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FLY performance downhill?

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Since FLY II has been out for a long time, my fairly decent computer should make this sim cook. Why is it that I get stutters and slow performance after an hour or so? Anybody got an answer for this one?

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Guest Fly II Pilot

Do you have Fly! II patched up to 2.5.240?Do you have anything else running in the background that could be accessing the HD?What aircraft are you using?Where are you flying (scenery)?Could you post your render.ini file?Regards,http://www.avsim.com/hangar/fly/dfdg/banneraa.jpg

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Guest tonyc

ON my amd 2500 and a fx5600 256 , fly2 in clouds does not drop below 30 fps. There's a lot written on the render.ini. Make sure it's optimized.tony

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I'm patched up to 250.240. I don't know what I need to do to post my ini. Do I just attach it to a post? I'm new to FLY, but I've read the first time post and done what it said. Thanks for the help.One more thing, my performance is really good, but after an hour of flying with the default A/C and scenery, I get the stutters.HELP!!:>

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Guest Fly II Pilot

You can just copy and paste it here. Some of the tags will be lost because of the brackets, but that's fine.Also, are you using any addons? If so, which. I think there was one that caused some problems.Take care,http://www.avsim.com/hangar/fly/dfdg/banneraa.jpg

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I'm at the office right now, so I can't paste it just yet, though I do thank you for your care. As for addons, I only installed what was recommended from the First Time Flyers Thread and the EADS Socata. That's it as far as addons go. Thanks for the assist. I'll have to grab that for you when I get to the house before I leave for the weekend.:>

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OK, here's my INI, thanks for looking.[Graphics]airShadowFlag=0showDistantClouds=0flatShadeFlag=0filterFlag=1useAGPFlag=2gamePIXX=1024gamePIXY=768gameBitsPerPixel=32autoFullScreen=0useDirect3D=1ditherFlag=1useLensFlare=1numTextureSlots=0environmentMap=1rendererVideoCard=0textureDetailThreshold=2exteriorCamZoom=32768interiorCamZoom=32768useNightLights=3limitTaxiwayPavementDistance=0detailTileMinimumPixels=24detailTileAutoDisable=1popBuildingsIntoView=0popBuildingsTolerance=20desiredMinPossibleVisibility=100desiredMaxPossibleVisibility=316800rendererDLLPath=tridx8.dlltaxiwayTileRepeat=4highDetailRadius=6medDetailRadius=10animateWater=1minCameraZoom=8192maxCameraZoom=49152movieSizeX=256movieSizeY=192movieFPS=10maxUserVisibility=20useEnvLighting=0waterTransparency=64waterTilingDensity=8scatteredCloudCount=500fewCloudCount=248distanceHidingRadius=2sceneryDetailLevel=5enableNightLights=1viewableTaxiwayPavementDistance=2000viewableTaxiwayLightDistance=2000markingTotalFadeOutDistance=12152viewableTaxiwayHeight=1000viewableTaxiwayMarkingDistance=3000runwayLightFogPenetration=1000lightScalarDusk=50lightScalarDawn=50lightScalarDay=100lightScalarNight=25runwayLightDistanceFadeMinFeet=12152runwayLightDistanceFadeMaxFeet=30380runwayLightDistanceFadeMaxRatio=75lightIntensityStandard=0.500000lightIntensityCenterline=0.500000lightIntensityTouchdown=0.500000lightIntensityALSF=1.000000lightIntensityRAIL=2.000000lightIntensityVASI=3.000000lightIntensityREIL=3.000000lightIntensityTaxiway=0.125000userHeadPitch=0randomlySwapSkies=1[ATC]showServiceNames=1showATCScrollingText=1forceLargeAirportsInList=1[Editors]padComPort=2padBaudRate=9600padBits=8padParity=2padStopBits=0editorSliceBitsPerPixel=6[sound]OutBits=8OutRate=22050SpeakerCfg=STEREOUseModMusic=YEPSfxEnabled=65535MasterLVol=100MasterRVol=100SfxVol=100ModGameMusicVol=100MasterStereoSeperation=100ModSeperation=70WideStereo=0Mute=NOPEFullDuplexFlag=NOPEDeviceName=DirectSound: 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BooksDefault.loguseSpeechRecognition=0overlayState=01000000001111airportOverlays=0000000000010000000000000airportOverlaysMilitary=1navaidOverlaysVOR=1navaidOverlaysNDB=1navaidOverlaysVORDME=1navaidOverlaysNDBDME=1waypointOverlaysNamed=1waypointOverlaysNDB=1waypointOverlaysOther=1useAutoSave=0autoShowMOTD=1showOverlayPalette=-1showModePalette=-1showInfoPalette=0minimizeFPChecklist=0minimizeNavLog=0firstRun=0userVRAMSetting=2alwaysCreateVehicle=0allowDebugInfo=1allowSkyTweaker=1allowMultipleMaps=0serchOtherDrives=0saveGlobalWeather=0startupOptions=0startupAircraft=WORLDTBM.NFOstartupAirport=US10802startupRunway=3EB1C30DstartupRunwayEnd=28RstartupEngine=0language=ENGdefaultSearchCountry=UNITED STATESdefaultSearchState=ALL 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etc.)FontOverrideID1=monoFontOverrideName1=

