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Steve Dra

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    USN AT1, served on several ships on the east coast. Avionics Tech on the SH-3 Seaking

    Aircraft painter for Flightsim.

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    1. pinlifter


      What what what 🤠

    2. Steve Dra

      Steve Dra

      Hehe...wondered if anyone even read a person's status. 🙂 I don't even know where you see it.

      I was very actively posting in a thread about CaptainSim 767

      Sadly Bob Scott, master mod here...closed the thread and that is not even the bad part.

      The bad part is when another one started and I started replying to some comments he just deleted my posts without warning.   Quite ironic since I was demonstrating that CS does the same thing with their customers who complain.  My posts were respectful, on topic, but he must have felt that I'm too much of a rabble-rouser.  He also deleted Brian T's too as he seems to be in cahoots with me...and perhaps the biggest outrage is that Ray Proudfoot ...with his new mod status, replied in the topic and indicated that all posts regarding CS were ok to explore...as long as they didn't go off the rails.....are you ready for this...Mr. Scott deleted his post too and overwrote his authority....can you believe that?

      Anyway....pending the outcome of how Avsim responds, You may never see me post here again and I will order Avsim to take my 143 paints off their library.  I refuse to deal with a site that let's mods act however they'd like with no warnings or apparent provocation. 


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