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Guest jjlobo

fps! one more time :-)

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Guest marcao

Hi All,I have followed the tips & tricks for having Fly!II updated, but I think I am not geting the best performance from the program, cause with PMDG 757 (the plane I use the most of the time) I have very low fps. So, how here is the best place to have some help, I'm posting my specs and ini's. Maybe someone can point me from where to get some more smoothness. Or you will say me if only one hardware upgrade can solve the problem.Thanks in advance.PIII 800, Asus CUV4X-E, 512MB RAM (PC-133), ATI RADEON 9000 128MB.Fly!II patched to 240, zoom 1:33My fly 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G'day Marco,Mate you are really working the PIII 800 hard. The PMDG aircraft are the most complex aircraft available for FlY!II. I really think that your cpu is the basically the weak link in your setup.There is no magic tweak that is going to give you a BIG fps increase. You have already reduced visibility, reduced hi and medium resolution radius, switched off AI aircraft.You could INCREASE the zoom factor a bit. I normally fly at 2.00 and where scenery density is very high I increase to 2.67. This will give a bit of an fps increase but don't expect miracles. :-)Time for an upgrade :-)Cheers,Roger @YSSY

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Marco, Let me poke my nose in here for a second. :)When you say your not getting good FPS. What exactly are you getting? In what areas are you flying? I mean areas that are graphically intense with several models beings displayed. If so whats the poly count of the models? IMO with a system like you have. With as much ram on board and 128 meg video card. I want to think it could be something other than just what type of aircraft your using. Have you tried using any other air craft? Such as Flyhawk or Pilatus.I will admit I see a reduction in fps when using some of the heavy air craft. I know dropping down to 800 X 600 resolution will give you some increase in fps. Lastly when running FlyII. What if any other applications do you have running in the back ground? Web browser, Email, ect?If so try shutting down any thing taht you dont need to be running. FlyII is a system resource memory eating machine. :)But still the best danged Flying machine out there. :)TonyFlyII! ver. 2.40Directx 8.1nVidia drivers 41.09ECS K7S5A SOCKETA /DDR/ATX MB, DDR SRAM 128MB PC-2100 266MHZ MEMORY ,AMD ATHLON T-BIRD 1.2GHZ 256K FSB266 PGA , NVIDIA GEFORCE2 MX-400 64MB AGP

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Guest marcao

>Mate you are really working the PIII 800 hard. >Time for an upgrade :-) Thanks Roger. I really apreciate.Regards, :-beerchugMarco Antonio SilvaBrazil

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Guest marcao

>When you say your not getting good FPS. What exactly are you >getting? Around 11 with the 757 and 9 with 777, panel vision. With outside view I get low 20's to 40's.I noted that the scenery doesn't hit that hard the fps, it's the panel the vilan :-) Flying the Citabria (what great plane!) my fps are mid 20's, very smooth for Fly!II. >In what areas are you flying? My base scnery is SBGR, hand made :-) but I fly around the world, following the flight roster of my VA. I use preferentially not heavy sceneries, of course :-)>Have you tried using any other air craft?The Citabria as stated above.>I know dropping down to 800 X 600 resolution will give you >some increase in fps. It's not an option for me. I really don't like the look of the panel at that resolution. This week I tried with 1280 x 1024. Man, that's really beautifull, apart some minor glitches, because it was not made for that resolution. I noted a drop of only 3 or 4 fps, but for me is more than enough :-)>Lastly when running FlyII. What if any other applications do >you have running in the back ground? Web browser, Email, ect? No programs running in the background.>But still the best danged Flying machine out there. :) I totally agree with you!Thanks Tony !Well, now is time to convince my wife that an upgrade is essential :-)Regards, :-beerchugMarco Antonio SilvaBrazil

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Good morning Roger:>You could INCREASE the zoom factor a bit. I normally fly at 2.00 and where scenery density is very high I increase to 2.67. This will give a bit of an fps increase but don't expect miracles.

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Guest marcao

>Where and how do you change, (increase/decrease), the "ZOOM >FACTOR"? Curtis, you have to open the Options menu, click on Keys & Buttons, choose Camera Keys and then assign a keystroke to Zoom Ratio (IN and OUT). I use - and = but you are free to use whatever you want.I readed a long time ago, that 1:33 is the most real setting, and I use it since the original Fly! was installed in my machine, same with some impact on fps. Would somebody disagree?Regards, :-beerchugMarco Antonio SilvaBrazil

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Guest jjlobo

Marco,I'm running Fly! II latest patch in a Pentium IV, 256MB, NVidia 64MB, Windows XP Home Edition and I don't have better performance than you are experiencing.I think there is something else behind performance issues.I'm mentioning it because I have migrated only to get better performance in Fly! II and didn't get it yet. Frustrated until now...___ JJLobo ___55 11 37268158

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Guest marcao

>I'm mentioning it because I have migrated only to get better >performance in Fly! II and didn't get it yet. Thanks for sharing. It's really interesting to note how diferent guys with similar machines have diferent results with Fly!II.Obrigado Jo

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