libraries and h files etc., without having to include them in the make file compiler lines?In regards to question 2. I always assigne a variable to provide the full path to where include dir etc. is, then place that variable intothe compiler command line sequence, which is typical way to do it.ButI do not see you doing it in your makefile.At any rate, this is the result. As you can see I followed each one of the steps you told me to do. One other thing.Q3: Where you refering to the SDK example dirs/files that we download for FS2K2?Or does the term you used "1. unzip the SDK eample to a folder."refer to some other SDK package? Why I ask this is I did a one for one comparisison between my SDK example dir and (it also has the original res dir under it of course), and the files found in yourZIP file after unpacking them. There was a one for one match. Which is what I would expect.Thanks for your patience,George

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Guest JeanLuc_

DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT modify the makefile file like you did:=============CC=e:borlandbcc55binbcc32.exeCPP=e:borlandbcc55bincpp32.exeLD=e:borlandbcc55binilink32RC=e:borlandbcc55binbrcc32.exe=============this is useless and this is the purpose of the PATH enviro var, as well as the 2 .cfg files for the BCC compiler.this of course is alright: move SDK.gau e:BorlandBCC55workSDK.gau(I usualy move to the FS gauge folder....)Now about the errors:at line 4761 of the gauges.h I've provided, there is:#define COLORREF unsigned long#define HDC unsigned long#define HFONT unsigned long#define HBITMAP unsigned long#define HBRUSH unsigned longcomment these out and try again!

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Guest grb

OK JeanLuc,I commented out the five lines. And tried again. Bingo! I got no errors only a few warnings......and a SDK.gauge was created. So it looks like those five lines where the problem.I have been working at this stuff for at least 12 hours today and am getting a bit weary. So I am going to hit the sack. Tommorow I will try out your SDK gauges. Thank you for your patience and help. I will let you know how I make out.best regards,George

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Guest bartels

Ah so it's the gauges.h from 2000 SDK! The original gauges.h from FS2002 SDK doesn't contain these lines any more, and of course the fs2k2gauges.h in Dai's tutorial also.Arne Bartels

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Guest JeanLuc_

In fact, these are personal modifications which goes with some others in the default BCC includes.... :-)

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Guest grb

Arne,You wrote:"Ah so it's the gauges.h from 2000 SDK! The original gauges.h from FS2002 SDK doesn't contain these lines any more, and of course the fs2k2gauges.h in Dai's tutorial also."Question.So what is the ramifications based on your observations per above, as to the reliability of the 2000/CFS2 SDK header files? Does this mean that one will not be able to use the 2000 SDK stuff to create gauges for CFS2 level? Sorry if the question begs a long drawn out explaination. Don't feel obligated to answer if it requires to much time on your part to set us straight.JeanLuc,Your gauges work just fine in a plane panel I added them to for FS2K2.Thanks again for your patience and advice, and the set of header files and otherwise that you had to put time into to make the stuff work!Just for the heck of it.......I will show the results below. **********************************************************MAKE Version 5.2 Copyright © 1987, 2000 Borland bcc32.exe -O2 -w-par -q -6 -Oc -OS -Ov -tWD -DWINVER=0x0400 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 -Oi -RT- -v- -x- -xf -P- -Tkh32768 -c SDK.cSDK.C:Warning W8012 SDK.FlightMap.c 152: Comparing signed and unsigned values in function FlightMapCallbackWarning W8012 SDK.FlightMap.c 159: Comparing signed and unsigned values in function FlightMapCallbackWarning W8019 SDK.FlightMap.c 264: Code has no effect in function ScalePointWarning W8019 SDK.FlightMap.c 264: Code has no effect in function ScalePointWarning W8008 SDK.FlightMap.c 305: Condition is always true in function GPSARG_Get_WP_IDWarning W8019 SDK.FlightMap.c 358: Code has no effect in function AddNewWaypointWarning W8019 SDK.FlightMap.c 361: Code has no effect in function AddNewWaypointWarning W8019 SDK.FlightMap.c 361: Code has no effect in function AddNewWaypoint cpp32.exe -q -otmp.rc SDK.rcSDK.RC: brcc32.exe -fo SDK.res tmp.rcBorland Resource Compiler Version 5.40Copyright © 1990, 1999 Inprise Corporation. All rights reserved. del tmp.rc ilink32 /Tpd /c /C /Gn /x /q /Gpr c0d32x.obj SDK.obj , SDK.gau,, IMPORT32.LIB cw32mt.lib uuid.lib dsound.lib dxextra.lib ,gauges_bcc.def,SDK.res SDK.res ****************************************************************One Question for you JeanLuc if I may:Should I only see a little white (arrow or plane shape) in the center of a medium greyish colored screen? That is all that shows up for the FlightMap gauge. Any explainations as to what that gauge is for would be appreciated. Thank you both for your help and look forward to communicating to you in the future. My plan is to somehow create a active Radar Gauge for the CFS2 community. very best regards,George

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Guest bartels

The gauges made with Panel and Gauges SDK can usually be used with the following sim, but not the other way round. CFS2 came after FS2000 and before FS2002, so you are on the safe side if you use FS2000 gauges.h for CFS2 gauges. The normal changes from version and version are usually some added variables,keys,helpids etc.. You might find them by comparing FS2000 FS2002 gauges.h and note the differences in the KEY_..,HELP_ID_.. sequence and the token list. All CFS2 variables are included in the FS2002 list (as all CFS1 variables were in the FS2000 list), but you can't use all variables from FS2002 in CFS2.BTW with the Flightmap gauge, load a flightplan in your area and look if you see the waypoints, but also drop the gps_export.dll in the module folder of Fs2002, DON'T do this in any other Fs sim, this would presumably crash your system. The gps_export.dll hooks in the internal FS data and exports the gps part, it is very version specific.Arne Bartels

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Guest grb

Arne,Thanks for the above explaination regarding SDK suitability for a given simulator. And the explaination as what the FlightMap gauge does. I will try out what you say to do, to see if waypoints etc., show up in that gauge after loading a flightplan.best regards,George

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  • Tom Allensworth,
    Founder of AVSIM Online

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