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    MegaSceneryEarth Ultra-Res Cities


    Ultra-Res Cities take MegaSceneryEarth realism to a whole new level with unprecedented native 50 cm resolution scenery for larger cities and Terminal Control Areas. Boston is the first title in this series.


    You get around 6,000 square miles of the Boston Terminal Control Area (shown by the chart below) all displayed at 50 cm per pixel.


    The realism is simply stunning. You can fly this scenery and it remains clear right down to lower altitudes of around 500 feet. Perfect for helicopter flying around cities as well as cross city shorter flights in light aircraft or for ultra-realism while approaching and landing at a Terminal Control Area in a big jet.


    You'll note from the chart that this title also has complete Rhode Island state (excluding Block Island) so you can use this to upgrade your Rhode Island scenery if you already own it.


    This scenery can co-exist with your Massachusetts complete state scenery. Place the Ultra-Res city above the state scenery in your scenery library.


    So you can get full enjoyment from your Boston Ultra-Res city we also provide a complete set of PDF charts for the state of Massachusetts. The most important one for VFR navigation in the area is the Boston Terminal Area Chart and there's even a Boston Helicopter Route chart included.


    Visit the Ultra-Res Cities Homepagefor more information

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