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    AVSIM Advertising Center Now Open!

    Tom Allensworth
    If you are an existing advertiser with ad currently running, please join the Ad Center today, and we will match up your running campaign so that you can start taking advantage of the features open to you as an account holder. If you are a past advertiser, please sign up today (its free and you do not need to create an ad to be an account owner).

    We are pleased to announce that the new AVSIM Advertising Center is now Online and fully functional. There are some significant differences and features for advertisers and those that would like to advertise their sites, products, services or other offerings to the AVSIM global community. The new system allows you to create your own ads, banners, and select their placement on AVSIM. Here is a short list of features now offered by AVSIM for our advertisers and those that would like to advertise:

    IMAGE BASED ADS: Conventional image advertising continues with the addition of FLASH and HTML advertisement. As always, AVSIM offers placement in nearly every location on the web site, now including the library! Take advantage of one of the most powerful advertising systems in our hobby today, and get your product in front of hundreds of thousands of readers every day.

    AD FORMATS THAT ARE COMING: We will shortly be introducing full page advertising with that is controlled by the advertiser. We are also looking at bringing video advertising Online as well. More features and formats for advertisers will be announced in the near future.

    GOOGLE LIKE TEXT ADS: For pennies a click through, you can set up and run your own text ad campaign. Buy a $10.00 package and place your text ad in prominent locations on the AVSIM site, including the File Library. You control how many clicks you will allow, and you control how much money you spend. Unlike Goggle however, you are not bidding for placement. Your text ad is in equal rotation with everyone else's' text ad. We are going to be adding many more text ad locations throughout AVSIM, so if text advertising is attractive to you, get in on the ground floor today.

    Text ads bring you the additional feature of targeted advertising. That is, you can pick countries where users are located and only show your ad to those members. That way, you target specific audiences and do not waste valuable click through. You can also control the times at which these ads appear.

    Join the center today, post a text ad, and start using the power of AVSIM Advertising! You can create your FREE account at the Advertising Center here.
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