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Though it is the render.ini that will have the greatest effect on performance, there are a few things I've seen in your posted fly.ini I would recommend changing:If you are using the built-in ATC, then don't turn it off - however, the built-in ATC dates back to the original Fly! and is not as realistic as other offerings. If you want to use a sim-run ATC, I highly recommend the add-on: Cleared 4 Takeoff (C4TO). This is a scripted program, and also requires the installation of the latest version of Flyscripts for Fly!2. There is also a later version of C4TO known as the C4TO DLL (it does not require Flyscripts to run). It includes many new features, though you might want to consider it a beta program.Here's the key: if you are not using the built-in ATC but have not deactivated it, ATC may run in the background, loading up a stack of messages that you haven't responded to. Eventually, this stack will effect your resources and may degrade Fly!2's performance over a long flight (or even cause a crash of the program).Unless you're using the built-in ATC, I'd disable it: useFactoryATC=0.The surface wind component in Fly!2 too is far too strong, and may even prohibit proper landing at some airports. :-) I recommend disabling slope wind for the most realistic performance: ignoreSlopeWind=1.If you resolve your performance issues, and you have enough computing power with a good video card, I highly recommend the use of Environmental Lighting - the aircraft will really come alive in exterior views: useEnvLighting=1.

Randall Rocke

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Wow, thanks a lot! Here's my render.ini if anyone else is interested. Thanks again guys.[Graphics]mipLevelCount=8vertexIndexFormat=1premultiplyColorAndAlpha=0allowAutoMipMapping=0directTextureFlag=0[Textures]maxTextures32=0maxTextures64_565=16maxTextures128=72maxTextures128_565=999maxTextures256=20maxTextures256_565=32maxTextures512=8maxTextures512_565=0maxTextures1024=1mipMapFlag=896maxTextures64=16[NonAGP]maxTextures256_565=0[AGP]maxTextures256_565=0

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Guest Fly II Pilot

One last piece of the puzzle...What hardware configuration do you have? Most importantly:- How much Hard Disk space do you have available?- What video card do you have and with how much RAM?- How many MB of RAM do you have on your computer?- What processor do you have?Regards,http://www.avsim.com/hangar/fly/dfdg/banneraa.jpg

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I'll leave it for others to suggest changes to your "slots" - supplying more info on your system will help them do this. If you don't get some good responses, I'll make some suggestions. I actually have several versions I load in for different kinds of flights/scenery.A couple of items on the first settings:1. The mipLevelCount affects the manner in which distant terrain is "softened" and blended with mid-range terrain. The standard setting works and helps to prevent a "moire" effect. However, this can also have the effect of slightly degrading performance and blurring the imagery. I use lower settings (5-6) to slightly increase performance and sharpen the terrain.2. Set the vertexIndexFormat=0. The original setting was for a specific card and should not be used with the latest patches anyway. It will also prevent some video problems.

Randall Rocke

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Thanks Alejandro and Randall.Here's the specs. Stock Dell 53302.53 GHZ P4 (stock)512 MB Ram DDRGeForce4 5600FX 128 MB Video Card (Latest Drivers)14 GB free space on HD out of 30Thanks again! This is a really helpful forum!

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You have plenty of power - it's not enough to run Fly!2 maxed, but it will run it very well. We've learned that processing power is one of the biggest factors for running the sim over other factors. Next would be the video card - you have a good card, but its response in Fly!2 will matter on the render.ini slot settings, which someone should now be able to help you with.You'll also find that with some kinds of scenery it's necessary to reduce visibility and change render settings. Unless you're in an extremely high detail scenery area, your system should be able to handle about 35-mile visibility with average weather conditions.It would also be helpful to know what your video drivers are - there was a recent driver that caused problems with Fly!2. To get proper performance, they had to reload earlier drivers - that may not be the case with their latest, but it helps to know the identifying number of the drivers you're using.Lastly, be sure that you don't run Fly!2 with any other background programs, or you will lose resources. Turn off screen savers, power savers, antivirus programs, IM programs, etc. The only other thing I allow to run on my system when I fly is my firewall - period.

Randall Rocke

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I'm running the Beta 61.71's from Guru3D. Had great luck with them in fs2004.Once again, thanks for all the help.:-beerchug

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